2006年专八真题点评(王长喜) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2006年专八真题点评(王长喜)更新完毕开始阅读89585c0552ea551810a68754

学英语 找长喜 particular situations to us, and we?d discuss what might happen, and after that, we?d do some reading and see if it confirmed our own ideas. That?s what I like best, the really practical orientation of the course. I learned very well with that style, so for me it was just great. M: I see from your resume that you graduated about four years ago and after that, let me see… W: I got a job with the Department of Employment; it was only a temporary thing for about five months. I was a researcher in the department. [2]We designed survey, go out to the factories, and ask all the questions to the workers and the management, then go back to the office, analyze all the data and produce a report. It was quite interesting, and I guess the psychology course at college helped me a lot. M: And after that, you worked for three years in an advertising agency. That must have been a bit of change from the department of employment, wasn?t it? W: Well, not really. [3]I suppose the office furnishings were a bit more sophisticated but the work was quite similar. I was basically still doing the same thing, designing questionnaires, going out, asking questions and writing reports. The only difference was that this time I wasn?t asking people about their work. I was asking them what kind of shampoo they bought and if they prefer brand X to brand Y. Then I?d make up a report and the agency would use the information in their advertising campaigns. I enjoyed my work a lot. M: So why did you decide to leave? W: Three years is a long time to be asking people those sort of questions about shampoo and drinks. No, seriously, after two years, I was in charge of the research department of the agency, and I had one assistant researcher. [4]I guess after two years of doing that, I suppose I felt, you know, I can do this well and now I want to do something else that?s a little different, and there was nowhere for me to go inside the company. It just wasn’t challenging for me anymore, and because I needed challenge, I decided to move on. When I heard about the position of senior researcher here, I thought, that?s exactly what I want, the chance to combine my management skills and my research interests, working in a much larger department with more varied work. M: And you felt that the job description in our advertisement will offer you the kind of challenge you?re looking for? W: Exactly, yes. As I said, management in a larger organization www.beiwen.com

以推断出,她对大学生活很满意,很珍惜,答案为[C]。 2. Which of the following is NOT part of her job with the Department of Employment? [A] Doing surveys at workplace. [B] Analyzing survey results. [C] Designing questionnaires. [D] Taking a psychology course. 【解析】选[D]。听音时注意捕捉女士在Department of Employment工作时的相关信息。根据录音内容可知,其工作内容包括在工作场所开展调查工作,设置调查问卷,对调查结果进行分析,最后作出调查报告。因此只有[D]项未提及,为答案。 3. According to Miss Green, the main difference between the Department of Employment and the advertising agency lies in [A] the nature of work. [B] office decoration. [C] office location. [D] work procedures. 【解析】选[B]。题干关键词the main difference。录音中当被问及两份工作差别是否很大时,女士回答否定,提到只是后者的办公室装饰有点复杂,工作内容很相似。因此本题答案为[B]“办公室装饰”。 4. Why did Miss green want to leave the advertising agency? [A] She felt unhappy inside the company. [B] She felt work there too demanding. 5

学英语 找长喜 and research combined. Also, to be honest with you, I heard about the job before it was advertised. A friend of mine who works here, Mark Aston, told me a few weeks ago that you were looking for someone to take over the job. He described the position to me in quite a bit of detail, and I thought, well, that?s exactly what I am looking for. So really, I?d written my letter of application before the job was even advertised. M: I should tell you that with the present cutbacks, we?ve only got one full-time administered assistant in the section. How would you feel about doing your own word-processing, photo copying, that sort of things? W: Oh, [5]I am used to that. I?ve done all my own word processing for ages. It?s the only way to write really, isn?t it? I can type well, about sixty words a minute. I did the secretarial course after I left school so I learned typing in a short hand, then a few years later I bought a PC, and I learned how to do word-processing too. M: Well, that?s handy. Now, in the position you?ve applied for, you?d have five assistant researchers responsible to you. That?s considerably more responsibility than you have had before, so you are obviously ambitious, and as you said you like a challenge. I was wondering, what you see yourself doing in, say, five or ten years on the track? W: Oh, that?s a difficult question. Let me try to answer your question this way. I am particularly interested in experimental design and also in teaching. I?d like to continue organization in planning side of the research, but do some teaching too. I know that you have lecturers here who do just that sort of thing, some practical work and some undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. So that?s what I really be aiming for, to be a lecturer here as well. M: Well, that?s certainly a career path we?d encourage you to follow, but of course it might be necessary to upgrade your present qualifications first. I see from your resume that you?ve enrolled in a MA in experimental psychology. Could you tell me a bit about the courses you?re planning to take? [C] She was denied promotion in the company. [D] She longed for new opportunities. 【解析】选[D]。听音时注意捕捉女士离开the advertising agency的原因。录音中女士提到,她认为工作两年后,她对这份工作已经很熟练,这份工作对她已经没有挑战性,她想做些其他不同的工作,而公司内部又没有任何发展空间,她需要挑战,想有所改变。故[B]、[C]均错误,[A]未提及,只有[D]正确,为答案。 5. How did Miss Green react to a heavier workload in the new job? [A] She was willing and ready. [B] She sounded mildly eager. [C] She a bit surprised. [D] She sounded very reluctant. 【解析】选[A]。听音时注意捕捉女士对新工作的态度信息。当被问及能否胜任相对沉重的工作时,女士回答肯定并信心十足地对自己的能力进行了详细讲述,因此答案为[A]“乐意情愿的”。


