第五园七期景观设计合同(带任务书) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章第五园七期景观设计合同(带任务书) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读88c35f3852ea551811a68716


6.1 费用:

本工程费用总计为美元贰拾肆万伍仟元整($ 245000.00).包括概念方案设计、方案深化设计、扩初设计及施工图审核及现场服务五阶段。 6.1.1 此费用包括项目进行期间,乙方安


6.2 设计进度、费用和支付方式如下:


6.1 Fees

The total fee for the Project is $255,000.00, which includes but is not limited to concept design, design development, construction documents review and constructive administration. 6.1.1 The service fee is inclusive of a maximum

of twenty two-day trips to Shenzhen or DongGuang in connection with this project, including airfares.

6.2chedule of the Design and Payment

All taxes and duties to be paid due to this service shall be borne by Party A. Party shall pay Party B for its services in accordance with the following chart after receipting of the relevant invoice and acceptance of the design work.

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阶段 Phase 1 启动金 Mobilization 时间节点 Time Y-M-D 合同签订 Signature signed 阶段付款算与费用总付款时间 计 Pay Time Fees / Payment $25,000.00 (美元,贰万伍仟元整) $25,000.00 合同生效后 25 个工作日内 25 work-days after signature signed 总平面景观概念方案设计完成并获甲方认可后的 25 个工作日内 2 总平面景观概念方案2010-08-15 $40,000.00 设计完成 (美元,肆万元整) Landscape Master $40,000.00 Plan Design 25 work-days after Master Plan Design’s written notification. 3 示范区方案深化设计2010-09-10 $30,000.00 完成 (美元,叁万元整) Showing area $30,000.00 Conceptual Design 4 示范区扩初设计完成 2010-09-20 $30,000.00 Showing area Design (美元,叁万元整) Development $30,000.00 示范区方案深化设计完成并获甲方认可后的 25 个工作日内 25 work-days after Showing area Conceptual Design’s written notification. 示范区扩初设计完成并获甲方认可后的 25 个工作日内 25 work-days after Showing area Design Development’s written notification. 非示范区方案深化设计完成并获甲方认可后的 25 个工作日内 5 非示范区方案深化设2010-10-05 $45,000.00 计完成 (美元,肆万伍仟元整) Non-showing area $45,000.00 Conceptual Design 6 非示范区扩初设计完2010-10-20 $50,000.00 成 (美元,伍万元整) Non-showing area $50,000.00 Design Development 25 work-days after Non-Showing area’s Conceptual Design written notification. 非示范区扩初设计完成并获甲方认可后的 25 个工作日内 25 work-days Non-Showing area Development’s notification. 施工完成后25个工作日内 after Design written 7 施工图审查,示范区施工现场配合 Construction Administration 不迟于2013年12月 Before 2013/12 $25,000.00 (美元,贰万伍仟元整) $25,000.00 25 work-days after Construction Administration’s written notification. Page 10 of 28 12/24/2013


7:违约责任 7 :Liability for Breach 7.1 甲方因自身原因不能履行本合同,应7.1 If the Agreement is terminated because of

按照合同付清已完成阶段设计任务Party A, Party A shall pay Party B for the 对应的设计费,若日后工程仍再度进work completed in accordance with the 行,甲方与乙方应就尚未履行的原合amount of the work. If the Project is 同或新的服务范围,协商新的收费方resumed, the Parties can renegotiate the 式或重新签订合同。甲方上级对设计fees or sign a new Agreement. If the 文件不审批或本合同项目停缓建,甲Project is suspended or the parent 方应按乙方实际完成的工作量支付company of Party A refuses to approve the 应付的设计费。 Project, Party A shall pay Party B for the 7.2 乙方按工作进度分阶段提交帐单/发work completed.

票,甲方核审无误后,按照本合同约7.2 If Party A delays the payment due to its own 定付款,如无正当理由逾期付款达fault more than 60 days, Party B has the 60天以上时,乙方有权暂停履行下right to suspend design work with a written 阶段工作,并书面通知甲方。 notification to Party A.

