关于教育技术学专业本科生实践能力培养的思考 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章关于教育技术学专业本科生实践能力培养的思考更新完毕开始阅读838d4be40a1c59eef8c75fbfc77da26924c59679

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摘要 教育技术学是理论和实践并重的新兴交叉学科,随着教育信息化和教学改革的深入,对教育技术专业本科生的实践能力提出更高的要求。从教育技术学本科生的能力要求出发,分析教育技术专业的课程体系构建,论述培养教育技术学专业本科生实践能力的主要措施。 关键词 教育技术;课程;实践能力

中图分类号:G652 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-489X(2009)30-0023-03

Thinking on Fostering Practice Ability on Undergraduates in Specialty of Educational Technology//Li Tongzhao

Abstract Promotion of the educational informalization and deeping of the instructional

reformquire higher practice ability to the undergraduates in the Specialty of Educational Technology. To meet the needs of new ability, this thesis offers an analysis of the curriculum construction and gives some major strategies to foster the practice ability on the undergraduates in the Specialty of educational technology.

Key words educational technology; curriculum; practice ability

Author’s address Xuzhou Normal University School of Information Communication, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, 221009, China