【听前预测】由题干关键词stole,aircraft可以推测,该篇新闻是关于一名男子偷飞机的报道,听音时注意捕捉其偷飞机的动机,该男子的身份,以及其偷飞机后的所作所为。 6. The man stole the aircraft mainly www.beiwen.com

A man stole a small aircraft at gunpoint 6

学英语 找长喜 because he wanted to [A] destroy the European Central Bank. [B] have an interview with a TV station. [C] circle skyscrapers in downtown Frankfurt. [D] remember the death of a US astronaut. 7. Which of the following statements about the man is TRUE? [A] He was a 31-year-old student from Frankfurt. [B] He was piloting a two-seat helicopter he had stolen. [C] He had talked to air traffic controllers by radio. [D] He threatened to land on the European Central Bank. Sunday and flew it over downtown Frankfurt, circling skyscrapers and [7]threatening to crash into the European central bank. He landed safely after about two hours and was arrested. [6]The man told television station he wanted to call attention to Judy Resnick, a US astronaut killed in the 1986 post-launch explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. Military jets chase the stolen [7]two seat motorized gilder as the man began circling slowly above Frankfurt?s banking district. Thousands of people were evacuated from the main railway station, two opera houses and several skyscrapers. Police identified the man as the [7]31-year-old German student from Darmstadt, a city about 25 miles south of Frankfurt. [7]In radio contact with air-traffic controllers, the man threatened to crash into the European central bank headquarters, unless he was allowed the TV interview, as well as a call to Baltimore. He later said, he wanted to commit suicide by plunging the plane into the Main River. It was unclear if the man was forced to land, or talked down. Air-traffic controllers and police psychologists had been in contact with him. 6.【解析】选[D]。根据新闻内容可知,该男子偷飞机后围绕摩天大楼旋转并威胁称要撞击欧洲中央银行。但当其被捕后,他告诉电台他这样做的目的是引起人们对1986年“挑战者”号航天飞机失事中遇难的宇航员Judith Resnik的关注,因此答案为[D]。

7.【解析】选[C]。根据新闻内容可知,该男子是来自Darmstadt的一名31岁的德国学生,故[A]错误;新闻中提到的是two-seat motorized glider,而不是helicopter,因此[B]也错误;新闻中提到该男子与空中交通管制员进行了radio contact,故[C]正确;文中没有提及他要在欧洲中央银行上降落,故[D]也错误。答案为[C]。


【听前预测】根据题干和选项相关信息可以推测,该篇新闻是关于市政府的一项计划,该计划可能和城市建设有关。 8. The news is mainly about the city government's plan to [A] expand and improve the existing subway system. [B] build underground malls and parking lots. [C] prevent further land subsidence. www.beiwen.com

[8]Shanghai plans to build a vast underground network of malls, restaurants and parking lots, to make up for a lack of space above ground, according to a recent government report. The development will cover 600,000 square meters, the equivalent of 120 soccer fields, spread across four underground floors, the city government reported on its website. The city is accepting bids from builders. Shanghai has about 20 million people, plus factories, office towers and high-rise apartments, 7

学英语 找长喜 [D] promote technology. advanced crowded into a small triangular territory near the mouth of the Yangtze River. The plans call for the project, due to be finished by 2006, to expand the existing facilities scattered along Shanghai?s subway system. The project will need a advanced technology to supply fresh air and ensure safety. But the biggest concern is the stability of the soil under the city. Shanghai is sinking by 1.5 cm a year, land subsidence has been aggravated by over-pumping of underground water, and the construction of thousands of high-rise buildings. “Shanghai?s foundations are built on soft soil, so building multi-story spaces underground would be like digging holes in a piece of bean curd”, the government report said. “The difficulties are easy to see.” 8.【解析】选[B]。本题为主旨题,新闻主旨往往位于开头部分,听音时注意捕捉相关信息。新闻首句即提到,根据新近一项政府报道,上海计划建设一个大型的商场、餐馆、停车场的地下网以弥补地上空间的不足。因此本题答案为[B]。

NEWS ITEM 3 【听前预测】由各题干获得关键词credit card,different,conventional ones,newly developed,据此推测,该篇新闻可能是关于一种新发明的信用卡的报道,新卡与传统的信用卡有所不同。 9. According to the news, what makes this credit card different from conventional ones is [A] that it can hear the owner's voice. [B] that it can remember a password. [C] that it can identify the owner's voice. [D] that it can remember the owner's PIN. 10. The newly developed credit card is said to have all the following EXCEPT [A] switch. [B] battery. [C] speaker. [D] built-in chip. A credit card that only works when it hears its owner?s voice has been developed by US scientists. [9]Researchers hope that the device, which comes with the built-in voice-recognition chip, and microphone, will be a weapon in the battle against credit card fraud. Even if thieves know a card?s password and personal identification number, they will still have to copy the owner?s voice accurately. The trial card was created by scientists as ?B-card?, in California US. The first version is three times as thick as a normal credit card, but researchers believe smaller chips will allow the card to slim down to a more conventional size. [10]The card is apparently the first to put voice-recognition chip, microphone, speaker, and battery into a credit card. To use the card, the owner first presses a button, and hears the prompt: ?say your password?. If the password is correct, and spoken by the right person, the card emits an identification signal, which is processed by a computer connected to the Internet. Researchers hope to get the card to handle 10 transactions per day, for two years, before its non-replaceable battery runs out. 9.【解析】选[C]。题干问新卡和传统卡的不同之处。新闻中提到,研究者希望这个内置声音识别芯片和传声器的设备能够战胜信用卡欺诈行为。因此可以判断,新卡的优势即在于内置声音识别芯片和传声器,能够识别主人的声音,答案为[C]。
