2018江苏专转本英语真题和答案解析 联系客服

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.WORD 完美格式 .

34.A (考核:倍数词的表达结构:倍数词 +as...as...) 35.A (考核:不定式,前无 do后有 to) 36.D (考核:形容词的比较级)

37.C(考核:虚拟语气,违背过去事实,从句用 would have done) 38.C(考核:被动语态)

had done,主句是

39.D (考核:倒装句:否定词或词组开头要部分倒装)

40.B (考核:定语从句: which 可以代表整个主句的意思) 41.B (考核: have/get access to:可以利用;接近)

42.B (考核:固定短语: to some/a certain extent 在一定程度上) 43.A (考核: considerable相当【大】的; comparable 可比较的) 44.D (考核: apply to应用; apply for 申请) 45.B (考核: given that考虑到,鉴于) 46.C

47.C(考核: A. 以前; B. 坚定地; C.正式地; D. 公平地) 48.B (考核: A. 与 ...和解; B. 弥补; C.巴结; D. 构成) 49.C(考核: spare time 抽出时间) 50.D

51.D (考核: come up with 想出,提出)

52.D (考核: A. 使满意; B.保护,使安全; C.滥用,虐待; D.避免) 53.C(考核:互换名片)

54.B (考核: recognize认出,识别) 55.D (考核:否则)

56.A (考核:有影响,起【重要】作用) 57.D (考核:提供)

58.C(考核: similarities )

59.C(考核: most:当作多数讲解时,是名词或形容词,如: most of his classmate; most people mostly :副词, =mainly 修饰动词 are) 60.A (考核:留言,留个话) Part III Cloze

61-65 BCDCB 66-70 ADACB 71-75 DABDA 76-80 CCBCD Part IV



82.现如今,大多数人都有手表了,但是他们似乎仍然有很多其他问题需要去问警察。 83.不仅人类和动物有记忆,一些东西和及其也有。




.专业知识编辑整理 .



.WORD 完美格式 . 山水是一部书,枝枝叶叶的文字间,声声鸟鸣是抑扬顿挫的标点,在茂密纵深间,一条曲径,是整部书最芬芳的禅意。春风翻一页,桃花面,杏花眼,柳腰春细;夏阳读一页,蔷花满架,木槿锦绣、合欢幽香、蜀葵闲澹,一派峥嵘;秋风传一页,海棠妆欢,野菊淡姿,高远深邃;冬雪润一页,水仙临水一舞,腊梅素心磬口,向爱唱晚。




86.You have better take an umbrella for fear that it should rain.

87.We did not go out for a picnic due to the changeable weather.

88.She hopes that she will have a good luck in the interview for tomorrow.

89.It had never occurred to him that he would come

across his old classmate in London.

90.Effective measures should be taken immediately to prevent such incidents from happening again.

Part V Writing


1.开头段:阐述现场 Nowadays , people in growing numbers show their about...It ’s


generally agreed that it has plenty of advantages,but in the meantime it also

gives rise to a host of problems... 2.中间段:分析利弊

On the one hand,...has benefited us in many aspects.

On the other hand,with all these advantage,it also brings us some trouble.


On the whole , its merits far outweigh its demerits.Different people may have different attitudes towards it.But 为 should do our utmost to change its

negative aspects into positive ones.



.专业知识编辑整理 .
