7Living with disease 患病的生活 ppt.Convertor 联系客服

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2011高考英语一轮复习 编制人:刘超 王玉莲 2010-12-2

Unit 7 Living with disease 患病的生活




3.______n.血;流血→vi.&vt.流血;出血______ 4.________n.治疗;疗法→vt.治疗________ 5.________(adj)相反的;相对的;对抗的



8.________(vt.)使泄气;使失去信心→________(n.)勇气→________(vt.)鼓励; 9.________(n.)专家;专科医生→________(adj.)特殊的;专门的→________(adv.)



2.________________ (使)感到振奋;(使)感到高兴 3.________________不受??的影响;没有??的 4.________________毁掉;分解 5.________________受??感染 6.________________充分的

7.________________ 遭受(痛苦、疾病、损失等) 8.________________病(饿、冻)死 9.________________ 正相反 10.________________暂时;目前 1.“I wish people would find out the facts,”she says,“and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person.”

[考点提取]'wish后接虚拟语气.意为“要是??就好了”。 [感悟应用]'要是我们早到那儿两小时就好了。

We wish ________ ________ ________ ________two hours earlier. 2.As with most diseases and disasters,the young suffer the most. [考点提取]'as with是as is often the case with的省略 [感悟应用]'正如小鸟一样,年轻人离开家的时候到了。

________ ________ ________ ________,the time comes for the young to leave. 3.Cells either divide too fast or at the wrong time,making it difficult for the body to function properly.

[考点提取]'making it difficult for the body to function properly,为分词短语作结果状语。


2011高考英语一轮复习 编制人:刘超 王玉莲 2010-12-2


European football is played in 80 countries,________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

4.People who have not injected drugs don't need to get_tested for HIV. [考点提取]'“get/be+过去分词”表示被动或看作系表结构。 [感悟应用]'当我们加入一大群人时,我与朋友分散了。

As we joined the big crowd,I________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 探究复习·策略

1.I wish I could remember more about my mum...我希望能记得母亲更多的情况??


①I wish I were a bird flying in the sky.


②I wish you could go there with me.我希望你能和我一块去那里。 ③He wishes he had not lost the chance.他真希望没有失去机会。 ④I wish you would come soon.但愿你很快来。 2.persuade vt.说服;劝服;使某人相信

persuade sb.to do sth./persuade sb.into doing sth.说服某人做某事

persuade sb.not to do sth./persuade sb.out of doing sth.说服某人不要做某事 persuade sb.of sth.说服某人相信某事 persuade sb.that从句使某人相信??

①I finally managed to persuade her to go out for a drink with me.

②Don't let yourself be persuaded into buying things you don't really want. ③I persuaded my husband ________________(drink) too much at the party. 我劝服了丈夫不要在舞会上喝太多。

④I shall persuade him that he is mistaken.我将使他真正相信他是错的。

⑤How can I ____________my innocence?我如何才能使你相信我是无辜的呢? ?对比思考persuade/advise


如果“劝说”不服,不能直接用persuade,而应用______________或advise. (2)advise sb.to do sth.“建议或劝说某人去做某事”,强调提出建议但对方不一定接受。

He ___________ me to go with him,but I wouldn't. Jack tried to persuade Tom to go,but failed at last.

3.lack n.缺少;缺乏;没有的东西;vt.&vi.缺少;需要;没有 1)lack for sth./need sth.需要?? lack(for)nothing 一无所缺 be lacking in 在??方面缺乏

lack money/courage/ability/experience缺钱(勇气、能力、经验)


2011高考英语一轮复习 编制人:刘超 王玉莲 2010-12-2

for/through lack of 因为缺乏?? a lack of ??的缺乏

①They lacked the money to send him to university.他们没钱送他上大学。 ②He seemed to be lacking in courage.他似乎缺乏勇气。 ③Born in a rich family,they _________________. 由于出身富裕家庭,他们什么都不缺。

④He cannot do the work ___________ skills.由于缺乏技术.他不能做这项工作。 4.available adj.(指物)可利用的,可达到的,有效的,(指人)有空的 ①We've already used up all the available space._____________________。

②The reasonable prices make the computers available for the ordinary consumers. ③These dresses are not available in your size,I'm afraid. 5.discourage vt.使泄气;使失去信心

1)discourage sb.from doing sth.打消某人要做??的念头,劝阻 2)__________ adj.令人沮丧的;使人打消念头的 ___________adj.灰心的;气馁的

be discouraged at/by... 对??感到气馁、沮丧

3)courage n.勇气 have the courage to do sth. 有勇气做某事 4)____________ vt. 鼓励,激励

encourage sb.to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 ① His mother discouraged his attempt to go abroad. ② Her parents tried to discourage her _____________ a singer. 她的父母想劝她打消当歌星的念头。 ③I was discouraged at/by the news.

6.(be) free from无??的;免于??;免除??;摆脱??

(be) free of 无??的;免于??的 free of charge免费的;无偿的 for free 免费地 free sb. of/from sth.使某人摆脱?? ①Keep the table___________by putting a cover over it.免得有灰尘落在上面 ②It was several weeks before he was completely___________.消除疼痛 课内基础·落实

Ⅰ.1.(2007·上海)There is nothing more I can try ________ you to stay, so I wish you good luck.

A. being persuaded B. persuading C. to be persuaded D. to persuade

2.(2010·大连质检)His health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a________of exercise.

A. limit B. lack C. habit D. demand

3.(2008·浙江)There are plenty of jobs ________ in the western part of the country.

A. present B. available C. precious D. convenient

4.(2009·荆州)At the ________ exam results, his mother got ________ with him.


2011高考英语一轮复习 编制人:刘超 王玉莲 2010-12-2

A.discouraging; discouraging B.discouraging; discouraged C.discouraged; discouraging D.discouraged; discouraged

5.Share prices on the Stock Exchange went down sharply in the morning but________slightly in the afternoon.

A.recovered B.restored C.regained D.remained

6.(2008·湖北)In modern times, people have to learn to________all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life. A. keep with B. stay with C. meet with D. live with 7.I have no desire other than to lead a quiet life, ________ from anxiety. A.absent B.separate C.free D.short 8.(2006·全国卷Ⅰ)Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ________yesterday. A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happened 9.(2010·河北唐山)-The journalist is a wise person. -So he is.How I wish I________his wisdom!

A.have B.would have C.had D.had had

10.(2010·海南实验中学)He ________ me a hand, but he didn't. A.should lend B.had lent C.should have lent D.hadn't lend Ⅱ.完成句子

1. For some people________(有)AIDS, medicine can keep them________(活着). 2, She knows that she will die before she________(有机会)to grow old.

3. Let's go to watch the football match and________(为??喝彩,加油)our football team.

4. It is safe________(握手)with someone that has AIDS. 5. He went up and________Alice________(拥抱).

6. Tbe test results showed that I________(患有)a serious disease. 7. Living with cancer made me realize________(生命多么珍贵). 8. He took________(每一个机会)to earn money. Ⅲ.单句改错

1. I wish I can walk as a normal child.

2. AIDS is spreading fast in Africa and parts of Asia because a lack of proper health care.

3. He talks so much about England as if he comes from England. 4. If I am you, I would go to the concert this evening. 5. My mum took me to hospital to have me examine.

6. Cancer does not spread from one person to another person. 7. The number of the infected children are over 20,000. 8. Thousands of children become infected HIV every day. 9. She knows that her life is not as long as her classmates. 10. Now I think of my cancer a gift.