译林牛津版2019-2020学年度八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(I)卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章译林牛津版2019-2020学年度八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(I)卷更新完毕开始阅读852f31e1b5daa58da0116c175f0e7cd18425188b


姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、 选择填空 (共10题;共10分)

1. (1分) old is university teacher.

A . An; an B . A; the C . The; a D . The; an

2. (1分)Someone in our class will be punished for the matter, but not . A . you or I B . you and I C . you or me D . you and me

3. (1分)To my great joy, my family is always ________me whatever I decide to do. A . behind B . to C . from D . against

4. (1分)Many people read newspapers ____ they can learn what's happening in the world. A . so that B . ever since C . as soon as D . even though

5. (1分)—What's ________ river in the world?

—The Nile. It is longer than ________ river in the world. A . the longer; any B . the longer; any other C . the longest; any

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woman behind Mary

D . the longest; any other

6. (1分)I heard that a great fire _________ when I was in a nightclub in Jintan last night. A . broke down B . broke out C . broke up D . broke in

7. (1分)—Helen, did you do last weekend? —Yes, I visited my grandparents in the countryside. A . anything special B . something special C . special anything

8. (1分)Everybody needs to sleep well to keep healthy but I _______go to bed before 23:00. I am too busy!

A . seldom B . often C . usually

9. (1分)We ________ play on this road. There is too much traffic. A . must B . mustn't C . need D . needn't

10. (1分)—Can students go online during lessons? —They can't ________ it is for that lesson. A . if B . unless C . until D . while

二、 补全对话根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。 (共1题;共1分)

11. (1分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

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A:Excuse me.________I don't feel well.

B:Yes, there is.It's a big hospital in our neighborhood. A:________

B:It's next to the police station. A:________

B:No.It only takes you about ten minutes to get there. A:________

B:You can walk there.It's across from the supermarket. A:Great! Thank you very much. B:________ A.How can I get there? B.Where is the hospital? C.What can I do for you? D.Is it far from here? E.Well.I'm new here. F.Is there a hospital near here? G.No problem. 三、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分) 12. (1分)完形填空

My dad was driving to the city center to shop and I was going along for the ride. At least that was what I had told him— 1 I had an important question to ask—that had been on my mind for a couple of weeks and this was the first time I had been able to 2with him alone.

“Dad…”I started. And 3 . “Yes?” he said.

“The kids say there is no Father Christmas. They say I'm 4 to believe in Father Christmas anymore…it's only for little kids. But I believe what you told me. Father Christmas is 5 . He is, isn’t he, Dad?”

“The real life and spirit of this magical elf (精灵) lives forever in your heart, my heart, Mom's heart and in the hearts and minds of 6 people who believe in the joy that giving to others brings. The real 7 of Father Christmas becomes what you can give rather what you get. Once you understand

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this and it becomes 8 of you, Father Christmas becomes even more exciting and more magical because you come to 9 the magic comes from you when Father Christmas lives in your heart. Do you understand what I am 10 to tell you?”

My heart was filled with pride and I’m sure my eyes were shining with 11 .” Of course, Dad. I want him to be in my heart, just like he's in yours. I love you, Daddy. You’re the best Father Christmas who has 12been in the whole world.”

When it comes time in my life to 13 the reality of Father Christmas to my children, I hope that I will be as eloquent (有口才) and 14 as my dad was the day I learned that the spirit of Father Christmas doesn't wear a red 15 . And I hope they will accept me as I did that day. I'm sure they will.


A . clearly B . actually C . personally D . originally (2)

A . stay B . fight C . live D . argue (3)

A . laughed B . continued C . stopped D . cried (4)

A . honest B . wrong C . proud D . foolish (5)

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