口译——2011年温家宝答记者问中英对照重点分析版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章口译——2011年温家宝答记者问中英对照重点分析版更新完毕开始阅读821ffba828ea81c759f5781d

the mayors will be responsible for the supply of vegetables. And in terms of bringing down surging housing prices, it is the local governments that will assume the general responsibility.


You have a keen interest of in the appreciation of Chinese RMB. I would like to say that we will continue to pursue our reform of the Chinese RMB exchange rate regime. Actually we have taken three major steps in pushing forward this reform since 1994. And since 1994, the real effective exchange rate of the Chinese Yuan has appreciated by 57.9% against the dollar. Our practice has been to de-peg the Chinese yuan from the US dollar and we pursue a managed and floating exchange rate, RMB exchange rate regime the on the basis of market supply and demand and with reference to a basket of currencies. We will continue to make the RMB exchange rate more flexible in line with the changes in market supply and demand. At the same time, the appreciation of the Chinese currency should be a gradual process because we must bear in mind its impact on the Chinese businesses and our employment situation. We must ensure overall social stability in this process. Thank you!



I’m with China National Radio and its affiliated website. Just now, my foreign colleague mentioned the issue of rising housing prices and you also said that the government has taken measures to control rising housing prices in three aspects. We have actually seen that since last year the State Council has introduced a succession of measures to bring down the housing prices and some view these measures as the harshest ever. You said in the Government Work Report that the government will resolutely regulate the real-estate market. My question is that, will these measures be fully implemented or will the government give up half-way in their implementation?




We had set out our measures to control rising housing prices. What’s essential now is to ensure the full implementation of relevant policies and measures. In this respect, the central government will step up its inspection of the work on the part of local governments; we must exercise strict accountability system. At the same time, we will follow very closely and analyze the new developments in the real estate market and study focused and targeted macro-control measures in this field. The local governments must conscientiously perform their relevant responsibilities in this respect. For example, they must release their detailed rules with respect the implementation of the central government’s policies and announce their respective targets about bringing down housing prices. Actually, in regulating the real estate market, we have also adopted a very important measure, that is, we will further increase the supply of government subsidized housing units. This means that we will try to address problems in the housing market by relying on increasing supply. With respect to the government’s subsidized housing, I am aware of some concerns among the people. I would like to say that we have set the target of building 10 million such housing units this year and another 10 million next year. In total in the next five years, we plan to build 36 million government subsidized housing units. The mainly comprise public rental housing and low rent housing. It is essential that we ensure sufficient founding for the construction of those houses. As far as the founding is concerned, the central government will transfer a total of 103 billion RMB yuan to local governments in taking responsibilities of building such housing. The local governments will also increase their fiscal input but at the same time it is essential that we generate greater nongovernmental capital into this field. It is also important that we designate specific sites for the construction of government subsidized housing and ensure that such designated sites will be used only for this purpose. It is also important that we ensure the design and construction of those houses will meet high quality, standards and these lowing housings will be safe, environment-friendly and energy-efficient. I believe this presents us a great opportunity in developing the healthy housing market in China and we must not miss out on this opportunity. With respect to construction of these low income housings, we must at present formulate the management and return mechanisms so that we can put in place a complete system governing the

construction, management and return of these houses and ensure the good quality and efficiency.


Thank You!



I’m with MBC of the Republic of Korea. We have paid close attention to China’s 12th Five-year Plan. In particular it says that it will promote the vigorous cultural development and prosperity in China. China is one of the first places of human civilization, and China has a time-honored history and cultural tradition. My question is what will China do to give full play to its cultural advantage and boost the country’s soft power? What will be the specific measures taken in this filed?



I believe a country should not only be economically strong but also and more importantly be culturally strong and this is reflected in the educational level of its population, its cultural development and moral and ethical standards. China has a 5,000-year cultural heritage. Chinese civilization is one of the few in the world that have stayed unescaped from many trails and tribulations and continued uninterrupted in its development. Culture is the soul of a nation and cultural tradition is a strong source of inspiration and cohesiveness. We must bring into full play the strength of China’s cultural heritage and at the same time learn from and draw upon the fine achievements of other civilizations. Only in this way will the Chinese culture enjoy greater development. As I have often said, only an open and inclusive country can be strong. We will further reform and develop our cultural programs during the 12th Five-year Plan period and for even longer time to come. We will pursue institutional reform and further promote the people oriented cultural programs, so that we can enjoy greater development and prosperity in the

Chinese culture. We will integrate our cultural heritage with the spirit of the times and we will also combine our efforts to carry forward the Chinese cultural heritage with our efforts to draw upon the culture of other countries so that the Chinese culture will continue to brim with vigor and vitality. Thank you!


“十二五”规划已经正式通过,而两岸经济合作会议日前在台湾举行了首次会议。请问温总理,“十二五”规划和两岸签署的ECFA怎么促进两岸的经贸合作?另外,有部分台湾民众担心在大陆的经济转型之后可能对于在大陆的台资企业造成很严重的冲击,出现经济困难,请问总理如何看待这个问题?谢谢。 I’m with TVBS of Taiwan. The 12th Five-year Plan Outline has been adopted and the first session on economic cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits has been convened in Taiwan not long ago. I would like to ask: how will the 12th five-year plan and ECFA between the two sides of Taiwan straits boost the business cooperation of the two sides? Moreover, there is a concern among some Taiwan people that with the transformation of economic development pattern on the mainland, maybe some Taiwan business on the mainland will face greater difficulties. What is your view?



First, I would like to ask you to convey my greetings to compatriots in Taiwan. The ECFA between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits has entered into force from January the first this year starting with the early harvest. In February the relevant parties of the two sides conducted a review with respect to the implementation of the early harvest and they share the view that early harvest has got off a good start, made smooth progress and produce initial results. Cross-strait trade