上海市各区2017-2018年高三英语二模试题汇编--听力部分-老师版(带答案已经校对)-380 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章上海市各区2017-2018年高三英语二模试题汇编--听力部分-老师版(带答案已经校对)-380更新完毕开始阅读873fef2edc88d0d233d4b14e852458fb760b38df


question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through13 are based on the following passage.

“You are never too old to learn.” is what my father always told me, and he proved it. At the age of 55, he quit working to become a full-time student at our local university, studying government and political science. I understand now why he did it. Education is kind of wasted on the young. Sure, we teach children because young minds are flexible and open, but making them memorize hundreds of facts is a poor substitution for learning. I think the greatest service we can do is to teach children to ask questions and guide them in seeking the answers for themselves. “What’s the capital of Zimbabwe?” is a much less important question than, “What problems do people have in Zimbabwe?” If people were taught to ask the right questions from a young age, the world wouldn’t be as hard to understand when they’re older. I think that’s the way my father saw it.

( Now listen again ) Questions

11. What did his father do later in his life?

12. Which of the following statement is wrong about memorizing facts? 13. What’s his father’s opinion on the main purpose of education?

Questions 14 through16 are based on the following passage.

Readers in Grenoble, a French city, can now enjoy a small bite of fiction instead of the snacks from the vending machine after the introduction of eight short-story dispensers.

The free stories are available at the touch of a button, printing out on rolls of paper like a receipt. Readers are able to choose one minute, three minutes or five minutes of fiction. Just two weeks since launch, more than 10,000 stories have already been printed.

The feedback is overwhelmingly positive. There are only eight dispensers in the city of Grenoble for now, but more are planned to be introduced. Requests are from all over the world—Australia, the US, Canada, Russia, Greece, Italy and Chile.



Pleplé, the French publisher, hopes the stories will be used to fill the “dead time” of a regular journey to and from the place of one’s work. In the bus or the metro, everyone can make the most of these moments to read short stories, poems or short comics.

The stories are drawn from the more than 60,000 stories on Short édition’s community website. Users are not able to choose what type of story—romantic, fantastical or comic—they would like to read.

Pleplé said he and his team initially came up with the idea when having a break at the snack vending machine. They thought it would be cool to have it for short stories. Then, a couple of days later, the short-story dispenser was born. ( Now listen again )


14. What is the purpose of the story dispenser? 15. Which of the following is not true about the stories? 16. Where does Pleplé’s inspiration come from?

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. W: Welcome to Wanda International Cinema. Can I help you?

M: Umm… I want to know when “Operation Red Sea” is showing today.

W: There are 6 showings today, one in the morning, another at noon, and then 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p. m., and a midnight showing.

M: OK, I want 5 tickets for the 9 p.m. showing tonight. Are there still 5 tickets available that are seated together?

W: I’m sorry, there are only 3 tickets left. How about the 6 p.m. showing? There are still 7 tickets left for that show.

M: But we have a date for dinner at 5 p.m., so we won't make the beginning of the movie. W: So would you like to see another movie? “Detective China Town 2” is very popular, too. M: No, we all want to see this one. Is there any way that we could buy tickets now for Friday’s screens?

W: You can order tickets right now for the next three days. It’s Wednesday today. So, that’s OK. What time would you like?



M: The 9 p.m. showing. I think there might be more people who want to see the movie on Friday. How many tickets can I buy at one time? W: The limit for advanced tickets is 10.

M: OK, I'll have 8 tickets for the showing of “Operation Red Sea”. Are the tickets available? W: Yes, you’re lucky.

M: By the way, when can I pick up the tickets? W: You can have them right now if you pay for them. M: Great! Thanks!

( Now listen again )


17. How many tickets does the man want to buy for the 9 p.m. showing on Wednesday? 18. Why does the man decide to buy the Friday's tickets? 19. What will the man probably do to ensure 8 tickets for Friday? 20. What does the man insists on?

Four【2018届上海市长宁区嘉定区高三英语二模试题】 Ⅰ. Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. He is angry.

B. He is exhausted.

C. He is hungry. B. Attend the part D. Take the final exam

B. She has forgotten to call the police. D. She is lying to the police officer.

D. He is disappointed.

2. A. Go over his lessons C. Eat out with friends

3. A. She is most likely to be arrested. C. She may have lost her driving license.



4. A. Bill broke his promise. C. Bill failed in the test 5. A. Make a recovery plan. C. Drop out of school.

6. A. She gave him a lift home again. C. She treated him well at her home. 7. A. She doesn't have time to find a new flat. B. She has not paid enough rent in advance. C. She is unlikely to give up the nice flat.

B. Mum will probably reward Bill. D. Mum is worried about Bill’s work. B. Go back to work. D. Quit her present job.

B. She offered him an extra room. D. She spared much time for him.

D. She wants to decorate the flat during the holiday. 8. A. Extreme sports. B. Travel insurance. 9. A. She likes Phillips singing very much. B. She appreciates other kinds of musicals. C. She enjoys the changes of his musicals D. She admires other singers more than Phillips. 10. A. American students are too talkative in class. B. It is hard to learn a lot in an American school. C. One can join in schooling in different ways. D. Active participation is greatly encouraged. Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11. A. One should wait for things to happen before leaving. B. One should remain silent when things are getting hard. C. One should try to take control of the difficult situation

C. Bungee jumping.

D. Diving safety.