冀教版八年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Unit 6 联系客服

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clever he was! Can you i 38 future transportation? For me, I like the bicycle________39(good). I like to go everywhere________40 bike because it is good for my health and for the environment. 六、基础写作

A)连词成句(每小题2分, 共10分) 41. born, when, father, your, was

_________________________________________________________________? 42. different, imagination, is, his, very

__________________________________________________________________. 43. his, loves, a lot, hometown, he

__________________________________________________________________. 44. is, the, cleaner, environment, much

__________________________________________________________________. 45. transportation, is, the, convenient

_________________________________________________________________? B)书面表达(20分)

假如你是李华, 你的外籍老师想了解一下你所在班级学生的到校方式。请你以“The way I come to school”为题, 写一篇80词左右的短文, 介绍自己的到校方式。

The way I come to school

I'm Li Hua. ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


一、1.B 2.D

3. D 解析:形义辨析法。句中visitors没有具体数字,前面数词用约数形式。

thousands of表示“成千上万的”,符合语境。故选D。 4. B 5.A


6. C 解析:结构分析法。动词decide后面接不定式充当其宾语。故选C。 7. A 8.C 9.D

10. D 解析:allowed允许,过去式;will allow一般将来时;allow允许,动词

原形;allows是第三人称单数形式。这句话的主语是由neither…nor来连接的,谓语动词的单复数形式应根据就近原则,与最近的名词保持一致,即my head teacher,故谓语动词用单数,并且根据句意这句话使用的是一般现在时态,故应选D。 二、11.B 12.D

13. B 解析:As a result结果。句意:结果那位乘客就没能按时服药。前后为因


14. C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.D

19. C 解析:turn down调小(音量);let down放下;write down写下;go down

下降。句意:她认为他会在上面写下不好的话,但是……。故选C。 20. A

三、21.B 22.A

23. B 解析:细节理解题。根据文章内容,Mike 经历了subway和high speed rail


24. D 解析:主旨归纳题。阅读全文可以判断Mike从此次旅行中感受到了便捷,


25. C 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一句话And it's one symbol of a new China and

a sign of China's strength(力量), too.可以判断Mike 很享受中国的轨道交通系统。

四、26.its heavy traffic 27. one/a kilometer 28. Two/2 yuan.

29. Over its 4,000 years of history, Hangzhou has been home to tons of wonderful


30. 人们可以在一天中任何时间把自行车停在任何一个共享单车停车点。 五、31.travelled 32.station 33.from

34. talking 35.easily 36.invention 37.wheels


38. imagine 39.best 40.by 六、A)41.When was your father born 42. His imagination is very different 43. He loves his hometown a lot 44. The environment is much cleaner 45. Is the transportation convenient B) 范文:

The way I come to school

I'm Li Hua. My home is only two kilometres away from our school, so I come to school on foot ①every day. It takes me about 20 minutes to walk to school②. I like walking very much because walking is a kind of exercise③. And it is good for my health. Walking is also good for① the environment. I think people should walk more. In that way, our air would be a lot cleaner. I hope everyone should try his or her best to① protect the environment.


第一步:开篇点题(…I come to school on foot …)。第二步:逐一介绍(I like walking very much because…is also good for…)。第三步:感想总结(I think…I hope…)。 添彩点:①恰当使用了短语 on foot; be good for; try one's best to。②重点句型It takes sb. some time to do sth.③because引导的原因状语从句,说出了原因。