小升初专项练习--名词-冠词-代词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章小升初专项练习--名词-冠词-代词更新完毕开始阅读868df625f9c75fbfc77da26925c52cc58ad6900c


A. The ; a B. The ; the C. A ; a D. A ; the ( )32. ___ earth is one of ____ planets.

A. The ; sun’s B. The ; the sun C. The ; the sun’s D. The ; the suns’ ( )33.Tokyo is ___.

A. the capital of Japan B. capital of Japan C. Japan capital D. a capital of Japan

( )34. Kate sometimes plays ___ violin and sometimes plays ___ table tennis before supper.

A. / ; the B. the ; / C. the ; the D. / ; /

( )35. –Have you seen ___ pencil? I left it here this morning.--Is it ___ red one ? I saw it.

A. a ; the B. the ; the C. the ; a D. a ; a

( )36.There is_______ orange tree behind_____ house. A. an ; the B. a ; a C. the ; the D. an ; / ( )37.—How long did you stay there ? --About half ___ hour.



A. / B. one C. a D. an

( )38______ bag is in the desk. A. Mine B. My C. He D. Hers ( )39 This is a bird. ______ name is Polly. A. It’s B. It C. Its D. Their

( )40 She brings some stamps on ______ way home every day. A. his B. my C. hers D. her

( )41 Fried chicken is ______ favorite. Give some to ______. A. us, us B. ours, us C. our, us. D. theirs, ours ( )42 The black shoes are ______. A. my B. your C. his D. her

( )43 —Jim, is this your sweater? —Yes, it’s ______. A. mine B. my C. you D. me

( )44 A friend of ______ is going to be here. A. them B. theirs C. they D. their

( )45 Most of ______ speak English as well as ______ do.



A. them, we B. theirs, ours C. their, us D. they, we 二 将下列词组译成英语(共十题,每题2分,总计20分) ① 两箱书 ② 四篮子鸡蛋

③ 三副眼镜 ④女医生们 ⑤一条裤子 ⑥两杯牛奶

⑦十滴红墨水(drop, ink) ⑧一组队员 ⑨一块蛋糕 ⑩两排大树 三、冠词填空:在下列句子空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划/(共50个空,每空0.5分,总计25分)

1. There is _______ picture of _______ elephant on _______ wall. 2. This is _______ useful book. I've read it for _______ hour. 3. _______ elephant is much heavier than _______ horse.

4. _______ doctor told him to take _______ medicine three times _______ day. 5. Let's go out for _______ walk.

6. It's too hot. Open _______ door,please.

7. There is _______ woman over there. _______ woman is Meimei's mother. 8. _______ sun rises in _______ east.

9. _______ Changjiang River is _______ longest river in _______ China. 10. Are you going to do it _______ second time? 11. Washington is _______ capital of _______ USA.

12. _______ Turners are living at _______ end of _______ Turner Street. 13. He joined the army in _______ spring of _______ 1995.



14. _______ old man is _____ teacher. He likes playing ______ basketball after ______ supper. 15. After I had _______ quick breakfast,I hurried to school.

16. Are _____ sheep kept by _______ farmers for producing ______ wool and _______ meat? 17. They went to _____ People's Park,but we both went to _______ People's Cinema yesterday. 18. I often watch _______ TV in _______ evening.

19. _______ day of _______ December 20,1999 is Monday.

20. Tomorrow is _______ Christmas Day and my father and I went to choose _______ Christmas tree today.

21. I think _______ maths is more important than any other subject. 22. He often goes to _______ school by _______ bike. 23. What does this _______ word mean, _______ father? 24. What _______ important news!


1. ---- 刚才你们做了什么?---- 我们把图片贴在学校大门附近的墙上。 ---- What did you do a __________ ____________.

---- We ________ the pictures on the wall near the school _________. 2.我爸爸的生日是在9月9日。

My father's birthday is on the _______ of ________. 3.杨玲的叔叔居住在南京附近的一个小城镇。

Yang Ling's uncle _______ in a small ________ near Nanjing.
