【金版教程】2017届英语人教版一轮复习练习:选修7 unit 1 Word版含解析高品质版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章【金版教程】2017届英语人教版一轮复习练习:选修7 unit 1 Word版含解析高品质版更新完毕开始阅读811d724dac51f01dc281e53a580216fc710a535e


[2016·嘉峪关一中模拟]When you concentrate, you focus on one thing and get other thoughts out of your mind. You concentrate on schoolwork, on sports, or on some music which requires serious __1__ effort. The point is that you think of only one __2__ at a time, do it and leave it behind you.

__3__ to concentrate is important. Any adult will tell you they __4__ have at least a dozen things on their minds. When they must complete a project by a certain day and hour, they concentrate on it and __5__ several people into a work team. This __6__ a clear focus on the work—and on getting others to do their __7__. Adults have a(n) __8__ life which may include a husband or a wife, children, and all the work of running a household. Supper must be __9__ and the broken back staircase must be fixed before someone gets __10__. If a child is sick, he or she must go to the __11__. With all these things on their minds, how do adults __12__ the day? They know they cannot fight all their battles at one time, so they concentrate on the most __13__ task, get it done, and go onto the next.

The martial arts (武术) __14__ you this kind of concentration. To do a movement __15__, you must watch and imitate the master. Since you do not always get things right the first time, you must figure out your __16__ and correct it. The instructor is there to __17__, but you are still responsible for your personal progress. As you move up in rank (等级), more and more is demanded of you. The __18__ are increasingly complex. You have __19__ time in class and want to get the most from it. But since you have learned to concentrate on __20__ movements and get them right, you confidently accept—and meet—these greater challenges.


1.A.technical C.mental


2.A.opinion C.question


3.A.Learning C.Promising 4.A.sometimes C.hardly 挂念着许多事。


B.order B.Agreeing D.Preparing B.always D.probably B.person D.task B.political D.social

答案:C 由上句out of your mind可知:当我们要做作业、搞训练以及听音乐时,我们

答案:D 第13空所在句task有提示:关键在于我们一次只需致力于一件事(task),把

答案:A 我们从成年人身上明白:学会(Learning)专心致志很重要。

答案:B 根据本空前Any adult可知:任何一位成年人都会告诉你,他们总是(always)

C.send D.divide

答案:A 由本空后work team得出:当他们在某个时限前必须完成某项工作时,他们就得专心致志,把一些人组织起来(organize)形成一个团队。

6.A.offers C.adjusts 7.A.lesson C.best 8.A.city C.country


9.A.sold C.cooked


10.A.hurt C.punished

答案:A 参考上句解析。 11.A.professor C.class doctor)。

12.A.refer to C.get through 每一天的。

13.A.pleasant C.difficult

B.hopeful D.urgent B.dream of D.hope for B.movie D.doctor B.cheated D.beaten B.eaten D.bought B.changes D.requires B.favorite D.favor


答案:D 从上句判断:就需要(requires)你很清醒地专注于工作。

答案:C 这是一个团队,所以每个成员都要尽他们最大的努力(do their best)。


答案:B 根据本空后husband or a wife, children得出:成年人的家庭(home)生活可能包

答案:C 与本空后修理楼梯构成并列:他们需要回家做(cooked)饭,需要修理坏掉的

答案:D 由本空前sick得出:如果孩子生病了,父母还得送孩子去医院(go to the

答案:C 从本空前可知:脑子里装着这么多事,也不知道他们是怎么度过(get through)

答案:D 根据本空前“fight all their battles at one time”得出:他们很清楚自己无法一次解决所有的事情,所以他们只捡最紧迫的(urgent)事做,做完一件事之后再做另一件。

14.A.teach C.leave


15.A.quickly C.carefully


B.correctly D.graciously B.lend D.spare

答案:A 由后文“But since you have learned to concen-trate on...”可知:武术课就教给

答案:B 从下句get things right判断:为了正确地(correctly)做出某个动作,你必须认

16.A.mistake C.disadvantage

B.pain D.regret

答案:A 与本空前right构成对比:因为你无法在第一次就把动作做到位,所以你得明白自己到底错(mistake)在了哪儿,然后纠正它。

17.A.practice C.watch 18.A.ideas C.movements 越复杂。

19.A.fixed C.appointed 充分利用每一分钟。

20.A.direct C.smart 地迎接更复杂的挑战。



[2016·河南八市联考]A middle-aged man, dressed in an old brown coat, sat quietly on a park bench with a newspaper. He lost his job and life just seems so pointless. A dark cloud of hopelessnessW1 hung over his head.

