(完整版)八年级下册仁爱英语Unit5Topic1导学案(含答案),推荐文档 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章(完整版)八年级下册仁爱英语Unit5Topic1导学案(含答案),推荐文档更新完毕开始阅读8745c97de65c3b3567ec102de2bd960590c6d930

Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 You look excited. Section A


1.掌握生词与词组:invite; disappointed; film; smell; prepare sth. for sb.; say thanks to sb.; a ticket to…. 2.学习如何表达个人情感,能够询问并表达对事物的感觉。 3.掌握‘‘连系动词+adj.’’的用法。 二、自主预习


_nv_te ________ d_s_pp_inted ________ f_ _m ________ sm_ _l ________ Task2. 找译短语:

①.去看电影 ____________ ②.音乐之声_______________ ③.过夜 ______________ ④.为…准备…____________ ⑤.能,会 ______________ ⑥. …的票 ______________ ⑦.向某人表示感谢____________ ⑧.在去…的路上____________ ⑨.闻起来香___________ Task3.浏览1a,回答问题:

1. What movie are the children’s parents going to see? __________________________________. 2. When are they going? __________________________________.

3. Why did Mr. Brown feel disappointed? __________________________________. 三、合作探究 Ⅰ 交流展示:

1. 听1a录音, 并完成1b。

2. 完成1c,小组合作练习,然后展示。

3. 完成1d,小组讨论完成,并展示答案和进行纠正。 4. 完成2&3,并展示。 四、知识链接

1.invite邀请、招待 invite sb. (to somewhere ) 邀请某人(到……)

e.g.: Lily____ me ____ _____ _____last Sunday. Lily上个星期邀请我参加了他的聚会。

invite sb. to do sth. (邀请某人做某事)。

e.g.: ____________________________________________________. 2.say thanks to sb.向某人表示感谢 拓展:向某人问好_____________, 向某人告别_____________, 向某人道歉_____________. 3.a ticket to sth. …的票/入场券,有时也可以说: a ticket for sth. .

e.g.:一张音乐会票________________________, 一张足球赛票________________________.

4.对话中“You look excited.” 意思是_____________________。句中的excited 是

__________(形容词/副词)这种用来说明主语的结构,叫做“系表结构”,与之类似的表达如: ①The music sounds wonderful. ②The sweater feels soft. ③Kangkang looks tired. ④The food tastes delicious. ⑤The milk smells sour.




②这个鱼尝起来很美味。________________________________________ ③Alice 看起来很伤心。____________________________________ 五、巩固练习

1.Yesterday was my birthday, I i_________some good friends to my birthday party. 2.Wang Xiaogang often helps us, we should say t_________to him. 3.I was d__________yesterday, because I couldn’t buy the tickets. 4.The litter here s__________terrible. Let’s keep away from it. 5.We saw a very interesting f_________in a theater last night.


Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 You look excited. Section B


1.掌握生词:seem, opera, excite等;


3.学习谈论电影。 二、自主学习

Task 1:读1a对话,回答问题:

(1)How does Mr. Lee feel when he can’t get the ticket? ___________________________________ (2)What does Jane think of The Sound of Music? ________________________________________ (3)What’s Maria’s favorite? Why? ___________________________________________________ (4)Does Kangkang like Beijing Opera? ________________________________________________ Task 2. 预习2a,并独立完成2b。 Task 3.完成4b的补全对话。 三、合作探究

1. 小组合作朗读1a.,并完成1b。 2.合作完成1b。 四、知识链接

1.①.He feels disappointed because he can’t get a ticket to The Sound of Music. ②. He seems a little unhappy.



总结: (1)主+seem+形容词 (2)主+seem+to be+名词短语/介词短语 (3)It seems that+从句 练习:Tim好像在家。 a.___________________________ b______________________________ 她好像是个医生。c.____________________________ d._____________________________ . 2. 观察: ①. He feels disappointed…②. I think it’s very interesting. ③It’s so exciting.

思考: disappointed意思是___________; disappointing意思是___________,在系动词后面常接________词来做表语,而很多的形容词是由名词和动词变化而来的。 归纳:a.加-ed构成形容词:

relax-_________, surprise-________, bore-________, worry-________, 通常用来修饰_____ (人/物)。

b.加-ing 构成形容词:

relax-_________, surprise-________, bore-________, worry-________, 通常用来修饰______(人/物)。 五、巩固练习:用所给词的正确形式填空

1. This story is so _________that we are all _________in it. (interest)

2. This kind of game is ___________, let’s play another one. (bore) 3. Lucy seemed __________. What’s wrong with her? (worry)

4. Michael felt __________and happy when he knew he got a full score in the exam. (surprise) 5. We were ________ at the news because our team won the soccer game. (excite)


Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 You look excited. Section C


1.我能掌握四会单词:lonely, lively, almost; mainly。 2.我能运用词组:care for, cheer up, because of等。 3.继续谈论电影。 二、自主学习

Task 1:在文中找到,划出并写出下列短语:

1..最受欢迎的美国影片______________ 2.音乐之声_____________ 3.照顾 ___________ 4.变得发怒______________ 5.因为吵闹的孩子们_________________ 6.教…做…________________

7.使他们振作__________ 8. .他的孩子们的笑脸___________

9.起初 ___________ 10.让他高兴_____________________ Task2:读1a,判断正误:(Mark T or F) 1. Maria lived in America. ( )

2. The Von Trapp family had six children. ( )

3. The family felt very sad after Mrs.Von Trapp died. ( ) 4. Maria taught the children to play the piano. ( ) 5. The father felt happy at last. ( )

Task3:从1a中找出表示情感的形容词。________________________________________ Task4:再读1a,初步完成1b。 三、合作探究

1.小组互学:检查1b答案,讨论1c问题。 2. 知识链接

1). “care for seven children.” 意思是_______________. care for 意思是 __________, 与之意思相近的表达有__________________ 和__________________.

