2017年牛津译林苏教版四年级英语上册期末试卷(含听力材料及答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2017年牛津译林苏教版四年级英语上册期末试卷(含听力材料及答案)更新完毕开始阅读81cfb2d58ad63186bceb19e8b8f67c1cfad6ee4a


------------------------------------------------密---------------------------------------封---------------------------------线---------------------------------- 同学们,这个学期很快就要结束了,你的英语一定学得 很棒。那就认真完成这张试卷吧,记得要仔细审题哦,祝你考出好成绩,加油! 听力部分(40分)

一、 火眼金睛(听录音,圈出与所听内容一致的图片。) (听三遍,10分)

1. 2. A B A B

学校 班级 姓名 学号

3. 4. A B A B

5. A B

二、择优录取(听录音,根据所听的内容,将其序号填在题前括号内。)(听三遍,10分) ( )1. A. eyes B. ears C. mouth ( )2. A. twenty B. forty C. fifty ( )3. A. bathroom B. bedroom C. kitchen ( )4. A. lion B. tiger C. horse ( )5. A. fat B. cap C. cat

--线---------------------------------- 三、排排队(听录音,用数字给下列图片排序。)(听三遍,10分)

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

四、公正裁判(听录音,判断你听到的内容与图是否一致,一致的打√ ,不一致的打 ×。)(听三遍,10分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


一、火眼金睛(读下列单词,选出每一组中不同类的单词。)(10分) ( ) 1. A. coffee B. rice C. milk ( ) 2. A. shoes B. socks C. hair ( ) 3. A. grape B. pineapple C. noodles ( ) 4. A. sandwich B. clock C. hamburger ( ) 5. A. fridge B. tall C. thin 二、单词快餐车(读一读,填入所缺的单词。)( 5分 ) 1. —Do you like_________?(狗) —Yes, I do.

2. —__________ are my skirts? —They’re on the sofa. 3. —__________ _________ is it? — It’s eight yuan. 4. His eyes are__________.(小的)

三、众里挑一(读一读,选出一个最佳答案,将其序号填入题前的括号内。)(10分) ( )1. —Look my cat. — It’s cute.

A. / B. a C. at

( )2. —What would you like? — a pie.

A. I like B. I’d like C. I can

( )3. Look at my brother. eyes are big

A. My B. His C. Her

( )4. — is that fan? — Ten yuan.

A. How much B. How many C. What

( )5. —Can Liu Tao play football? — No, he_________. A. can B. can’t C. do ( ) 6. Look at this robot. His is big.

A. eyes B. hair C. nose

( ) 7. How much the socks?

A. are B. am C. is

( ) 8. Do you like tigers?

A. Yes, I don’t. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I like.

( ) 9. Do you have grapes?

A. any B. some C. a

( ) 10.My hair short and my ears big.

A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are



( ) 1. Is your cap on the sofa? A. Yes, I’d like these, please. ( ) 2. Can I help you? B. No, it isn’t. ( ) 3. What do you have? C. Ten, please. ( ) 4. How many would you like? D. Yes, he can. ( ) 5. Can Mike skate? E. I have a book.


1.She is Helen. hair is long. 2. — you skate? — Yes, I can.

3. — do you have? —I have some oranges.

4. — rubbers do you have? — I have two.

D. like

E. How many

B. What

A. her

C. Can

5. —What would you ?

— A hamburger, please.

六、句子过山车(将下列句子重新排列,将序号填在所给的方框内。)(5分) 1. Good afternoon! Can I help you? 2. OK. Here you are.

3. Yes. I’d like these socks and these shoes. 4. They are fifty-five yuan. 5. How much are they? → → → → 七、阅读芳草地(阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T 表示,错误的写“F”。)( 10分 )

My name is Wang Tao. I’m twelve. I like cats and pandas very much. Cats are lovely and pandas are cute. I don’t like tigers. My sister Wang Fang likes dogs and tigers. I have five toy cars. They are cool. Look, they are on the sofa. My sister Wang Fang likes stickers. She has fourteen stickers. They are beautiful. ( ) 1. Wang Tao is twelve.

( ) 2. Wang Fang likes cats and tigers. ( ) 3. Wang Tao likes stickers. ( ) 4. Wang Fang has forty stickers. ( ) 5. The toy cars are on the sofa.