A little girl with a toy bear in hand was playing nearby, whose parents were busy talking with other people. To his surprise, he witnessedW2 the girl stray from the playground in the opposite direction of her parents. But her parents had no idea their daughter was running off in pursuitW3 of a butterfly.

“Maybe there was a danger,” the man abandonedW4 his paper and walked in the girl's direction. His walk turned into a jog. He didn't know what he did, but he knew he'd have to move more quickly. The girl's back was turned as she continued after the butterfly. He went into a full speed after the child.

“Look out! A speeding car!...” Luckily, she was within grasp. The man reached outP1, grabbed her arm quickly and pulled her back. The girl screamedW5 in terror. But the noise of the busy streets served to mute her cries to those nearby.

“Let me go!” the girl shouted.

The man kept hold of her, knelt, and looked her in the eyes. “You should be more careful! Never play near the streets.”

“I'm sorry I frightened you. Just get back to your parents, kid.” He let go, fully expecting the girl to run away in tears, however, she stayed, staring fixedly at the ground.

“I'm sorry, mister. I had thought you were a bad man. My toy is now for you.”

B.simple D.wise B.limited D.wasted B.pay D.help B.cultures D.situations

答案:D 从本空前instructor判断:教练陪在你身边就是为了帮助(help)你。

答案:C 本段第二句movement有提示:你练得等级越高,动作(movements)要求也就

答案:B 由本空后get the most得出:在训练课上的时间是有限的(limited),所以你想

答案:B 因为你已经学会专注简单的(simple)动作,并且做好它们,所以你能信心百倍

“Look,” the man sighed, “No need to apologize. You are safer from now on.” She started off, and then turned to wave before she continued back to her folks.

The man kept his eyes onP2 her until she reached her parents. “Maybe life isn't so bad after all. At least there's still some beauty left in this city.S”He thought and regained confidence towards life.


1.Why did the man feel depressed at the beginning? A.No one bought his newspaper. B.He wanted a higher position. C.People ignored him. D.He was out of work.

答案:D 细节理解题。根据第一段“He lost his job and life just seems so pointless. A dark cloud of hopelessness hung over his head.”可知,这个人失去了工作,因此感到很失望。

2.What did the girl's parents do when a danger appeared? A.They had a chat with their friends. B.They read newspapers on a bench. C.They tried to catch the butterfly. D.They witnessed a terrible accident.

答案:A 细节理解题。根据第二段“A little girl with a toy bear in hand was playing nearby, whose parents were busy talking with other people.”可知,小女孩的父母正与他们的朋友聊天,因此当小女孩面临危险的时候,他们根本没注意到。

3.How did the little girl feel after realizing the man's behavior? A.Annoyed. C.Terrified.

B.Thankful. D.Excited.

答案:B 推理判断题。根据文章“Let me go!” the girl shouted.可知,起初小女孩不知道那个人的意图,再结合下文“I'm sorry I frightened you. Just get back to your parents, kid.”可知,那个男人解释了自己的行为。“I'm sorry, mister. I had thought you were a bad man. My toy is now for you.”可知,小女孩因为误解了他而感到羞愧并进而充满了感激之情。

4.What can we learn from the story? A.Where there is a will, there is a way. B.A friend in need is a friend indeed. C.Helping others means helping oneself. D.It's never too late to learn.

答案:C 主旨大意题。绝望的人在拯救了一个小女孩后又对生活充满了希望,暗示出帮助他人也就是帮助自己。


1.hopelessness n. 绝望;无望