扬州雅思英语培训-巧用雅思大作文开头段之三种关系 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章扬州雅思英语培训-巧用雅思大作文开头段之三种关系更新完毕开始阅读8242e7da69dc5022abea0027

Some people hurry to fast food restaurant to save their time, whereas some others wait a relatively long time for traditional food.

2) On the other hand

On the other hand绝对是一个很好用的词组,用好了可以起到锦上添花的作用,但一定切忌它必须是表示相反或相悖的概念。

例2:Nowadays, there are two kinds of school: public and private.

用on the other hand 同样可以实现对比,起到点题的作用。

Recently, there is a growing tendency for students to enter private schools. On the other hand, some people still prefer to go to public schools.


三、 转折关系

大多数的题目都是可以抛砖引玉的,即通过转折的方式引出主题B but A。

should have … however / Admittedly … however


A report indicates that nowadays children are becoming more and more lazy, fat and unsociable.

这个题目诠释了这样一个事实,当今的孩子变得越来越lazy, fat and unsociable一些负面的信息,那么我们该如何抛砖引玉,如何点到这个题目上?

The social and economic development should have resulted in a happier life. However, recently an increasing number of parents are concerning their children have become lazy, fat and unsociable. 例2:

Nowadays cheap air travel is increasingly popular in the world. To what extent do you think its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?

这是一个科技类题目,关于探讨打折机票利弊的问题,题点有一个词叫“increasingly popular”,那么我们就可以通过对比的方式实现一种转折,点到题目,如下:

There was a time when air travel was only for the wealthy people and out of reach of majority of citizens. But now low-cost flights are available in many countries. I believe this is, overall, a positive development. 例3:

There is not enough respect for elderly people. What are the causes and what are your solutions?


We tend to agree that being kind to the elderly people is indeed a virtue. However, today not many young people treat seniors respectfully.


