南京大学英语二层次U1-3自测题 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章南京大学英语二层次U1-3自测题 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读7ce48730ee06eff9aef8072c




第 54 题:Sometimes I am taken advantage of by dishonest people but that loss is nothing compared to what I have gained from being open.

A.有时我被某些不诚信之辈占据优势,但是那种损失与我的所得是不能相比的。 B.有时某些不诚信之辈也会欺骗我,但是以诚待人让我得到的远远超过我失去的。


第 55 题:So please treasure your college years –...evolve yourself into a bi-cultural talent and be bold to experiment, learn and grow through your successes and challenges. A.所以,在你的大学时光里淘金吧,......使自己成为两种文化的达人,不断尝试,从成功和挑战之中学习并成长。



正确答案:ACCAB ACCAC BCCBC 第3部分:理解(每题1分)

第 56 题:According to \with Benjamin Carson\what was true about the author's mother?

A.She was a role model of her neighborhood. B.She worked very hard.

C.She worked in the Goodwill. D.She was a good cook.

第 57 题:According to \extremely______ because she saved every dime and every nickle in her life. A.pathetic B.smart

C.attractive D.thrifty

58 题:According to \’s greatest wish for his two daughters?

A.They should assist each other in their studies and lives. B.The elder one should be the younger one’s role model.

C.They should go on developing a close relationship and take care of each other. D.They should often get together to confide in with each other.

第 59 题:According to \in college in the author's opinion?

A.The ability that students gain to learn new subjects. B.The way in which masters inspire students.

C.The content which teachers teach in each course. D.The method of critical thinking.

第 60 题:According to \daughter on taking courses in college?

A.She should follow Steve Jobs’ example and choose courses like calligraphy. B.She should take those courses that she has a keen interest in.

C.She should take those courses that will lead to a successful career. D.She should follow most of her classmates in order to fit in.

第 61 题:According to \’ mention of his calligraphy class and his design of Macintosh fonts?

A.He chose calligraphy class because he was very utilitarian, hoping that it would give him an advantage over other students in seeking employment.

B.He chose calligraphy because he knew it would lay a solid foundation on his design of the first Macintosh computer in the future.

C.He chose calligraphy because he had interest in it, unaware that he would have an opportunity to apply it in his work later.

D.He chose calligraphy because he had admired Chinese culture since he went to college and hoped to help chinese people in developing computer science.

第 62 题:According to \daughter to take toward classes and grades?

A.To try her best in classes but not to worry too much about grades. B.To go out of her way to become an honor student but not to brag.

C.To work harder and get higher grades than those vain or lazy students D.To ignore the idea of getting high grades.

第 63 题:According to \’s quitting from various jobs and starting his own business?

A.He wanted to have real control of his life and live the life that he wanted to. B.He was not satisfied with his former employers and wanted to be with his family more often.

C.He realized he was not suitable for working in the academic world or in corporations. D.He wanted to go to China and worked for Google in order to start his own business. 第 64 题:According to \considered when making friends?

A.Whether people have the same personality as you do. B.Whether people share your interests or hobbies. C.Whether people treat you honestly and truly. D.Whether people who are physically closer

第 65 题:According to \daughter?

A. She has a gift for maths.

B.She is a versatile girl.

C.She is a talented young artist. D.She is sociable and flexible. B. 正确答案:BDCAB CAACB


Directions: Read the following passage with ten blanks. Select one word for each blank from the box below. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. media, imagination, advertising, horizons, trasmitted, confined, valuable, advances, promotes, device, challenged, national, columns, queues, foundation, basis

In our society, we must communicate with other people. A great deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person 1 _____ by the simple means of speech. If we travel in buses, stand in football match 2 _____, we are likely to have conversations where we give

information or opinions, and sometimes have our views 3 _____ by other members of society. Face-to-face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society. Two things, above others, have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry. Firstly, inventiveness has led to 4 _____ in printing, photography and so on. Secondly, speed has revolutionized the transmimission and reception of communications so that local news often takes a back seat to 5 _____ news. No longer is the possession of information 6 _____ to a privileged minority. Forty years ago people used to flock to the cinema, but now far more people sit at home and turn on the TV to watch a program that is being channeled into millions of homes. Communication is no longer merely concerned with the transmission of information. The modern communications industry influences the way people live in society and broadens their 7 _____ by allowing access to information, education and entertainment. The printing, broadcasting and 8 _____ industries are all involved with informing, educating and entertaining. Although a lot of the material communicated by the mass communication is very 9 _____ to the individual and to the society of which he is a part, the vast modern network of communications is open to abuse. However, the mass 10 _____ are with us for better, or for worse, and there is no turning back. 第 66 题:




第5部分:词汇填空(每题1分) 第 67 题:He argues that while accepting all the glory and money that comes with being famous, an athlete should be a r m (榜样人物)for the young children. 第 68 题:Most nutrition experts today have pointed out that a b d (平衡的饮食) is very important to health. 第 69 题:By involving his students in different forms of debate, he intends to develop their c t (批判性思维)ability. 第 70 题: Contrary to our expectation, Jane did not m a f (大惊小怪) about her son's plan to teach. 第 71 题: Before he a || (申请)the job as a door-to-door salesman, I advised him to consider whether he was physically fit for the job. 第 72 题:The key point made in this article is that students can b|| (从...获益) extracurricular activities. 第 73 题: Soon after he joined the new company, he found himself c|| (面临着) the most challenging task in his career. 第 74 题:In college you will move from being teacher-taught to master-inspired, after which you must become a s l (自主学习者). 第 75 题:Keep your high school friends and stay c t (保持联系) them, but do not use them as substitutes for college friendship. 第 76 题:I went back to my studies and became an A-student again, and eventually I f my (实现了我的理想). 第 77 题:She was just extremely thrifty and managed to g || (勉强过日子) that way. 第 78 题:No one could f|| (领会出,想出) how she was able to do what she did. 第 79 题:My face l || (变亮,变得喜气洋洋) with the memory of my grandmother. 第 80 题:Your mother and I have no e || (对…的期待或期望) your future career. 第 81 题:Your college degree will take you far, even if you don't g with h (光荣毕业). ?

正确答案:1.role^model 2.balanced^diet 3.critical^thinking 4.make^fuss

5.applied^for 6.benefit^from 7.confronted^with 8.self-directed^learner

9.connected^to fulfilled^dream get^by figure^out lights^up expectations^for graduate^honor


第 1 题:The camps ______ from luxury suites to basic pup tents, and prices reflect the differences. A.pass C.very B.vary D.shift

第 2 题:Before the rise of Standard English, all dialects were created equal and no one version of English ______ it over another. A.lorded B.took C.landed


第 3 题:The accent of English has been used as an instrument of social ______ when speakers of non-standard English accents find themselves working harder at the social ladder. A.inclusion C.exclusive B.exclusion D.inclusive

第 4 题:Mark Zuckerberg and his team are ______ that so many people are interested in trying out a new approach to online sharing. A.panic C.hilarious B.saddened D.thrilled

第 5 题:He showed an unexpected aptitude for biomedical engineering and developed an ______ interest in the research of man-made heart . A.adorable C.advent B.avid D.effective

第 6 题:The speakers of non-Standard English often have an unshakable inferiority ______ when RP (Received Pronunciation) and GA (General American) enjoy their cultural domination. A.notion C.complex B.compound D.habit

第 7 题:She could have been just another ______ of race prejudice, but she succeeds by using her intelligence and determination. A.incident C.casualty B.causality D.accident

第 8 题:British English and American English share the ______ in some cases when they use different words to name the same thing.