最新-2018届高考英语二轮专题总复习 完形填空精选 精品 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章最新-2018届高考英语二轮专题总复习 完形填空精选 精品更新完毕开始阅读826581bcd05abe23482fb4daa58da0116d171f18



All the birds came to the magpie to ask how to build nests(巢).The magpie is the __1__ of all at building nests.__2__ she put them round her and began to __3__ how to do it.First,she took some mud(泥)and made a round cake with it.

“Oh,that’s __4__ it’s done!”said the thrush,and it __5__ away.Then the magpie took some twigs(树枝)and put them round in the __6__.The blackbird said,“Now I __7__ all about it!”and flew off.Later the magpie put another layer(层)of mud over the twigs.“That’s quite obvious!”the owl said and flew away.__8__ this,the magpie took some twigs and put them round the outside.“The very thing!”said the sparrow,and it went off too.Then the magpie took some feathers(羽毛)and covered the inside of the nest very __9__ with them.“That suits me!”cried the starling,and off it flew.

So it __10__,every bird taking away some __11__ of how to build nests,but none of them waiting to the __12__.

The magpie went on working without noticing till the only bird that __13__ was the turtledove.He hadn’t paid any __14__ all along,but only kept on saying its silly cry,“Take two,take two-o-o-o!”The magpie said,“One is __15__.”But the turtledove kept on saying,“Take two,take two-o-o-o!”The magpie got __16__ and said,“You just need one,I tell you!”Still the turtledove cried,“Take two,take two-o-o-o!” At last,the magpie __17__ up but she saw __18__ near her except the silly turtledove,and then she flew away and __19__ to tell the birds how to build nests again. That is why different birds build their nests __20__.


1.A.busiest B.fattest C.cleverest D.smallest

解析 由众鸟求教的事实可知:喜鹊在众多鸟中是“最聪明的(cleverest)”,它筑的鸟巢最好。 答案 C

2.A.Because B.But C.So D.However 答案 C

3.A.remember B.show C.watch D.hear

解析 “于是(So)”喜鹊把鸟儿们聚集在它周围开始“展示(show)”如何筑巢。 答案 B

4.A.how B.when C.where D.why 答案 A

5.A.drove B.swam C.climbed D.flew

解析 画眉认为自己已经知道了“如何(how)”筑巢,就“飞走了(flew)”。下文多次出现的

flew off以及flew away都是提示。 答案 D

6.A.hole B.ground C.tree D.mud

解析 根据上文she took some mud可知这里指喜鹊把一些细枝绕圈插在泥上。 答案 D

7.A.receive B.explain C.tell D.know 解析 黑鹂也认为自己“懂得了(know)”全部筑巢的技能。 答案 D

8.A.On B.By C.After D.Before 解析 做完了那一步之后,它又取了点树枝插在外边。 答案 C

9.A.strangely B.comfortably C.dangerously D.heavily 解析 放一些羽毛在鸟巢里面是为了“舒适(comfortably)”。 答案 B

10.A.went on B.gave up C.fell down D.got up

解析 从事实判断:它“继续(went on)”教大家如何筑巢,而鸟儿们一个一个地飞走了。 答案 A

11.A.cost B.story C.knowledge D.news 解析 每一只鸟都学会了一些筑巢的“知识(knowledge)”。 答案 C

12.A.foot B.rest C.start D.end 解析 但是没有一只鸟能坚持听到“最后(end)”。 答案 D

13.A.left B.remained C.died D.escaped 解析 从事实判断:这时,只“剩下(remained)”斑鸠还在。 答案 B

14.A.attention B.money C.visit D.price

解析 根据but only kept on saying its silly cry的转折可知在喜鹊讲如何筑巢时,斑鸠根本就没有“注意(attention)”听。 答案 A

