期末定语1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章期末定语1更新完毕开始阅读86ec06cf6137ee06eff918e9


I.引导词 先行词 先行词在定从作主语 人 物 人,物 先行词在定从作宾语 先行词在定从作定语 / / / / 先行词在先行词在先行词在先行词在定从作时定从作地定从作原定从作方间状语 点状语 因状语 式状语 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 地名 factory 时名moment reason way / / / / (注意:as 也可引导定语从句。 1: 用于the same… as … , such… as…, so… as…, as… as… 等句型中,as作主语,宾语 .

e.g. I’d like to use the same tool as we used yesterday.

He lifted so heavy a stone as no one else can lift.

比较:I want to use the same tool __as__ we used yesterday.

I want to use the same tool __that__ we used yesterday.

that 引出的从句,指的与先行词_____ 事物,而as 引导的从句是与先行词______的同类事物。 2. as 还可引导_______ 定语从句,修饰______, 可放在_____, _____,_____.译成:_____,_____ 实际已成为一种


As everybody can see / as can be seen, as we all know / as is known to us all, as is reported, as the old saying goes , as is often said , as sb pointed out. as is often the case…

e.g. He was against the plan , _____could be expected

_____ is mentioned above, the number of the students in senior schools is increasing. Taiwan , as we know , is part of China .

II 定语从句分为:___________,___________.

1.限制性定语从句:从句与主句关系密切,去掉从句,主句意义不完整,甚至不合逻辑。一般译为 … 的. e.g. The boy _____ sits next to me is Tom.(去掉定语从句,意思就不完整)

2.非限制性定语从句:从句对先行词关系不密切,去掉定从句,意思仍然完整。形式上用_______隔开,不能用______引导,______不可省。 e.g. Tom’s father, ______ is over sixty, still works hard day and night.(who引导非限制性定语从句,整个句子可分成两句来翻译)

e.g. He was late again , _____ made the teacher very angry. (which 指代____________) III. 使用定语从句时特别注意的几个问题 ★that与which的区别

1. 用that而不用 which的情况

1). 先行词为不定代词all, much, little,few, none , the one, __________________________. 2). 当先行词有any ,some, few, little, no, all , one of , 等修饰 3). 当先行词前_________,_________修饰; 4). 当先行词前有 the only ,________,_______ 修饰 5) 当先行词既_______又________.

6) 主句是由who或which引导的特殊疑问句

7) 当先行词在从句中作 表 语时 Chongqing is not the city (that ) it was . 8) 当先行词是way ,在从句中作状语 用 _______,______,________. 2. 用which而不用 that的情况:

①引导__________定语从句;②________ + 关系代词。

3. 介词+ which / 介词 +whom _根据_______________________________________判定介词 This is the knife with which I usually cut my pencil.

She is the teacher for whom all his students show respect

4. 先行词在定从中作主语,定从谓语形式和单复数应与_________ 一致。 He is one of the students who _____ passed the exam. (have)

He is the only one of the students who ____ passed the exam.(have)

I , who ____ your English teacher , will try my best to help you with English .(be) 5. 被关系代词或关系副词所代替了的先行词不能再出现在定从中。

The small village where he was born there has changed a lot in the past ten years (Tor F)

Could you tell me the news Tom told it to you last night .(Tor F)

6.名词:situation, case, scene,point , position, job , sport … 在定从中做抽象地点状语,用 where 。 They have reached the point where they have to separate with each other. 7. 定从中没有先行词可用 the one 来补充。 Is this museum the one that he visited last month? IV 基础巩固

1) Complete the sentences and transate into Chinese. 1. The man _____lives next to us sells vegetable. 2. Did you see the letter _____ I put on your desk. 3. The factory ____ is not far away from my school is closing down. 4. Please give me the book ______ cover is red.

5. The house ____ Luxun used to live in is no longer what it used to be . 6. The lady ____ he was dancing with stepped on his feet. 7. The lady with _____ he was dancing stepped on his feet . 8. I’ll never forget the day _____we spent together in Bj. 9. I’ll never forget the day ___ we stayed together in Bj. 10. This is the museum _____ he visited last month. 11. This is the museum ___ he once worked .

12. Is this the museum ____ he visited last month.? 13. Is this museum ___ he visited last month?

14. The reason ____ he gave us for his being late is true. 15. Can you tell me the reason ____ he was late .

16. He often makes the same mistakes ____ he has made before.

17. ____ is reported in the newspaper , the USA president will pay a visit to China next week. 18. The car factory produces more than 100,000 cars every year, 70% of ____ are sold abroad. 19. The way _____ you thought of to protect the flowers is reasonable. 20. I don’t like the way _____ you speak to your mum. V能力提升

1. Mr Black , ____ you might have expected , got the most votes and won the election .

A. such B. as C. what D. that

2. I’d love to work in a business ____ everyone has equal chances to get promoted . A. when B. how C. which D. where

3. Better stay away from the house _____ roof is under repair --- you might get hurt by falling stones . A. which B. whose C. of which D. what

4. The old couple had two sons, ____ they could depend on when they were old and ill , though . A. none of which B. both of them C. either of whom D. neither of whom

5. Some students in our school were caught cheating in the exam , ____ many are addicted to playing online games . A. in whom B. of whom C. with which D. of which

6. She opened the handbag , but couldn’t find the money ____ she was to buy dog food . A. for which B. with which C. by which D. of which

7. The photos called up memories of our visit to Paris last year , ___ we had a wonderful time with French friends . A. as B. which C. when D. what

8. Put yourself in situations ___ you will be forced to communicate in English , and you’ll soon make much progress. A. that B. which C. when D. which

9. Last week, two persons came to see the house, but ______wanted to buy it. A. both of they B. neither of whom C. both of them D. all of whom

10. The boy’s mother kept telling him not to stay up playing games , ____ didn’t help .

The boy’s mother kept telling him not to stay up playing online games , but ___ didn’t help.

A. She B. he C. which D. it

11.--- How did you find the film ?

--- Moving indeed . It’s much better than ____ we saw last week .

A. where B. which C. the one what D. the one

12. We should do ___ we can to protect the environment so that we can make the world a better place to live in . A. that B. all that C. all what D. which

13. The law must be strictly observed and ____ breaks it shall be punished .

A. anyone B. those C. anyone who D. those who

14. Harbin turns itself into a world of ice and snow , ____ tourists can either enjoy the ice festival or go skiing and skating . A. which B. when C. that D. where

15. The math teacher set us such a puzzling question ____ we couldn't work out . The math teacher set us such a puzzling question ____ we couldn't work it out . A. that B. as C. which D. what