2015苏北四市英语一模(精品排挡版)含答案 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2015苏北四市英语一模(精品排挡版)含答案 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读7fbdd4b5da38376bae1fae53

W: No — there are two of them! This is a lucky day! We’ll have a super weekend. Text 6

M: Can I help you, madam?

W: Yes. I bought this jacket here last week. I wore it once, and now look at it. I was hoping to get my money back.

M: Do you have your bill list? W: Yes, it’s right here.

M: Thanks. I’m wondering whether you washed it with any other clothing, or whether you washed it in hot water, perhaps.

W: No, I washed it by itself in cold water, just like it says in the instructions. M: I see. Perhaps something is wrong with your washing machine.

W: Sir, I’m actually a fashion designer. I’ve been making my own clothes for fifteen years. I have never seen a piece of clothing look like this after washing it only once…unless there is a problem with the cloth. I’d be happy to speak with your manager. M: No, that’s all right, madam. I’ll do what you asked for. Text 7

M: Help me write an ad. W: For what?

M: I need to earn some extra money during school. I want to start giving music lessons. W: I didn’t know you played an instrument.

M: I play the guitar pretty well. Anyway, let’s get started. I’ll talk, and you write. W: Um…

M: OK. Write down that a handsome, charming young man is willing to give guitar lessons for forty dollars an hour…

W: Handsome? Charming? This isn’t an online dating site. And you’re charging too much. You’re only a college student, not a professional musician. You should be charging half that.

M: OK, how about thirty dollars an hour, then? Usually, lessons are only half an hour at a time. So, I won’t be making much money at all if I charge less than that. W: I see your point. Text 8

W: Son, it’s time you decided on a course of study. You’ve been in college for almost two years. Haven’t you decided what you want to do with your life?

M: That’s the big question, Mom. And I haven’t had any idea yet. But I have been thinking hard about what I want to study. I think I should study chemistry. The major will look good on applications if I want to apply to medical school. It’ll also look good on job applications if I decide to join a big company after I graduate. I could work for a company that makes medicine. Or I could become an artist.

W: Wait a minute — did you say you want to become an artist? We aren’t sending you to art school…

M: I didn’t say that. But if I did want to be an artist, studying chemistry might be useful. Right now, I’m learning about some famous painters who studied chemistry. Some of them created their own paints, using what they learned in their chemistry courses.

W: You’re worrying me, Daniel. I think I need to give your dad a phone call…

[来源学_科_网Z_X_X_K]Text 9

第 13 页 共 13 页

M: How was school today?

W: It was fun. Our class went on a field trip to the Museum of Modern Art. M: You did? How did you get there? W: We took the bus.

M: Oh, really? Isn’t the subway faster?

W: Sure. But it’s also more crowded. The teachers like to keep an eye on us. M: I see. So, how was the museum?

W: It was great. It is so big that we only saw about half of the paintings. I’d have to go back another day to see them all. But I did see some great ones! M: Did you have a favorite?

W: Yeah. My favorite was a painting by Diego Rivera. I stared at it for about fifteen minutes. There were some nice ones by his wife Frida Kahlo, too.

M: Yes. I’ve seen those. My favorite painting there is actually by Henri Matisse. Did you see that one? W: No, I didn’t.

M: Well, we should go to the museum together this summer so I can show it to you.

[来源学§科§网Z§X§X§K]Text 10

On the first day of her new job, Elaine arrived at a quarter to nine. She took the elevator to the eleventh floor, and the secretary showed her where her desk and computer would be. She tried to talk to the man and woman seated near her, but they were not friendly. After several hours, her boss came to give her an assignment. Elaine was surprised that he was not the same man who had interviewed her. This man was short and thin. He introduced himself as Tim and gave her a file of reports. She spent the rest of the day trying to do the work he left her, but it was very confusing. At five o’clock, she left the office and got back on the elevator. On the tenth floor, she was greeted by John, the man who had interviewed her for her position. “Elaine!” he said, “I thought you were starting with us today.” “Oh, my!” she said, “Have I been in the wrong office all day?”

第 14 页 共 14 页