7.3 乙方因自身原因无法履行合同或导7.3 If Party B fails to fulfill this Agreement or

致甲方按照合同规定解除合同者,应this Agreement is terminated by Party A 支付合同总额的10%违约金,乙方已due to Party B’s default, Party B shall pay 提交部分工作成果的,双方则按照Party A 10% of the total fees described in 8.3.2条约定处理设计成果和设计article 6 as compensation for breach of the 费;未提交工作成果的,乙方则应返Agreement. If Party B has finished Party of 还甲方所有已付设计费。 the design work, the Parties shall settle the payment and deal with the design work in accordance with article 8.3.2; if Party B does not start work, Party B shall return to Party A all the fees paid by Party A. 7.4 由于乙方自身原因,延误了按本合同7.4 If Party B is unable to submit the design

规定的设计文件交付时间,超过三天work on schedule, a late fee equal to 0.03 的,则每延误一天,应减收该项目相percent of the fees for relevant phase of the 应阶段应收设计费的 0.3‰;但乙方design will incur for each day of the delay. If 不因为邮政造成的延误负责;延误超such a delay is over 15 days, Party A has 过 15 天的,甲方有权解除本合同并the right to terminate the Agreement 要求乙方支付合同总金额的10%违immediately and request Party B pay 10 约金。 percent of the total fees of the Agreement as compensation for breach of the

Agreement. 7.5 设计不符合甲方要求的,乙方应当按7.5 If the design work fails to meet the

照甲方和合同约定的要求限期修改,requirements of Party A, Party B shall 修改两次仍不能符合要求的,甲方有revise the design work within the period 权单方解除本合同,并要求乙方按照allowed by Party A. If Party B fails to 第7.3条承担违约责任。

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provide satisfactory the design work after two tries attempts, Party A has the right to terminate the Agreement and Party B shall assume the liability stipulated in article 7.3. 8:合同生效、终止与结束 8 :Execution and termination 8.1 本合同需经甲乙双方签字盖章后生8.1 This Agreement will take effect upon

效;本合同生效日期以甲乙双方中最signing of the both Parties. The date of last 后一方签字(并盖章)的日期为准。 signature shall be taken as the date of effectiveness of the Agreement. 8.2 若乙方发生下述情形之一,甲方有权8.2 Without prejudice any other applicable

终止本合同,而不承担任何违约责remedies under this Agreement and 任,同时甲方有权依照本合同相关规applicable laws, Party A has the right to 定和法律规定采取相应救济措施。 terminate this Agreement without any liability for the events as follows:

8.2.1 乙方进行破产或破产和解的程序。 8.2.1 Party B’s becoming insolvent, filing a

petition for relief under any bankruptcy,

insolvency or similar law;

8.2.2 乙方有转移资产、抽逃资金或其它8.2.2 Party B’s displacing its assets or

incapability to perform the Agreement; 丧失声誉及履约能力之情形。

8.2.3 乙方严重违反本合同规定义务,经8.2.3 Party B’s breach of other obligations

under this Agreement, and failure to cure 过甲方限期改正,而未改正者。

the breach within the limited period of Party


8.2.4 法律法规或本合同其它规定甲方8.2.4 or, other conditions where Party A has

the right to terminate the Agreement as 有解除权的。

stipulated in the Agreement and under

applicable laws

8.3 Results of Termination 8.3 合同终止后果

8.3.1 本合同终止后,乙方应当于甲方指8.3.1 Upon termination of the Agreement, Party

B shall return or destroy all the 定期间内返还甲方所有商业秘密

confidential information of Party A held by 资料、信息,不能返还的予以销毁。

Party B.

8.3.2 因乙方原因导致合同终止或合同8.3.2 If the Agreement is terminated due to

Party B’s default or the design work has 终止前甲方已支付乙方相应报酬

been paid for by Party A, Party A has the 的,合同的终止不影响甲方对合同

entire ownership and intellectual property 终止前乙方提交的成果享有的知

rights of the design work submitted to 识产权。

Party A.

9:一般条款 9 :Miscellaneous 9.1 履行合同的能力:双方保证各自有足9.1 The Parties guarantee that they have full

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