兴安盟2020年中考英语模拟试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章兴安盟2020年中考英语模拟试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读7c9a0c21162ded630b1c59eef8c75fbfc67d9479

tent and looked out at the mountain. Everything was white and still. “I will make it to the top today, \thought to 57 (I).

I started up the slope. My feet crunched the snow with every step I took. It was a beautiful day. I was climbing quickly. Soon I was going to reach the top. All of 58 sudden, I slipped(滑倒). I moved down the mountain. I was going slowly at first but then I started to slide very fast. I started to turn around and around quickly. After what felt 59 forever, I came to a stop. I had slid all the way to the bottom. I was alive. I couldn’t believe it.

Three days later, I 60 (make)it to the top. It was a beautiful day and I had a perfect view of everything around me. 五、缺词填空 (10分)

Over 2,000 years ago, in China, there lived a boy called Confucius. When he was o___61___three, his father died. His mother was very poor. In those days people had to pay to go to school and his mother did not have enough m___62___to send him. As Confucius grew up he wanted to learn things. So he d___63___to teach himself . Unfortunately he was a strange-looking boy. The other children pointed and made fun of him. They called him names and laughed at him. Confucius got very upset, but he was a kind gentle boy and did not fight b___64___. Confucius did not play with other children. He went off to talk to holy men in the temple and learned from them. He t___65___to artists and musicians and learned from them. If he tried to do something difficult, he kept trying over and over again u___66___he learned how to do it. In this way the boy taught himself to read and w___67___and learned lots of interesting things. Confucius grew up to be a very c___68___man. When he was a man, Confucius became the ruler of the city of Changtu. People were very h__69__when he was their leader. He used his abilities and skills in a w___70___way. People sometimes call him the greatest man who ever lived. We still remember many of his sayings today.



to smell taken more it burned wide story run neighbors


A young couple have become popular after putting humorous selfies(自拍) online. The selfies were ____71___ in their home in Guilin, Guangxi. Why are they special? Well, here is the ____72____. “I was in the bathroom, and suddenly I ___73_____ something burning. When I opened the bathroom door ,I saw a big fire,” Zhong Cheng said. He woke up his wife at once and went to get water to put out the fire. His_____74___ also brought extinguishers(灭火器) and helped put out the fire.

Instead of___75____ from the mess , the couple began taking selfies, and even recorded a video. They named____76___Couple’s Selfies in Burned House. In the video they tell people to pay more attention ___77___ the danger of fires. “We wish you the best,” with black faces from smoke, the couple said in the video. The video soon received___78____ than 10 million hits. The couple run a noodle restaurant in Guilin. They said the fire was caused by a heater(加热器), which is ____79___ used during the cold winter. “It’s important to prevent fires in winter,” Zhong said, sitting on a ____80____ sofa.”And it is important to face up to life’s difficulties with a smile.” 71._________ 72.___________ 73.__________ 76.__________ 77.__________ 七、阅读表达(共5小题,计5分)

A little stream(小溪) ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests.Then it reached a desert. “I went through so many difficulties. I should have no problem crossing the desert,” she thought. As she started, she found herself slowly vanishing(消失)into the sand.After many tries, she still failed. “Maybe I can’t reach the ocean,” she said sadly to herself.At this time, a deep voice said, “If wind can cross the desert, so can a river.” It was the voice of the desert. But the little stream answered, “That’s because the wind can fly, but I can not.”

“That’s because you can’t give up what you are. Let yourself evaporate(蒸发)into the wind and it can take you across me,” said the desert. “Give up what I am now? No! No!” The little stream could not accept this idea. “The wind can carry the vapor(蒸汽)across the desert and let it leave as rain. The rain will form a river again,” said the desert. “And whether you’re a river or vapor, your nature never changes.” After hearing this, the little stream went into the open arms of the wind. It carried her to the next stage of her life. The course of our lives is like the experience of the little stream. If you want to go through difficulties in your life to head for success, you should also change the way you are. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题:

81. Did the little stream want to reach the ocean or the desert at last?

________________________________________________________________________________ 82. Was the little stream able to cross the desert at first?

74.__________ 75.___________

78.___________ 79.____________ 80.___________


______________________________________________________________________________ 83.Who gave the advice to the little stream?

______________________________________________________________________________ 84. What did the little Stream do after hearing the desert's words?

______________________________________________________________________________ 85. What can you realize from the experience of the little stream in this passage?

______________________________________________________________________________ 八、书面表达(共1题,满分15分)

.In 60 to 120 words, write about the topic“ ..and l”.(以“我和.....”为题,写一篇 60-120个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)






1-5 BAACA 6-10 BCACA 11-15 CCABC 16-20 BBCAB 二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



31-35 CBCBA 36—40 CDDDB 41-45CACDC 46-50 DBEFG. 四、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

51-60 was covered, to knock, that, months, quieter, out, myself, a , like, made 五、缺词填空 (10分)

61. only 62. money 63. decided 64. back 65. talked 66. until 67. write 68. clever 69. happy 70. wise


71.taken 72.story 73. smelt/smelled 74.neighbors 75.running 76.it 77. to 78.more 79.widely 80. burned 七、阅读表达(共5小题,计5分)

81. She(It) wanted to reach the ocean at last./The ocean. 82. No, it(she) wasn't.

83. The desert, The desert did./ The desert gave the advice to the little stream.

84. After hearing this, she(it) went into the open arms of the wind,/ She(It) went into the open arms of the wind,

85. If we(I) want to go through difficulties in our(my) life to head for success, we(I)should also change the way we are(I am)./ If we are(I am) in trouble, we(I) should try our(my)best to find ways to solve the problems.

八、书面表达(共1题,满分15分) 例文:

My friends and I

Before I went to school, I felt so excited, because I was so curious about the campus life. Now I have been in middle school, after seven years' study, I feel the bitter and happiness. The bitter is that there are