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分析:B错,应改为from。“从某年到某年”要用“from…to…”这个表达法,不能用since …to…。 例:Even as he wrote copiously on so diverse topics A B

as education ,politics ,and religion ,Lewis Mumford remained active in city and regional planning. C D

分析:B错, 改为such diverse topics as, 出现as, 往往要注意前面一半 (二)平行的内容

第一、引导词性的平行,词性的平行本质上是语法作用的平行 例:Photoperiodism is the functional or behavioral response of A B an organism to changes in duration of daily, seasonally, C D or yearly periods of light and darkness.

分析:D错,应改为seasonal。在daily, seasonally和yearly三个并列的词中,daily和yearly是形容词,seasonally是副词,故改为形容词seasonal,共同修饰名词periods,三个形容词的平行,词性平行 第二、名词单复数的平行

但是如果既有可数名词,又有不可数名词,可以不平行 例:The main advertising media include direct mail, A B C radio, television, magazines, and newspaper. D

分析:D错,应改为newspapers。newspaper为可数名词,在没有任何前置修饰语的情况下一般用复数形式,并且和前面的magazine平行,而mail, radio, television则是不可数名词。

例:The Canadian province of Newfoundland has a rocky coast, a moisture climate, A B and probably the best cod-fishing areas in the world. C D

分析:海岸气候只有一个,但是钓鱼的地方可以有许多个,所以也是不可数名词和名词复数的平行;因此D没有错,A错改为have 第三、时态的平行

例:The poet Marianne Moore was initially associated A with the imagist movement , but later develops B her own thyme patterns and verse forms. C D

分析:B错,应改为developed。句中前半部分谓语为过去时,与之并列的谓语也应用过去时。 例:Because the papaya grows readily from seed , ----- spread from its home in Central America and now grows throughout the tropics. (A) to be (B) it (C) the (D) its

分析:正确答案为(B)。空格前是原因状语从句,后面紧接着是谓语动词,空格处明显缺主句主语。四个选项中只有B能单独作主语。注意spread是过去式,没有数的变化,因为这一动作明显发生在过去时间。spread 和grows为什么时态可以不平行呢?


原来它在Central America 的家乡传播,现在在整个地方传播,now只修饰后面的grow 例:Ducks have been domesticated for many centuries ---- commercially for their meat and eggs. (A) raised (B) and are raised (C) raised as (D) are raised

分析:正确答案为B。空格前是一个完整的句子,根据一个空格处如再出现谓语动词一定要有连词这一原则,B为惟一符合条件的选项。故选(B)。 第四、排列位置的平行

例:---the surface of metal, but also weakens it. (A) Not only does rust corrode (B) Not only rust corrodes (C) Rust, which not only corrodes (D) Rust not only corrodes

分析:正确答案为D。从but also放在动词前可知,not only也须置于动词前,故选D。A、B中的Not only位置放错了,C使句子缺主句,故排除。

对于not only, but also的用法有以下几种:

1、主语+not only +谓语,but also+谓语,正确;例如上面例题中的第四个选项。 2、Not only +主谓,but also+主谓,正确 3、Not only +主语+谓语,but also+谓语,错误 八、词序的颠倒

词序的颠倒一般只考一道,90%的情况集中于下面三个出题方向 (一) 先说形容词,再说名词

例:The Medal of Honor is the highest award military for courage A B that can be given to any individual in the United States. C D

分析:B错,军事的荣誉是military award而不是award military,单个形容词修饰名词时一般放在被修饰词的前面。

(二) 副词+形容词+名词

例:Certain types of computers work properly only A B in environments with controlled precisely temperatures. C D

分析:D错,应改为precisely controlled,精确的被控制的温度。controlled为过去分词用作形容词,修饰它的副词应放在其前面,它自己则要紧挨着被修饰的名词。

(三)主语系动词, 系动词 + 表语

例:During the 1600's skilled shoemakers scarce were A B C in what is now the United States. D


分析:C错,应改为were scarce。表语应该放在系动词后面。 所有的系动词分为三大类: 第一种:表示保持某种状态, is, remain, keep, stay, lie, exit(表示位于)

第二种,从一种状态转变到另一种状态 become, turn, grow,

get (It is getting warmer and warmer) 第三种,感官动词 seem(好像是) look(看起来好像是)

feel, sound, appear, smell, taste

enough修饰形容词或副词时,一般放在形容词或副词后面。 例: The eruptions of Mt. St. Helens were enough severe A B to cause numerous deaths. C D

分析:B错,应改为sever enough。severe是形容词, enough放在severe后面。 九、词性的混用

词汇量的掌握对词性的使用非常重要,但是如果对出题方向有更好的把握,将会弥补词汇量的不足。 (一)做表语时形容词和副词的混用 做表语永远用形容词,绝对不能用副词;

例:Giant pandas, which inhabit restricted areas of high A B mountain bamboo forests, are rarely today and C

when they are in captivity they breed poorly. D

分析:错,应改为are rare。rarely为副词,不能作表语,故改为形容词rare(罕见的,稀少的) (二)加宾语时名词和动名词的混用 后面加宾语当然要用动名词

例:Tilling means preparation the soil to plant the seeds A B and keeping the soil in the best condition to C

help the crop grow until it is ready3 for harvesting. D


例:Langston Hughes, a prolific writer of the 1920's, A

was concerned with the depicting the experience of B C

urban Black people in the United States.



分析:C错,应改为depicting。 depicting在此为动名词,作介词宾语时不加冠词。注意此处还可以改为the depiction of,但略显累赘,因为后面还有of结构。The +动名词,这个动名词其实就变为了名词。 (三)表示时间时,状语从句连接词和近义的介词混用 表示时间有两种可能,

一种是状语从句,由when and while引导,后面加句子。另一种是由介词引导,如during,后面加名词, 考试中往往就利用这个特点,总是给出相反的情况 例:Balloon observations for military intelligence A B were made while the American Civil War. C D

分析:D错,应改为during。while是从属连词或并列连词,后面接句子,后面是名词短语时,应改为介词during。 例:Some of the most celebrated publicity stunts while the A B C history of radio were associated with Gracie Allen. D

分析:C错,应改为in。while为连词,后面要求接从句,而句中显然没有从句,故根据题意改为介词in。 (四)对等连接词和近义的副词混用

连接平行结构的词叫做对等连接词,但是如果出现else, also, instead等副词把这些结构连接起来行不行呢?当然不行。 例:Mary McDowell shared Jane Addam's interest in social A work also was a loyal supporter of the League of Nations. B C D

分析:B错,应改为and。also是副词,不能连接并列的谓语动词,故改为并列连词and。 例:Paper is strong under tension instead crumples A B C easily under the stress of compression. D

分析:C错,应改为but;题目意思是在拉力的作用下很强,而在压力的作用下容易起皱;instead, 副词不能连接两个动词并列,but 的对等连接词和and, or的用法是一样的 (五)表示人的名词和表示事物的词混用

例:An editor is customarily a brief newspaper or magazine A B

article that gives personal comments on current events. C D

分析:A错,应改为editorial。 editor的意思是“编辑”,根据题意改为名词editorial(社论)。 例:For centuries, music have played acoustical guitars, A

which produce sound from the vibration of the strings. B C D

分析:A错,应改为musicians。music是抽象名词,意为“音乐”,不能表示复数要领显然应改为musicians(音乐家)。 (六) 只能用副词+数量词+名词;不能用形容词 nearly two hundred students, 这里nearly修饰的是200; two hundred diligent students