2017 学年宝山区第一学期期末考试九年级英语试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2017 学年宝山区第一学期期末考试九年级英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读7eee827a3d1ec5da50e2524de518964bce84d240

B. Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage( 选择最恰当的单词或词语 , 完成 短文) (12 分)

“Have you ever been in a fight?” I have frequently asked many adults this question. Often, I have been given the same answer: “Of course, when I was in school.” This common answer

seems to suggest that most boys will fight _____75____ during their school years. But as we leave school, we cease(停止) to use our fists to solve problems.

It’s possible that when we are young, we lack the negotiation(协商,谈判) skills to manage a ______76_____ without using violence. On top of that (除此之外), when we enter school we are thrown into an environment where we are constantly competing and trying to ___77____ourselves. We care what other people think about and a young man will often try to show a tough guy image(硬汉形象).

Once we leave school, we are supposed to be equipped with all ___78____ problem solving skills. We need to be able to deal with an aggressive(挑衅的) situation without hurting others. If an adult starts a fight, it shows a major lack of education. However, there are times when a man needs to be a man. Raising a fist seems socially acceptable, if it’s done to defend yourself or someone who can’t defend themselves. For example, a school yard bully(校园以强凌弱者) gets no respect from his schoolmates. They may fear him but don’t ever mistake that for respect. The person who gains respect is one who stands ___79_____ the bully to protect the weaker guys or girls.

Mr. Smith, a former official from local Education Committee said in a talk that boys should

know how to fight when necessary. “Boys who do not fight can ___80____ achieve any success in the future,” he said. I think he may have chosen the wrong words. It’s not about fighting ----its’ about courage to stand up for what you believe in. That will make you a true man. 75.A. at some point B. in a while C. at that moment D. for the day. 76.A. question B. difficulty C. situation D. worry 77.A. choose B. prove C. make D. understand

78.A. certain B. experienced C. educated D. necessary 79.A. by B. against C. on D. towards

80.A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. always

C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words( 在短文的空格中填入适当的 , 词, 使内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14 分) Popcorn(爆玉米花) was first discovered thousands of years ago by

the people living in what is now Peru(秘鲁). It is believed that the first use of corn was popping. The English settlers w____81_ came to America in the 16 th and 17 th centuries, learned about popcorn from the Native Americans. Native Americans brought a bag of popped corn to the first Thanksgiving. A common way to eat popcorn at that time was to hold an o_____82_ ear(穗) on a stick over the fire, then chew the popped corn off it. Natives throughout America also made popcorn soup and popcorn beer.

Popcorn was very popular in the United States from the late 19 th century through the

middle of the 20 th century. It was a ___83__ in parks, from street vendors(摊贩), and near the theaters. Street sellers used to follow crowds around, pushing steam-powered popcorn machines(蒸汽爆米花机) through parks and expositions(博览会).

During the Depression(美国大萧条时期), popcorn 5 to 10 cents a bag was one of the few luxuries poor families could a ____84___. While other businesses failed, the popcorn business became more and more successful. An American banker, who went broke(破产) when his bank failed, bought a popcorn machine and started a business in a small store near a theater.

A___85____ a couple of years, his popcorn business made enough money to buy back three of farms he had lost.

During World War II, when sugar was rationed( 限 量 供 应 ), Americans changed their

snacking habits----- they are three times as much popcorn as they had before. P____86___ the favorite place to eat popcorn was at the movies. When television took off (开始流行) in the 1950s, popcorn sales dropped for a while.

Americans today eat about 15 billion kilograms of popcorn each year. But the United States isn’t just a land of popcorn l_____87_____, it’s also the land of popcorn. Most of the world now gets its popcorn from Nebraska(内布拉斯加州) and Indiana. D.Answer the questions( 根据短文内容回答下列问题) The Panama Canal-----Connecting Oceans Ashort canal saves ships thousand of miles

The Panama Canal( 巴拿马运河) is an artificial 51-mile waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. The idea for a Panama canal dates back to the discovery of the Isthmus of Panama(巴拿马地峡) by Spanish explorer Vasco De Balboa in 1513. He discovered how narrow it was. Only 80.5 kilometers of land separated the Atlantic from the Pacific! The Spanish surveyed the area in hopes of building a canal. But the local governor(地方长官) decided it was impossible. Fast-forward to 1869, Ferdinand De Lesseps had completed the 163-km-long Suez Canal(苏伊士运河), a waterway linking Europe and Asia. France asked him to repeat his success at Panama. He agreed to have a try. When digging started in 1881, Ferdinand De Lesseps thought building a canal across Panama would be easy. But he didn’t realize that digging in a jungle(丛林) would be so dangerous. Ferdinand De Lesseps and his team abandoned (放弃) their project after thousands of worker died from diseases caused by mosquitoes(蚊子). American President Theodore Roosevelt quickly took over where the French crew had left off. He bought the canal property(运 河的所有权) and sent a team of workers to finish the project. Led by John Stevens, the American team got rid of the mosquitoes. This effort helped the team of nearly 40,000 workers to stay healthy and productive(富有成效的). The team used powerful steam shovels(蒸汽挖土机) to make a path for the canal. But even with the help of such large equipment, the work progressed slowly. Finally, after nearly 10 years of non-stop digging, the canal successfully opened in 1914. The story didn’t make the headlines, though. The public was focused on World War I. Therefore the canal wasn’t

dedicated(举行落成典礼) until July 12, 1920. Since the canal first opened, more than 960,000 ships have traveled through it. The Panama Canal has become an important link in global shipping.Ajourney that used to take moths now take two weeks.

88. How wide was the Isthmus of Panama which separated the Atlantic from the Pacific?

89. Did the local governor agree to build a canal? 90. Who bought the Panama Canal property?

91. What did the team use to make a path for the canal?

92. How long did it take people to complete the work on Panama Canal? 93. Why is the Panama Canal an important link in global shipping? VII. Writing( 写作)

Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “ Are Piggy Banks Good for

Children?” (以“储蓄罐对孩子有益吗” 为题写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文, 标点 符号不占格。)

Use the following points as a guide.

1. Do children still need piggy banks now?

2. What can children understand by saving money in the piggy bank?

(注意: 短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分)