第一章 应用翻译基本知识与技能 - 图文 联系客服

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1986年信息技术博览会(CeBIT)从工业博览会(Hannover Messe)划分出来以后,这两个博览会已经成为工业界的开拓者,是德意志博览会公司举办的众多展览中的旗舰展。

3.3 高度的责任感





3.2.1 译前准备:



3.2.2 翻译过程:



2010年6月,中国科技馆与瑞士伯尔尼历史博物馆联合举办“爱因斯坦展”。 其中,有一个醒目的标题:“爱因斯坦-----大众情人?”,接下来是“爱因斯坦和他的14个女人”,下面有一段煽情的译文让人产生不好的观感:“他爱过的人包括物理学家、侦探、图书管理员甚至夜总会的舞女。”

而原文是:The women he loved included a physicist, a spy, a librarian and perhaps even a nightclub dancer. “也许还可能是….” 接下来的中文译文是:“当他在公司指挥女性员工时,感到最自在,而女性也总是觉得他很有魅力。”

而原文是:He felt most at his ease in the company of dominating women, and they too often found him very attractive. “当他与强势的女性在一起时…” 又如:“他在16岁时就要参加工学院的入学考试,但却不能提供离校证明。” 而原文是:He was supposed to take his entrance exam to the Polytechnic at the age of only 16 and without school-leaving certificate. “他被允许在只有16岁并且没有中学毕业证时就参加工学院的入学考试。”

(引自《爱因斯坦都办公司了》/ 龚露,南方周末2010.10.21)

4. 个案学习------参加口译证书考试培训的20个特征

5. 广交会翻译准备

Strategies to Participate in China Import and Export Fair


1. Many students are scrambling for a job, holding a board with English certificates identified, but

with no specific areas of translation. This suggests that the students have some knowledge in the aspect of EGP---English for General Purpose通用英语, but not ESP---English for Specific Purpose.

2. Many students who have got the job are not working as interpreters but booth watchers, as the

exhibitors they are working for specialize in the products that are out-dated or oriented to overseas Chinese. Therefore, their target customers are those in some poor developing countries or the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia. There is not much work involving interpretation.

Positive Approach:

1. Go to the venue looking for a job opportunity during the booth-building/decorating or move-in 布

展period. This is the time exhibitors are looking for interpreters and making preparation for the event.

2. Holding a board indicating one or two aspects you specialize in, besides the English certificates

you have got, so as to make yourself stand out.

3. To work as an interpreter at the fair involves a combination of language skills and some

knowledge in specific areas, with the relevant vocabulary and English expressions. It involves a lot of hard work. Before the event, students have to do lots of preparation work. They will search online for 1) the products most exhibitors are selling, and at the same time students themselves can manage to understand, for example, pottery and china, electronic devices; 2) the performances, production processes, specific features of certain products; 3) products with broad market, in fashion. Also they have enlarge their vocabulary in the relevant areas by reading a lot of English version of product specification and consult dictionary a lot.


1) 贾文波.《应用翻译功能论》,中国对外翻译出版公司,2004

2) 黄友义. 坚持“外宣三贴近”原则,处理好外宣翻译的难点问题.中国翻译,2004,6 3) 陶友兰. 翻译目的论观照下的英汉汉英翻译教材建设------《外语界》2006,5 4) 文秋芳. 输出驱动假设与英语专业技能课程改革-----《外语界》2008,2 5) 陶友兰. 翻译专业汉英翻译教材的建构模式新探-----《外语界》2008,2

6) 王银泉. 非文学翻译:翻译教材建设和翻译教学的思维转向------《外语界》2009,2 7) 庄绎传.《英汉翻译简明教程》(2002) 8) 陈宏薇.《新编汉英翻译教程》(2004)