六级笔试新题型模拟试卷01 - 图文 联系客服

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light pollutions there.

D) She can not see too many stars because she lives near the center of London. 答案:A 解析:音频中,女士邀请男士去他家观星,因为如果天气好的话,她家能看到不错的星象(it's actually not too bad on a clear night)。所以选A。 13. [听力文本资源] Why could not the man see the stars where he lives? [听力文本资源] A) Because he lives in the center of London.

B) Because he does not have the telescope to view stars. C) Because there is more light pollution in his place. √

D) Because the weather is not always suitable to view stars in his place. 答案:C 解析:男士提到,在他住的地方,不太能看到星星,因为他住在离伦敦市中心很近的地方,那里会有光污染(light pollution)。选项A虽然没有说错,但并不是男士看不到星星的主要原因,所以选C。 14. [听力文本资源] Where are the best places to see stars according to the woman? [听力文本资源] A) B) C) D) From her apartment.

From the darkest places. √ Places in other planets.

Places away from the center of London.

答案:B 解析:女士说观星最好的地方是最暗的地方(the best places to see stars are the darkest places on the planet),所以选B。 15. [听力文本资源] What can we know about the Dark Sky Reserve? [听力文本资源] A) It is near the center of London.

B) People could see over 200 stars if they are lucky enough.

C) There are some regulations to control the light pollution. √

D) The man is familiar with that place because he went there several times. 答案:C

解析:Dark Sky Reserve是英国最黑的地方,那里有很严格的灯光管制,因此光污染很少,平时在市区只能看到200多星星,而在那里,则可观到2500之多。对话中并没有提到Dark Sky Reserve的具体位置,因此A是不正确的。所以选C。

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).


Train passengers are welcoming the authorities' plan to sell train tickets online but remain concerned that the system will not be that user-friendly.

More passengers have shifted from buying tickets at railway stations and ticket outlets to telephone and online bookings, which eliminates the aggravation of waiting in line and may also help reduce selling tickets at a higher price by some agencies.

Zhang Qian, a 26-year-old Beijing resident, said she was very happy to know tickets for more trains would be available online.

Zhang, who works in Beijing, said the new move would let her to book train tickets home with only one click of the mouse at home.

Liu Rui, a 27-year-old student at Tsinghua University, said online purchase is better than making phone reservation. Phone service has long been provided by the Railway Ministry but usually takes a lot longer.

\ But he still uses the hotline because it allows him to book a seat on slow trains, which cannot be ticketed online as yet.

However, foreigners may find it hard to use the service as the online purchase website is only in Chinese.

Many foreigners view the worst thing about buying a train ticket in China is queuing up. They can only buy tickets after queuing a long time in front of the ticket windows. So they think it would be perfect if the service can be extended to international passengers.


16. [听力文本资源] Which is the benefit of buying train tickets online according to the passage? [听力文本资源]

A) They don't have to go to the railway station to get the ticket.

B) They could get a discount buying online tickets. C) They could click the mouse and choose the seat online. D) They could save the trouble of buying high price tickets from some agencies. √ 答案:D 解析:D文中提到过,是网上购买火车票的好处。文中并没有提及网络购票让人们可以不用去火车站取票,因此A是不准确的;选项B,C是文中没有提及的,所以选D。 17. [听力文本资源] Why are some people still making phone reservation rather than booking tickets online? [听力文本资源] A) B) C) D)

They like the feeling of interaction.

They cannot book slow train tickets online. √ They don't know how to use the computers.

They think booking tickets online is not reliable.

答案:B 解析:刘瑞同学说,虽然网上定火车票好处颇多,但他要定慢车(slow train)的票,却只能通过电话预定的方式,因为网上并不能定慢车票。所以选B。