2019年小升初名校冲刺英语试题(4) 人教新课标 含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019年小升初名校冲刺英语试题(4) 人教新课标 含答案更新完毕开始阅读7ee4dffc302b3169a45177232f60ddccda38e687


一、听录音, 选择你所听到的内容

1.选出与你所听内容相符的图片( )

A. B.

2.It's a , wearing a shirt,singing a word,and eating a nut.A. bird B. skirt 3.选出所听到问句的恰当答语。

A. Goodbye . B. Good morning . C. Hello . 4.给所听到的句子选择正确的答语( )

A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. 5.选出与你所听内容相符的图片( )

A. B.

6. 选择正确的答句。

A. She's my mother. B. He's my father. 7.根据所听内容判断正误。 (1)I have breakfast at 7:00. (2)I have an English class at 8:30. (3)I have lunch at home. (4)School is over at 4:30.

(5)I go home at 5 o'clock.

8.给所听到的句子选择正确的答语( )

A. I like chicken. B. My favourite food is chicken. 9.选出所听到的内容。

A. turn left B. turn right C. go straight 10.选出你所听到句子的应答语( )

A. Good morning, John! B. Bye-bye, Mike. 11.听问题,根据问题选择正确的答案( ) A. There are twelve animals in China. B. There are twelve animal years in China. C. They are twelve years old. 12.根据录音,判断图片。 (1)


(2) ________

(3) ________

(4) ________

(5) ________

13.选择恰当的应答语( )

A. Yes,I am. B. Yes.I do. 14.选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词( )

A. want B. become C. teach

15.选出你所听到的单词( )

A. picture B. poem C. puzzle

二、听问句, 选择正确的答句

16. 选择正确的选项。

A. B.

17.Do you like these T-shirts or those T-shirts?________ 18.选出相应的图片( )

A. B.

19.选出恰当的应答语( )

A. Yes,I often go to school. B. Yes, I do.



A. close B. window C. open 21.选出与其它单词不同类的单词( )

A. snake B. shop C. elephant 22.选出不同类的单词( )

A. afternoon B. evening C. star 23.选出不同类的一项。

A. monkey B. mouth C. nose 24.选出下列单词中不同类的单词( )

A. five B. fat C. one


25.选出每组划线部分发音不同的单词( )

A. bone B. cold C. open D. tonight 26.选出画线部分发音不同的一项

A. old B. hot C. dog 27.baby

A. cake B. candy 28.选出下列单词中画线部分发音与众不同的单词( )A. wind B. China 五、读句子, 选择适当的选项填入括号里

29.We can walk to ________ bus stop.

A. the near B. the nearer 30.My is too big.

A. coat B. skirt


A. pizza B. pie 32.You can ride a bike with .

A. we B. us C. my 33.Is it sour?

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it does.

C. can

C. will

C. the nearest D. nearest