2017年人教版PEP五年级英语下册期末考试作文复习资料 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2017年人教版PEP五年级英语下册期末考试作文复习资料更新完毕开始阅读7f859aeaf80f76c66137ee06eff9aef8941e4838



1、 写一写你的周末活动。不少于5句话。

On Saturday, I usually read some books and do my homework. Sometimes I go hiking. On Sunday, I often go shopping. And then visit my grandparents with my mother. At night, I usually play the piano.

2、 这是什么季节?天气如何?在这个季节,他们能干些什么?心情如何?(注意根据图片上的季节来写)根据实际情况,下列内容能组成四篇作文,春、夏、秋、冬各一篇,共四篇。

It’s ( spring、summer、fall、winter). The weather is

( 春:windy and warm 夏:sunny and hot 秋:windy and cool 冬:cold and snowy). They can ( 春:plant trees , fly kites 夏: swim、eat ice-cream 秋:pick up apples、eat moon-cakes 冬:play in the snow、make a snowman、skate). They have a good time. They are very happy.



My birthday is (如:Jul.26


). On that day, mother

usually buy a big birthday cake and cook many delicious

food for me. Many friends come to my party. After having a meal, we sing songs and play games. I’m happy to be together.



My birthday is in ( spring、summer、fall、winter). The weather is ( 春:windy and warm 夏:sunny and hot 秋:windy and cool 冬:cold and snowy). I like ( spring、summer、fall、winter) best. I can ( 春:plant trees , fly kites 夏: swim、eat ice-cream 秋:pick up apples、eat moon-cakes 冬:play in the snow、make a snowman、skate). I can have a good time. I am very happy.

5、复活节是在什么时候,你们在复活节聚会上要干些什么,请写出来。注意本篇作文用到的句型是“将来时句型”,应特别注意句中“will + 动词原形”。

Easter is in April. We will have a party. On that day, we will play many games. We will roll Easter eggs. We will look for eggs. We will eat chocolate eggs. And we will meet the Easter Bunny.


①I’m + 动词ing形式. 如:I’m doing my homework.

②He/She /It/一个人或动物+is +动词ing形式. 如:He/She is catching butterflies.

It is swimming. My father is writing an e-mail. The elephant is drinking water.

③They/We/人或动物复数+are +动词ing形式. 如:They are doing an experiment. We are having a picnic.

The lions are fighting.

掌握这些句型后,听写五至六单元Let’s learn 中的动词ing形式短语,并且记准与短语对应的图片。 7、描写一家人正在做事情的例文:

We are busy now. I’m doing my homework. My

mother is cooking dinner. My father is writing an e-mail. My little brother is watching TV. My grandma is answering the phone.