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第 53 题:Throughout the rest of the 20th century, jazz continued to evolve and take on new forms.


B.通过二十世纪的其余那些年,爵士乐继续进化,并且承担了新形式的任务。 C.回首二十世纪,爵士乐继续发展,并且采纳了新的形式。

第 54 题:The war of 1812 sparked a renewed interest in national identity which had faded since the revolutionary war.

A.1812年的战争激发了人们新一轮的兴趣,在民族身份认同问题上自独立战争之后就消失了。 B.1812年的战争激发了美国人民族的狂热性,而这种热情自独立战争以后便已消失殆尽。

C.1812年的战争重新激发了美国人对民族身份的热情,而这种热情自独立战争以后便逐渐降温。 第 55 题:The famous \image of Uncle Sam firmly into American consciousness.

A. 詹姆斯?蒙哥马利?弗拉格设计的“我要你加入美国军队”的著名征兵海报使山姆大叔的形象深深


B.詹姆斯?蒙哥马利?弗拉格设计的“我要你加入美国军队”的著名海报为美国人民的意识注入了山姆大叔的形象。 C.“我要你加入美国军队”是詹姆斯?蒙哥马利?弗拉格为了把山姆大叔的形象深深植入美国人民的意识之中做的海报。 正确答案:CCBBA BCBCB ACACA


第 56 题:According to \the origins of Uncle Sam. A.are very familiar with

B.have little or no concept of C.have no interest in knowing D.have done a lot to trace

第 57 题:According to \that Uncle Sam originated first? A.Abraham Lincoln. B.Brother Jonathan. C. Samual Wilson. D.Yankee Doodle.

第 58 题:According to \description about the image of Uncle Sam is true?

A.It was once associated with the image of Thomas Jefferson.

B.The Flagg version of Uncle Sam left the deepest impression on the American public. C.There was little physical resemblance between Samuel Wilson and Uncle Sam when the image first appeared.

D.Sam aged and got a beard during World War I.

第 59 题:According to \decide to standardize the image of Uncle Sam?

A.Because the rest of the world were expecting a unified image.

B.Because it needed such an image to filter down to American people.

C.Because Americans had no idea what Uncle Sam looked like. D.Because it needed to do so before Uncle Sam grew older.

第 60 题:According to \of Uncle Sam?

A.The government.

B.Some propaganda office. C.Popular culture. D.The mass media.

第 61 题:According to \Evolution of the Symbol Uncle Sam\what role does the symbol of Uncle Sam play for Americans?

A.It is like that of a father, ruling and protecting Americans. B.It stimulates Americans' interest in federal government. C.It gives Americans a sense of national identity. D.It arouses Americans' interest in political events.

第 62 题:According to \factors is the reason Uncle Sam gained his popularity? A.He was an official uncle. B.He was like a father.

C.He was like an authority figure.

D.He does not represent national governments.

第 63 题:According to \is NOT the reason that baseball is considered \A.All Americans like playing baseball.

B.This game helped Americans win greater culture autonomy.

C.Americans needed a sport they could claim exclusively their own. D.The game became one of the nation's common experience for the nation lacks a common ethnic and religious background.

第 64 题:According to \baseball are in ____. A.spring C.fall B.summer D.winter

第 65 题:According to \-- A National Pastime\why did Americans look anxiously for a sport they could claim exclusively as their own? A.In order to win respect from the global community. B.In order to find a way to join the global community. C.In order to find more friends.

D.In order to obtain greater cultural autonomy.



Directions: Read the following passage with ten blanks. Select one word for each blank from the box below. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. adopted, derives, similar, represented, Accordingly, Originally, dealt, traced, reference, cartoon, uttered, popular, existence, associated, replaced

Brother Jonathan was a fictional character created to personify the entire United States in the early days of the countries existence. 1_____, from 1776 to 1783, \Jonathan\was a mildly derisive term used by the British Loyalists to describe the Revolutionary Patriots. A 2_____ folk tale about the origin of the term holds that the character 3_____ from Jonathan Trumbull (1710-1785), Governor of Connecticut. It is said that George Washington often 4_____ the words: We must consult Brother Jonathan when faced with a difficult question; however, that origin is doubtful,as neither man made 5_____ to the story during the lifetimes and the first appearance of the story has been 6_____ to the mid-1800s, long after their deaths. The character was 7_____ by Americans from 1783 to 1815. During the war of 1812, the term Uncle Sam appeared. Uncle Sam appeared in newspapers from 1813 to 1815, and in 1816 it appperaed in a book. Brother Jonathan was 8_____ by the increasingly popular Uncle Sam. Indeed, the character can be seen as an intermediate step between Yankee Doodle and Uncle Sam as a representation of the everyday American. In the political 9_____ from the January 11, 1862 edition of Harper's Weekly, Brother Jonathan is pictured with a top hat, coat with long tails. and striped pants -- all characters we now commonly 10_____ with Uncle Sam. The phrase \Jonathan\appears on the graduation certificates of Yale University's Trumbull College, also named for Trumbull. originally^popular^derives^uttered^reference^traced^adopted^replaced^cartoon^associated 第5部分:填空(每题1分(区分大小写,必须填写全词,首字母仅做为参考用)) 第 67 题:A e as 1830(早在1830年), there were inquiries into the origin of the term “Uncle Sam,” which first appeared in print in 1813. 第 68 题:Americans had a pretty good idea what Uncle Sam looked like and s|| (代表). 第 69 题:His image in permanently i || (与?交织,缠绕在一起) the concept of the nation that the American public holds in its mass consciousness. 第 70 题:? an image which also r | (存在于,在于) the minds of every want-to-be citizen not yet or just recently arrived. 第 71 题:The commission claimed that, to the b of its k (据它所熟知的),baseball had been invented by Abner Doubleday at Cooperstown, NY, in 1839. 第 72 题:The BA is a vast degree covering a m|| (许多) subjects. 第 73 题:W it c to (一谈到) talking about patriotism, he's an extremist. 第 74 题:Most major languages have been p || (被编程为) the world's desktops. 第 79 题:This represented a r || (对…的反抗) their parent's old-fashioned views. 第 80 题:A powerful confirmation of baseball as the sport to f that (满足这个需求)came in 1907. 第 81 题:Many Europeans immigrated to different American cities in s | (寻找) fortune and a better life.

? 正确答案:As^early stood^for interwined^with rest^in best^knowledge

multiplicity^of When^comes programmed^into rebellion^against fill^need search^of