15.A.safe B.necessary C.enough D.possible

解析 下文的You just need one可知,喜鹊认为一个鸟巢就已经“足够 了(enough)”。 答案 C

16.A.ill B.beautiful

C.hungry D.angry 解析 斑鸠一直在这样叫,很烦人,所以喜鹊很“生气(angry)”。I tell you的语气是提示。 答案 D

17.A.handed B.looked C.grew D.turned 答案 B

18.A.nobody B.somebody C.anybody D.everybody

解析 根据上文went on working without noticing可知喜鹊忙着教大家如何筑巢,没注意发生了什么,当它“抬头一看(looked up)”时,发现只剩下了斑鸠,除此之外,“没有别的鸟(nobody)”。 答案 A

19.A.hoped B.continued C.refused D.stopped 解析 从此之后它“拒绝(refused)”再给其他鸟讲如何筑鸟巢。 答案 C

20.A.happily B.slowly

C.carefully D.differently

解析 本空前的different提示:这就是为什么不同的鸟筑的巢“不同(differently)”的原因。 答案 D 2

I left baseball not for physical reasons but because it was my season for change. So I decided to walk away and __1__ I did, like the vast majority of players, I was __2__.It would be the first time since I learned to swing a bat that I would spend an entire summer __3__ ever putting on a uniform.

For me, the moment was hard completely without the guiding wisdom of my father, who could __4__ with me with just a nod of his head. He passed away two years ago. Since my __5__,I have been searching for the next passion. It is a(n) __6__ journey, and many players never find their next love.

Of course my father could never be replaced. He was a doctor,__7__ his passion was writing. He left behind a body of poetry that __8__ me now. Outside of the original collection of poetry I have, he left behind two books he published on his own. I didn’t stay lost forever.I __9__ something that I wasn’t looking for:a voice through writing. Only later did I understand that this would be a(n)__10__ to understanding my father in another way, one that __11__ me to connect a passion I didn’t realize we both __12__. Writing __13__ me to people who were __14__ strangers and made them guests at my table. Words are in fact a dynamic I’m reminded of when I call upon my father __15__ his poetry. In this way, my father stays with me.

After my first book was published, a college teacher I met at my friend’s home told me that it was a perfect example of opinion piece.I had already known that for me writing was a passion and __16__ a therapy, but now I also thought that it was __17__ that I’d found my next profession.

Thankfully,I always __18__ my father was proud of me. I have no doubt that he would be even prouder of __19__ I am doing with my words that I can __20__ for my son to read one day.

直到后来我才意识到,写作是我用另一种方式去理解父亲的一座桥梁。 1.A.since B.though C.once D.if

解析 考查连词辨析。once“一旦”。一旦我离开了运动场,像很多运动员一样,我迷失了。其他三项不符合语境。 答案 C

2.A.separated B.lost C.puzzled D.satisfied 解析 考查形容词辨析。be lost“迷失(自我)”。separated“分居的”;puzzled“困惑的,迷惑不解的”;satisfied“满足的”。下文“I didn’t stay lost forever”也是答案暗示。 答案 B

3.A.instead of B.without C.but for D.despite

解析 考查介词辨析。without“没有”。自从我学习棒球以来,这将会是我第一次不穿运动装度过整个夏天。instead of“代替”;but for “要不是”;despite“尽管”。 答案 B

4.A.communicate B.play

C.contact D.agree

解析 考查动词(短语)辨析。空后的a nod of his head是一种交流方法,暗示答案为A项。communicate with sb.“与某人交流”。play with“与??一起玩,玩弄”;contact with“与??有联系”;agree with表达的含义是同意或赞同(某人的观点),不符合这一语境。 答案 A

5.A.graduation B.retirement C.unemployment D.marriage

解析 考查名词辨析。由文章首句可知此处为退出棒球行业,因此选B, retirement此处的含义为(运动员)退役。其他三项graduation“毕业”;unemployment“失业”;marriage“结婚”,均不符合语境。 答案 B

6.A.tough B.different C.exciting D.dangerous

解析 考查形容词辨析。a tough journey“一次艰难的旅程”。这是一次艰难的旅程,很多运动员都找不到下一个兴趣。 答案 A

7.A.and B.so

C.but D.even though

解析 考查连词辨析。父亲是一位医生,但是他爱好写作。前后是转折关系,所以用but。 答案 C

8.A.interests B.guides C.confuses D.shocks