《演讲的艺术:课堂活动手册》征稿说明 - 图文 联系客服

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3. 自愿者面对观众,背对显示信息的PPT。 4. PPT首先显示出奥巴马的照片。教师提醒观众保密。 5. 有关奥巴马的四条信息以动画形式逐条播放,教师则跟随动画朗读该条信息。 6. 自愿者从听到第一条信息起即可发问,但也可以选择听完几条后再发问。 7. 若自愿者按照预期猜出奥巴马,则请他(她) 先做一个口头的人物描述——40秒钟的简短的介绍性演讲,然后解密描述对象的身份。对出色完成任务的同学进行奖励或鼓励。 8. 若自愿者未能完成任务,则邀请一名观众上台完成40秒钟的人物介绍。 9. 换一个人物,重复该游戏,重复次数可依据具体情境需要。左边PPT所示“犀利哥”为第二例。 10. 还可选择多位人物。人物选择一般为热会热点人物,如左边PPT所示;也可根据本班同学兴趣决定。 Comments/Reflections

1. This activity is designed for the following considerations. First, it creates a light and entertaining

learning atmosphere. Second, it provides a good example of how to capture the hallmarks of a person, which is important to an introductory speech. Third, it stimulates the students to think as well when they have to get the answer by asking fewer questions.

2. The activity applies to small classes better than big ones when more people have a chance to ask a


3. The activity works better for beginning level learners who are less able to produce longer speeches on

their own. Intermediate and advanced level students should be encouraged to produce more complicated language output with the help of prompts.

4. An extended activity or an alternative might be like this: One group (or the representative) from the

audience gives an introductory speech about a person everyone in the classroom is familiar with. Other groups ask questions to find out the real identity of the person described.

5. A brief form of the activity (e.g. to guess only one person) may serve as a warm-up activity at the

beginning of a lesson just to arouse the students’ interest.