2018年高考英语大一轮复习:第1部分 必修4 Unit 4 Body language 含解析 联系客服

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第一部分 必修四 Unit 4

Ⅰ.单句语法填空导学号 42492415

1.I'll be out for some time.__In__ case anything important happens, call me up immediately. 解析:句意:我要出去一会儿。万一发生任何重要的事情,立刻给我打电话。in case“假使,万一”,引导条件状语从句。

2.__Having_spent__(spend) the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.

解析:本题考查非谓语动词。句意:琳达,一名交换生,过去的一年是在香港度过的,因此她看上去比同龄人更成熟。分析句子结构可知,主语Linda与spend之间是主动关系,需用现在分词或不定式;再根据句中的关键词the past year可知,spend这一动作已经发生了,所以用现在分词的完成式形式having spent。

3.(2016·天津卷,9)The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows,__making__ (make) air conditioning unnecessary.


4.A good listener takes part in the conversation, __offering__(offer) ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.


5.I took my driving license with me on holiday, __in__ case I wanted to hire a car. 解析:考查连词短语。句意:度假时我随身携带驾驶证以备租车之需。

6.We'd better discuss everything __in__detail before we work out the plan. 解析:句意:我们最好在制订计划之前详细地讨论一切事情。in detail详细地。 7.__Approaching__(approach) the city centre, we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height.


8.Stephen was chosen __to_represent__(represent) the company at the conference. 解析:句意:Stephen被选出代表公司参加会议。

9.Studies show that people who like sitting in the office for hours without a break are more __likely__ to suffer from back problems. 解析:句意:研究表明,喜欢长时间坐在办公室里不休息的人更可能得背部疾病。likely,possible和probable都意为“可能的”,但只有likely可用于sb.be likely to do sth.句型。

10.The old couple, __having__ lived in the small village for years,can tell the names of all the villagers.

解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子成分可知,主语The old couple和live之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且句中有表示一段时间的时间状语for years,因此用live的现在分词的完成式。

11.I know it's normal for such a thing to happen, but we __could/might/would/ should_have_avoided__(avoid) it if we'd been more careful. 解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:我知道发生这样的事情是正常的,但如果我们更小心一点儿的话,这样的事是可以避免的。根据句中的“if we'd been more careful”可知,此处表示与过去事实相反的假设,故用could/might/would/should have done结构。

12.At the conference, political leaders from many countries promised to work together to defend the world __against__ terrorism and other threats. 解析:句意:会议上,来自多个国家的政治领导人承诺携手保护全球免受恐怖活动和其他威胁的伤害。defend...against“保护……免受……的伤害”。

13.—He should have been warned of the danger. —So he __was__(be), but he wouldn't listen to me. 解析:考查固定句型。根据答句可知,后者赞同前者的话。此处强调的是发生在过去的客观事实,因此应用so he was。

14.Today there are more airplanes __carrying__(carry) more people than ever before in the skies.

解析:本题考查非谓语动词。句意:现在天空中比以前有更多的飞机搭载乘客。分析结构可知,此处是there be结构,主语more airplanes后接了非谓语动词;并且,airplanes与carry之间为主谓关系,故要用现在分词作定语。

15.—Tom's still angry with me.

—You are __to_blame__(blame).How dare you call him a liar! He's the last person __to_lie__(lie).

解析:sb.be to blame“某人应对(过错、罪行)负责”,名词前有序数词,the last等词修饰时,该名词后接不定式。

Ⅱ.完成句子导学号 42492416

1.They __communicate_with_each_other__(相互交流) by telephone every week, talking and laughing to reduce the stress on work.

2.We have found __a_new_approach_to__(……的新方法) the study of English, which is beneficial to memorize the new words.

3.It wasn't a good thing.__On_the_contrary__(相反), it was a huge mistake.

4.We __had_a_little_misunderstanding_with__(与……发生了一点儿误会) our neighbors last night.

5.In addition, the clearness of statement __is_more_important_than__(比……更重要) the beauty of language.

6.Some children __find_it_difficult_to_communicate_with_adults__(发现与成年人沟通很困难).(find+it+adj.+to do)


__All_the_students_can_not_understand_him./Not_all_the_students_can_understand_him__. 8.__It_is_likely_that__(有可能) he isn't satisfied with his new occupation.

9.He promised to attend the party, but I don't know why he hasn't __turned_up__(出现) yet. 10.I wish you wouldn't __look_down_upon/on__(瞧不起) this kind of work because it is very important to us.

Ⅲ.单句改错导学号 42492417

1.I majored English when learning in university. __majored后加上in__ 2.When approaching for the house, they found something unusual, so they stopped to have a look.

__去掉for__ 3.Speak clearly, or you'll make yourself misunderstand. __misunderstand→misunderstood__ 4.I am a little nervous.Give me a cup of tea to put me for ease. __for→at__ 5.The Olympic mascots are the Olympic flame, the fish, the panda, the Tibetan antelope and the swallow, represent a close group of friends.

__represent→representing__ 6.Technologically spoken, China's Chang'e project does better than any earlier project of the same kind.

__spoken→speaking__ 7.They were hidden in the forest to avoid having found by the enemies. __having→being__ 8.Having disappointed at failing in the math exam, John wouldn't like to talk about it to his parents.

__Having后加上been__ 9.Have you been to Australia, which is an English-spoken country? __English-spoken→English-speaking__ 10.Wise teachers know it's impossible for all the students to learn all the subjects well because none of them are not fit for them.

__none→all__ Ⅳ.教材原句导学号 42492418

1.I saw several young people enter the waiting area__looking__(look) around curiously. 解析:考查非谓语动词作状语。look与young people之间为主动关系,故应用looking。 2.These actions are not good or bad,__but__are simply ways__in__which cultures have developed.

解析:第一空考查两句子之间的逻辑关系,结合语意两者表转折;第二空考查定语从句,此处先行词为ways,从句中不缺主语和宾语,故用in which引导。

3.Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her__on__the cheek. 解析:考查“kiss sb.+介+the+身体部位”结构,身体部位是硬部位,故填on。 4.I moved back a bit, but he came__closer__(close) to ask a question and then shook my hand.

解析:考查形容词用法。结合语境中“moved back a bit”及but可知,此处用比较级。 5.The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely__followed__(follow) by Julia Smith from Britain.

解析:考查非谓语作定语。follow与Tony Garcia之间为动宾关系,故填followed。 6.I stood for a minute__watching__(watch) them and then went to greet them. 解析:考查现在分词作伴随状语。watch与逻辑主语之间为主动关系,故用watching。 7.Body language is one of__the__most powerful means of communication, often even more powerful than__spoken__(speak) language. 解析:第一空考查最高级用法,前面加the;第二空考查分词作定语,speak与language