湖南专版2020中考英语复习:语法专题突破专题十四复合句语法综合演练 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章湖南专版2020中考英语复习:语法专题突破专题十四复合句语法综合演练更新完毕开始阅读85e0ff9de418964bcf84b9d528ea81c758f52e82

专题(十四) 复合句 语法综合演练


1.Could you tell me ? A.where she lives B.where does she live C.where is she living

2.—Could you please tell me yesterday afternoon? —Sorry, I don’t know.

A.whose child she is looking for B.she was looking for whose child C.whose child she was looking for

3.My grandma asked me she could get the “Red Packets(红包)” on QQ.A.that



4.[2019·长郡一模]—Could you tell me ?

—At Uncle Bob’s. We can get good food at a very low price there. A.where I can get some good food quickly B.how I can get some good food quickly C.where can I get some good food quickly

5.[2019·长沙模拟]—Could you tell me ? —Sure. The day after tomorrow. A.when will you leave for the USA B.when Mr. Liu will come C.when your father comes

6.[2019·长沙冲刺]—Excuse me, could you tell me ? —Yes, there is an art museum.

A.how often do you go to the art museum B.how long it takes to get to the art museum C.if there are any good museums in Changsha

7.[2019·长沙模拟]—Do you know for Beijing?

—Last Friday evening.

A.when she leaves B.when she left C.when will she leave

8.[2019·常州改编]—Could you tell me the music?

—He used traditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell. A.how he made B.how did he make C.why he made

9.[2019·咸宁改编]—I am worried about I can enter a good high school or not. —Take it easy. Believe in yourself! A.that



10.[2019·天津改编]—Could you tell me for the fruit? —By paying over the Internet.

A.how much will I pay B.how I will pay C.how will I pay

11.[2019·滨州改编]—Could you tell me ?

—Sure. Go down the street, and you can find it at the second crossing! A.where is the supermarket B.where the supermarket is C.when does the supermarket open

12.[2019·宿迁]—What did Mr. Wang ask you just now? —He asked me yesterday afternoon. A.why I am absent from school B.why I was absent from school C.why am I absent from school

13.[2019·青海]—What did you learn in geography class yesterday? —I learned that the sun in the east. A.was rising



14.—Do you know at this time yesterday? —Sorry, I don’t know.

A.what she is doing B.what was she doing C.what she was doing

15.Do you know ? A.when will he be back B.when he will be back C.where did he go

16.[2019·广东]—Have you decided the Expo 2019 Beijing? —This summer holiday. A.how are you going to B.when you are going to C.when are you going to

17.[2019·山西]—Some schools have used smart uniforms. I wonder . —They can tell parents where their children are. A.who invented them B.what they are used for C.when students wear them

18.[2019·百色改编]—I want to know we will have the meeting. —Maybe in the classroom. A.where



19.[2019·眉山改编]—What did Tom say to you just now, John? —He asked . A.what I am so happy today B.what will I do for the weekend

C.if I could go to the movies with him tonight

20.[2019·桂林]Do you know the students like the mobile phone game so much? A.what |状语从句|

1.[2019·长沙模拟]—WeChat is attractive an invention many people are crazy about it.

—Every coin has two sides. We need to use it wisely. A.so; which C.such; that

2.[2019·长沙模拟]You can do well you stick to your dream and keep learning. A.everything; unless

B.nothing; unless

B.why C.how

B.so; that

C.nothing; if

3.[2019·贵阳]Our eyesight will become poorer and poorer we keep playing with phones. A.though



4.—What was your brother doing at this time yesterday? —He was reading a magazine I was writing an e-mail. A.after

B.as soon as


5.—It is said that Wang Yuan gave a wonderful speech in English at the United Nations for the public service.

—That’s true.He worked hard his spoken English has improved a lot. A.as if

B.so that


6.—Would you like to go for a walk with me, Molly? —I’d love to, you don’t want to go alone. A.until



7.[2019·贵港改编]—Has the meeting begun yet? —Not yet. We have to wait everyone is here. A.and



8.[2019·本溪改编]—Lingling, you’ll feel sleepy tomorrow you go to bed early. —OK, Mom. I’ll go to bed at once. A.if



9.—There is always a smile on your face.Isn’t there any trouble in your life?

—Yes, there is.But life is like a mirror. you smile at it, it will smile back. A.When



10.[2019·盘锦改编]The old man leads a simple life, he has a lot of wealth. A.although



11.[2019·东营改编]—I’m afraid e-books might be bad for our eyes. —Hmm, but they will be helpful for us we put them to good use. A.as soon as

B.as long as

C.even though

12.Bob, dinner is ready.Please wash your hands you eat. A.until



13.We don’t know the love of our parents we become parents ourselves one day. A.until

