无刷直流电机的反演自适应动态滑模控制 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章无刷直流电机的反演自适应动态滑模控制 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读7bfdd966c381e53a580216fc700abb68a882ad79

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作者:苗敬利 井爽


摘 要: 无刷直流电机在工作中容易受到系统的外部干扰和参数摄动的影响,根据滑模变结构具有快速响应、鲁棒性好、物理实现简单等优点,可以将滑模变结构控制应用于无刷直流电机中。为了有效地降低无刷直流电机的抖振现象,提出动态滑模方案。同时将自适应技术和反演控制相结合运用到动态滑模方案中,可以实现不确定系统的无抖振滑模控制。仿真结果证明了两种方案的正确性。

关键词: 无刷直流电机; 反演自适应; 动态滑模; 动态切换函数; 抖振; 滑模变结构 中图分类号: TN876?34; TM3 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2018)13?0119?04

Abstract: The brushless DC motor in working is easily influenced by external disturbance and parameter perturbation of the system. Since the sliding mode variable structure has the advantages of fast response speed, high robustness and simple physical implementation, the sliding mode

variable structure control can be applied to the brushless DC motor. A dynamic sliding mode scheme is proposed to reduce the buffeting of the brushless DC motor effectively. The adaptive technology and backstepping control are combined, and used to the dynamic sliding mode scheme, which can realize the sliding mode control without buffeting for the uncertain system. The simulation results show that the two schemes are correct.

Keywords: brushless DC motor; backstepping adaptive technology; dynamic sliding mode; dynamic switching function; buffeting; sliding mode variable structure

无刷直流电机(Brushless DC Motor,BLDCM)具有效率高、响应快、转矩大和惯性低等优点,已经在各个领域中广泛应用[1?3]。理想的电机调速系统应具有高精度的稳态、快速度的响应、较强的抗干扰能力等特点,因此需要高性能的控制策略[4?5]。