2). The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy children. 译:__________________________________________________________

(一): lonely---词性( )---词义( ) 对比: alone---词性( )---词义( ) 练习: a. The old man feels _______ because he lives ________ in the small village. b. Little Jim is afraid because he is _______ at home.

c. The _______ dogs finally found their mother in the garden two days later.

(二):because---词性( )---用来引导_______状语从句,不能与_____同时出现 because of---______短语---后面跟名词,动名词或名词短语.

练习: a. Tom can’t go to school _____________ he is ill. b. Tom can’t go to school _____________ his illness.


1. Steve cared for my dog well yesterday. (改同义句)

Steve______ _______ _______ _______my dog yesterday.

2. I missed the beginning of the movie because I was late. (改同义句)

I missed the beginning of the movie because _________ _________ __________. 3. We made faces to make him happy. (改同义句)

We made faces to _________ _________ __________.

4. He feels lonely because he has no friends. (就划线部分提问) ______ _______ _______ _______ lonely?

5. The chicken tasted very delicious. (就划线部分提问) ______ _______ the chicken _______?


Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 You look excited. Section D


1.掌握生词和词组:role ,facial , painting, gesture, frightened, worried, upset, in the end等;

2.初步了解中国的京剧,加深对中国文化的理解; 3.归纳总结Topic 1所学句型及交际用语。 二、自主学习

Task 1:.复习本话题前面三个部分并独自完成Grammar and Functions 部分。 Task 2:从Part1阅读文章里找译下列单词和词组:

手势,姿势 ______ 惊吓的 ________油画,绘画________

四个主要角色__________________ 它的音乐和唱腔______________ 充满了_________ 漂亮的脸谱________ 最后,终于________ 精彩的手势和对打__________________与某人和解_________ 受…欢迎 ___________________ 变得对…感兴趣_________ 三、合作探究

1.阅读Part 1 ,理解课文,完成Part 1里的回答问题任务. 2.知识链接

1). be full of 装满,充满,同义词组为be filled with e.g.:杯子里装满了牛奶。

The glass_____ _____ _____milk. =The glass ____ _____ ______ milk.

2). in the end (同义词或词组)______和__________, (反义词组)

_______________. 四、巩固练习

( ) 1. China is a great country _______ a history of over 5000 years. A. for B. have C. with D. has ( ) 2.—When did the Party _______ ? —In 1921. A. come out B. come on C. come into being D. came into being ( ) 3. —Is there anything in the box? —Yes, the box is _____ Christmas cards. A. fill with B. full of C. full with D. filled of ( ) 4. The dish smells _______ and you’d better throw it away.

A. good B. well C. bad D. badly ( ) 5. —How_______ the medicine tastes!

—Yes. But the medicine will really work soon after you take it. A. terrible B. delicious C. sweet D. nice

6.The two boys ______ ________ _______ _________ ________(彼此和好)after that fight.

7.There are three_________ ____________(主角) in this movie.

8.The basket ________ _________ ________ ___________(装满了苹果)just now. 9.Beijing Opera is ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ ______(中国文化的一个重要部分).

10.I_________ ___________ _________ ___________(对滑冰产生了兴趣)last year.



Unit 5Topic 1 Section A

考点聚焦:1.invited ,to his party I invited him to play soccer yesterday.

2.say hello to sb. say goodbye to sb. say sorry to sb. 3.a ticket to a concert a ticket to a soccer game


①Your idea sounds very great. ②I felt very tired after a long walk.

③The fish tasted delicious. ④Alice looked sad because her pet dog died.

过关微题:1. invite 2.thanks 3.disappointed 4.smells 5.film

课后提升:1.spend the evening 2. invited me to have 3.one of my favorite 4.go to the movies

5.look excited

Unit 5Topic 1 Section B

考点聚焦:Ⅰ,1.连系,形容词,连系,系表 a,Tim seems to be at home.b,It seems that Tim is at home.c,She seems to be a doctor. d, It seems that she is a doctor.


Ⅱ,/t/:asked,washed,stopped /d/loved,called,played /Id/:wanted,needed,excited 清,浊,元

过关微题:1.interesting,interested 2.boring 3.worried 4.surprised 5,excited 课后提升:1-5 BCDAB 6-10CBCAB Unit 5Topic 1 Section C 快乐预习:Task2,1-5FFTFT

考点聚焦:1,照顾7个孩子,照顾,照看 look after, take care of 2,爸爸很孤独并且常常因为

吵闹的孩子们而变得生气。(一) 形容词,孤独的,形容词,单独,独自 a,lonely,alone b,alone c, lonely

(二)连词,原因,so,介词 because, because of 3,teach sb. to do ,cheer sb. up,sing lively songs,perform short funny play 玛丽亚教孩子们唱欢快的歌曲,表演幽默的短剧使孩子们开心起来.

过关微题:1,lively 2, lonely 3,mad 4,mainly 5,cheer

课后提升:1,took good care of 2,of being late 3,cheer him up 4,Why does he feel

5,How did,taste

Unit 5Topic 1 Section D

考点聚焦:1,is full of , is filled with , 2, finally, at last , at first 过关微题: 1-5CCBCA 课后提升:1,made peace with each other 2,four main roles 3,was full of apples

4,an important part of Chinese culture 5,became interested in skating
