杨光老师TOEFL听力笔记 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章杨光老师TOEFL听力笔记 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读7e4a93eb4afe04a1b071de0b

1. library

? check out (借出)/return(还回) ? student ID (经常被丢)

? reference section/librarian 参考书 【常去】 ? bookstore section 开放区 购书区 【常去】 ? entertainment section 娱乐区 【从来不去】 ? 还书期限的说法:【最晚3.21号还】

The deadline of the book is on 3.21 The book will be due on 3.21 The book will be expired after 3.21 The book will be invalid after 3.21 ? library policy

due date

续借 extention application: fill out the form

购买 purchasing policy/reference section → bookstore section 女生买书,书卖完 be sold out /be out of stock/ be not available 预订 reservation policy: fill out the form 押金 deposit policy 退押金 refund

需要听出来学生有没有顺利得到退回押金 如果得到了,以何种方式 full refund half refund

no refund(男生专用)→赔偿金compensation


不同的退还reason和方式:cash /credit card/ exchange fee ? ?

operation procedure(学生在哪一步不清楚会被考到) book list 【suitable book】

? 自习室

? reserve a study room → where[5th Q]:

library/LRC :learning resource center/student center/ XXXXX building ? 自习室一般都不好订:(1)not available(2)快not available

group presentation ?


? library-librarian

? professor’s office /dean’s office —TA/RA teaching assistant/research assistant ? campus newspaper office —editor /journalist/ reviewer/(校对员proofreader)

review : book review 书评 art review 艺术评论 ? campus radio station —broadcaster(native speaker)

? students’ lounge (休息室)/cafeteria(自助餐厅)—waiter/waitress ?

要关注result → where遭受波折,where最后成功

(听力中的工作都不好找,但是最终都能找到,或者有找到的趋势。) ? ? ?

working experience

payment( work-study job 半工半读)

working equipment(男生从来不会用工作设备)


听到already/but/I’m afraid/competitive →发好人卡,工作准没了 not promise/sure/guarantee ?

一小场景 :男生犯小错场景

男生先犯错,后挣扎【此处常考重听题】,再垂死挣扎,最终在教授的帮助、警告或者威胁下,男生立即犯怂了。 ?


1. ID card — lost /damage

(1)补办:replace/substitute (替换、补办)

→ 影响了生活的哪些方面?(不能进library、不能免费/半价优惠搭school bus) (2)search (一定能找到)

→ 在哪里找到的;ID丢哪里了?

女生把ID丢在图书馆或者自习室,男生ID哪儿都丢 library café

dorm/dormitory classroom


=go to the John. /go somewhere(上洗手间的委婉语) 美国俚语 小:wee-wee 大: shoot a missile dog/cat’s mouth

2. examination credit

GPA = Grade Point Average transcript[成绩单]=grade report

【注意是要official transcript/ unofficial transcript】 difference(usage):不同的成绩单用处不同,内容构成不同 address——核对地址的目的是为了寄送成绩单 transfer(转学需要) make up test (补考) 补考原因:

女生:忙 busy with the contest, win the 1st prize (女生会跟教授磨叽,强烈要求补考) 男生:挂 blow the final =fail, blow the final again (男生补考属于命中注定)

3. recommendation letter/resume/personal statement— application materials (1)good or not?(考得较多) (2)recommendation point

4. dormitory/dorm 男生宿舍:脏乱差臭

女生宿舍:整洁明亮且伴有淡淡的芳香 change the dorm

reason 不良的自然环境(卫生差)

人文环境差(舍友极品):noisy(2012),smelly,noisy + smelly solution/suggestion 找dean

live off campus (搬走) to communicate

九、主旨题(problem or purpose)(校园、conversation) 1. 答案出现在文章开头,45s以内

2. 引导答案的路标词/提示词:need[直接]/ wonder[间接]

3. conversation中的purpose提示词:【同义改写,一切表示请愿类或目的类的短语】 I need to ?/I have a problem ? I want to ?/I hope to ?/I try to ? I feel like doing? I am interested in ? It is necessary for me to ? I would like to ?

I am wondering ?/I have been wondering ? What do you ?/May I /Could you I doubt ?/What can I do for you??


1. 60S以内,找名词,且为学术学科名词 2. 出现地点五大规律:

a. Well/Okey 开头的句子中指学术学科N. 指向C型题的最终答案 b. Today/Now 开头的句子中的学术学科N. c. 首次师生互动