【英语】初中英语阅读理解答题技巧及练习题(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章【英语】初中英语阅读理解答题技巧及练习题(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读8764ef567c21af45b307e87101f69e314332fa33

I quietly went and sat down by my daughter's bed.


She said, \like them, especially the blue ones.\

I tearfully replied, \at you.\

\ If we can be polite to strangers, why can't we do the same for the ones we love? (1)The writer was to the stranger who she walked into.

A. mad B. honest C. unkind D. polite (2)Where were they when the writer shouted at her daughter?

A. In the kitchen. B. By the tree. C. In the bedroom. D. In the garden. (3)What did the writer's husband think when he saw her action? A. The little girl shouldn't cry. B. She shouldn't shout at their daughter. C. She shouldn't say sorry to the stranger.

D. Both he and his wife should apologize to their daughter.

(4)What may be the writer's favorite color according to the passage?

A. Yellow. B. Pink. C. Blue. D. Red. (5)What do you think is the best title for the passage? A. Be friendly to strangers. B. Mothers like flowers. C. Be kind to loved ones.

D. Love between parents and children. 【答案】 (1)D (2)A (3)B (4)C (5)C


(1)细节题。根据\可知,作者对待陌生人很有礼貌,故选D。 (2)细节题。根据when I was cooking, Move out of the way!\可知,作者是在厨房对女儿大喊大叫,故选A。

(3)推断题。根据 While dealing with a stranger, you were polite. But with a daughter you love, you were unkind.可知,作者的丈夫认为她不应该对女儿大叫,故选B。

(4)推断题。根据I knew you'd like them, especially the blue ones.\可知,作者可能最喜欢蓝色,故选C。





Have you ever wanted to achieve a goal and ended up doing lots of research on how to achieve it? As you learned more and more. It seemed you knew less and less. That is because when you learned a new concept(概念). You found that there was a lot more to know about it. Usually, people think they need to get more and more information before trying a new idea. There is nothing wrong with learning a lot, but when you let learning get in the way of doing, you will never get going.

One of the best ways to learn is to take action and learn from the results that you get from those actions. Don't be afraid of not being perfect and just take the first step. You will go further than those who are still in preparation. It's good to be prepared, but over-preparation in trying to reach a goal won't get you results. The knowledge and skills that you will need will be picked up along the way.

If a baby wants to learn how to walk, it doesn't do it by just sitting there and thinking about how to walk. The best way for a baby to walk is to actually get up and start walking. Sure it may fall, but with every fall, it learns what is working and what is not and adjusts(调整)to it. By doing this over and over, it will finally learn to walk. This is the method you should use when you want to achieve your goals as well. It works.

Learning more is great but if all you're doing is learning and not taking action, it's time to change that. Just take the first step.

(1)When you learned something new, you found there was to know about it. A. less B. nothing C. everything D. more (2)Which is NOT true according to the passage? A. People need to learn a lot before trying a new idea. B. One of the best ways to learn is to take action. C. Learning has nothing to do with doing. D. Over-preparation is not good for reaching a goal.

(3)A baby should when it wants to learn how to walk. A. get up and start walking

B. sit there and think about how to walk C. learn from its parents D. read books about how to walk

(4)We can usually read the passage in .

A. a storybook B. a newspaper C. an advertisement D. a guidebook (5)The purpose of the passage is . A. to tell us how to learn more

B. to tell us how to be successful C. to talk about the importance of doing D. to talk about the importance of learning 【答案】 (1)D (2)C (3)A (4)B (5)C

【解析】【分析】本文告诉我们一个道理,最后的学习方法是从行为结果中去学习。 (1)细节题。根据 As you learned more and more. It seemed you knew less and less.随着你学得越来越多。看来你知道的越来越少了,可知当你学到新东西时你发现有更多的东西要知道 , 故选D。

(2)细节题。根据One of the best ways to learn is to take action and learn from the results that you get from those actions 学习的最好方法之一是采取行动,从这些行动中获得的结果中学习,可知学习与做无关是错的 , 故选C。

(3)细节题。根据 The best way for a baby to walk is to actually get up and start walking可知,当婴儿想学会走路时,就应该站起来开始走,故选A。

(4)推理题。根据本文是告诉我们一个道理,故会在报纸上看到这篇文章,故选B。 (5)主旨题。本文告诉我们一个道理,最后的学习方法是从行为结果中去学习,故本文是谈论做的重要性 ,故选C。



Do you think your school rules are boring? Take a look at these rules. No hugging Some schools in Portland and Florida started the rule—No hugging in 2010. Two years later some schools in New Jersey and Brooklyn made the same rule. The reason is clear—to avoid \interactions(不适当的互动)\between students. No bags into One high school in Michigan doesn't allow bags into the classroom at all. The the classroom school asks students to return to their lockers (储物柜)between classes for their books in order to make sure they are safe in lunchrooms and classrooms. No Ugg boots It might get very cold in winter in Pennsylvania, but students there aren't (Ugg靴子) allowed to wear their Ugg boots into class. It's to stop them from hiding things like mobile phones in the boots. No balls A Toronto school doesn't allow its students to bring any hard balls to school. Why? A parent was taken to hospital with a concussion(脑震荡)after being hit by a ball. Interested? Click(点击) here to read more.

(1)When did some schools in New Jersey make the rule \ A. In 2008 B. In 2010 C. In 2012 D. In 2014 (2)Where are the students at Michigan school asked to keep their books? A. In the lockers B. In the classrooms C. In the lunchrooms D. In teachers' offices. (3)Mobile phones are not allowed into class in _________. A. one Portland school B. some schools in Florida C. one Pennsylvania school D. some schools in Brooklyn (4)Who is the reason for a Toronto school's \

A. A teacher B. A doctor C. A student D. A parent (5)Where is the material probably from?

A. A newspaper B. A website C. A speech D. A diary 【答案】 (1)C (2)A (3)C (4)D (5)B


(1)推理题。根据 Some schools in Portland and Florida started the rule—No hugging in 2010. Two years later some schools in New Jersey and Brooklyn made the same rule波特兰和佛罗里达的一些学校开始了这项规定——2010年禁止拥抱。两年后,新泽西和布鲁克林的一些学校也制定了同样的规则 ,可知新泽西的一些学校2012年制定了“禁止拥抱”的规则,故选C。

(2)细节题。根据 One high school in Michigan doesn't allow bags into the classroom at all. The school asks students to return to their lockers ,可知密歇根学校的学生被要求把书放在储物柜里 ,故选A。

(3)推理题。根据 students there aren't allowed to wear their Ugg boots into class. It's to stop them from hiding things like mobile phones in the boots 那里的学生不允许穿ugg靴子上课,为了阻止他们把手机之类的东西藏在靴子里,可知 Pennsylvania 不允许上课使用手机,故选C。

(4)细节题。根据A parent was taken to hospital with a concussion(脑震荡)after being hit by a ball一名家长被球击中后因脑震荡被送往医院,可知多伦多学校“不准打球”规则的原因是因为一位家长,故选D。

(5)推理题。根据Interested? Click(点击) here to read more有兴趣吗?点击这里阅读更多,可知文章来自网站,故选B。



Do you want a job in the holiday? Just go for it. First, you need to know what kind of job is