新概念英语49-54课测评卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章新概念英语49-54课测评卷更新完毕开始阅读7db801d5d6d8d15abe23482fb4daa58da1111c41


姓名: 笔试部分(100’)

一. 单词填空。10’

(卖肉者) ___d(丈夫) ___ce(肉馅) ___ther(也) (西方) (谈话) (二月) (六月)

___ch(桃) ___ter(冬天) 二.写出下列动词的单三式。10’

1. set__________ 2. fly__________ 3. wash__________ 4. do_________ 5. watch_________ 6. shut__________ 7. like__________ 8. shine__________ 9. cry_________ 三.选词填空。5’

from or and of in 1. I like spring ____________ summer .

2. -Do you want peaches ________________ grapes .—peaches , please . 3. It’s always hot ___________________ summer .

4. Give me a pound ____________________ mince , too . 5. I come _________________ Greece .


1. I’m going to ________________ (turn , truning) off the tap . 2. She can’t __________________(get , gets) up early every day . 3. Penny is ________________(climbing , climb) the tree . 4. The cat can ________________ (drink , drinks ) the milk . 5. Tim _________________ (come , comes) from Greece .

6. My mother doesn’t _______________ (want , wants ) any meat . 7. It often ________________ (snows , snow ) in February . 8. He _______________(doesn’t , don’t ) like meat , either . 9. They ________________ (want , wants ) some water . 10. Does Tony _______________ (like , likes ) pears . 五.用所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. We ______________(like) China very much . 2. Jim _____________(come) from England . 3. Does she ______________(want) any meat

4. They don’t _________________(come) from Japan . 5. It doesn’t _________________(rain) in winter .

6. Can you ________________(see) some birds in the sky 7. He is ________________(sit) on the grass .

8. I am going to ____________________(wash) the dishes . 9. I can do it , but he ________________(can)

10. Do you _______________(want) any meat

10. go_______六、选择题。15’

( )1. Where ____ he come from

A. is B. are C. do D. does ( )2. Do you want beef or lamb

A. Yes , please . B. Yes , I want . C. Beef , please . D. No, thank you . ( ) like steak , but my mother ______ .

A. do B. don’t C. does D. doesn’t ( )4. What about ____ lamb

A. some B. any C. a D. an ( )5. My husband _____ tomatoes .

A. like B. don’t like C. likes D. want ( )6. _____ Jack and Tom have any cheese

A. Do B. Does C. Has D. Have ( )7. I don’t like peaches , _____ .

A. too B. either C. also D. to ( )8. What’s the climate _____ in your country

A. likes B. like C. is like D. liked ( )9. It often _____ in June , July and August .

A. rain B. raining C. rains D. rained ( )10. The sun _____ early and _____ late in summer .

A. set ; rise B. rise ; set C. rises ; set D. rises ; sets ( )11. I like coffee . He _____ coffee , too .

A. like B. likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like

( )12. I don’t like milk . He _____ milk , either .

A. like B. likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like ( ) you want tomatoes _____ potatoes ---tomatoes , please . A. or B. and C. but D. to ( )14. _____ you the truth . I don’t like chicken , either .

A. Tell B. To tell C. Telling D. Tells ( )15. He doesn’t _____ very well .

A. type B. types C. typing D. typed 七、将下列句子变成否定句,一般疑问句,并做相应的回答。 15’ 1. My son likes bread .

否定句:__________________________________________________________________________. 一般疑问句:_____________________________________________________________________ 肯定回答:________________________________________________________________________. 2. I like beef .

否定句:__________________________________________________________________________. 一般疑问句:_____________________________________________________________________否定回答:________________________________________________________________________. 3. The boy can make cakes .

否定句:__________________________________________________________________________. 一般疑问句:_____________________________________________________________________ 否定回答:________________________________________________________________________. 4. I’m going to put that vase on the shelf .

否定句:__________________________________________________________________________. 一般疑问句:_____________________________________________________________________ 肯定回答:________________________________________________________________________. 5. My mother is sweeping the floor .

否定句:__________________________________________________________________________. 一般疑问句:_____________________________________________________________________ 肯定回答:________________________________________________________________________. 八、连词成句(1-5题)或翻译句子(6-10题)。20’

1. want any do today you meat

________________________________________________________________________________ 2. don’t I either like chicken

________________________________________________________________________________ . 3. from where do come you

________________________________________________________________________________ 4. climate what is like country the your in

________________________________________________________________________________ 5. conversation it favourite is our of subject

________________________________________________________________________________ . 6. My husband likes steak , but he doesn’t like chicken .

________________________________________________________________________________ . 7. I come from Greece .

________________________________________________________________________________ . 8. What’s the weather like in spring

________________________________________________________________________________ 9. It’s always warm in September and October .

________________________________________________________________________________ . 10. Which seasons do you like best .

________________________________________________________________________________ 选出恰当的选项完成对话。5’

A. Does it often snow in winter B. What’s your name C. I’m Chinese

D. Which season do you like best E. Where are you from

Li Ming : Hello , my name is Li Ming . _____________________ Jack: My name is Jack . Li Ming : How do you do

Jack : How do you do

Li Ming : ___________________________________ Jack : I’m from England . And you

Li Ming : ___________ . I come from China .

Jack : What’s the climate like in your country Li Ming : It’s often cold in winter and hot in summer . Jack : _____________________________________

Li Ming : No. In winter it often snows in North China , but it seldom snows in South China . Jack : _____________________________________ Li Ming : I like summer best . I can swim in the river . Jack : Summer is my favourite season , too .