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Prevention and treatment of disease are two 疾病的防和治是中医principles that must be followed in TCM work. Both 必须遵循的两个原则,都of them are important components of the 是中医理论系统的重要组theoretical system of TCM. 成部分。 I. Prevention


By prevention is meant taking certain

measures to avoid the occurrence and progress of diseases. TCM has always attached great 预防指的是采取一定importance to prevention. As early as in Huangdi's 的措施避免疾病的发生和Classic on Medicine, the preventive thought of 发展。中医总是非常重视\treatment of diseases\was advanced. 预防。早在《黄帝内经》This theory involves two aspects: preventive 就提出了“治未病”的预treatment before the occurrence of diseases and 防思想。该理论涉及两个preventing deterioration after the occurrence of 方面:未病先防和既病防diseases. Basic Questions states:\变。《素问》指出:“是always give the preventive treatment before a 故圣人不治已病治未病,disease occurs and prevent a disturbance before 不治已乱治未乱......。it starts?. Not taking medicine until a disease 夫病已成而后药之,乱已comes on or not preventing a disturbance until it 成而后治之,譬犹渴而穿starts is no different from not digging a well 井,战而铸锥,不亦晚until one is thirsty or not making weapons until 乎?”解放后,我国政府a battle starts. Isn't that be too late?\提出了“预防第一”,是liberation, our government put forward \中国医疗卫生工作的四大prevention first\原则之一。它也是中医防policies of the medical and health work of China. 止疾病发生和发展的原And it is also a principle of preventing the 则。 occurrence and the progression of a disease in TCM.

1. Preventive Treatment of Disease


It refers to taking various measures to 未病先防指的是采取prevent diseases from occurring. The occurrence 各种措施防止疾病的发of a disease is related to both pathogenic factors 生。疾病的发生和邪气及and vital qi. The former is the important 正气都相关。前者是疾病condition for the occurrence of a disease, which 发生的重要条件,后者的the deficiency of the latter is the intrinsic 亏虚则是疾病发生的必要factor for the occurrence of a disease. Therefore, 条件。因此,未病先防必preventive treatment of a disease must start with 须从加强人体的抵抗力和both strengthening the resistance inside the body 防止病邪的侵犯开始。《素and preventing pathogens from invading the human 问》指出:“正气存内,body. Basic Questions States:\The body with vital 邪不可干。”预防疾病的

qi is never attacked by pathogenic factors.\发生必须采取以下预防措prevent the disease from occurring the following 施。 preventive measures mucs be taken.

(1)Streagthening Vital Qi's Capacity to Resist



a. Regulating Mental Activities to Maintain the a.调养精神活动以保持健Health 康 b. Keeping regular hours

c. Doing regular physical exercises d. Using drug prophylaxis and providing artificial immunization

(2) Defending the body against pathogens

b.作息规律 c.适当的体育锻炼 d.药物预防和提供人工免疫


a. Keeping away from six exogenous pathogens and



b. Avoiding various infectious diseases and trauma


c. Developing hygienic habits and preventing c.养成卫生习惯,防止环environmental pollution, as well as water and food 境污染及水源和食物污contamination 染。 2. Preventing the deterioration of disease 2.既病防变

Though prevention prior to the occurrence of a


disease is the best policy, timely diagnosis and


effective treatment to control the deterioration


of disease is also important. Therefore, once a


disease occurs, it should be early treated so as


to cure it in its initial stage. Ye Tianshi, a


famous practitioner of the Qing Dynasty,




pathogens have not involved yet.\This is also an


important method of preventing the disease from


further deteriorating. II. Principles of Treatment


To study TCM treatment, attention should be paid 研究中医治疗,必须to the therapeutic principles which must be 注意随疾病治疗而定的治followed in the treatment of disease. They are 疗原则。它们是在整体观formed under the guidance of holistic concept and 念和辨证论治的指导下形TDS, and they have the guiding significance for 成的,对治疗原则的确立establishment of the therapeutic principles and 和处方的确定有指导意prescriptions of a recipe. Therapeutic principles 义。治疗原则和治疗方法differ from therapeutic methods. The former refer 不同。前者指的是指导治to the general principles for guiding therapeutic 疗方法的总原则,而后者methods, while the latter are the concrete methods 是在治疗原则指导下的具

of treatment under the guide of the therapeutic 体治疗方法。中医有各种principles. There are different kinds of 不同的治疗原则。例如,therapeutic principles in TCM. For example, 治病求本,扶正驱邪,调treatment aiming at the primary cause of a 理阴阳,调理脏腑,调理disease, strengthening vital qi and eliminating 气血和三因制宜(因时,pathogenic factors, readjusting yin and yang, 因地,因人)。 regulating the zangfu's functions, regulating qi-blood and treatment in accordance with the three factors( Climate, locality and individual). 1. Treatment Aiming at the Root Cause of a Disease


By treatment aiming at the root cause of a disease is meant treating a disease on the basis of its root cause. It is not until the fundamental 治病求本意味着根据cause of a disease is found out that it is possible 疾病的根源基础治疗基to get to the essence of the problem and to make 础。只有发现疾病的基本a proper treatment. Basic Questions points out, 原因,才能抓住问题的本\质和制定适当的治疗。《素disease of a disease in treatment. \问》指出:“治病必求于treatment aiming at the root cause of a disease 本。”将治病求本运用于is used clinically, routine treatment or contrary 临床时,正治或反治和治treatment and treating the primary (ben) and or 本和治标必须正确运用。 treating the secondary (biao ) must be dealt with correctly.

Routine treatment includes the following

methods: treating cold syndrome with hot natured


drug, treating heat syndrome with cold natured


drug, treating deficiency syndrome by


replenishment, treating excess syndrome by purgation, etc.

Contrary treatment has the following methods: treating pseudo-heat syndrome with hot-natured


drugs, treating pseudo-cold syndrome with


cold-natured drugs, treating


obstruction-syndrome with tonification and treating diarrhea with purgation.

Treatment of the primary and the secondary

includes the following methods: treating the 治标和治本包括以下secondary for emergency, treating the primary for 方法:急则治标,缓则治chronic cases and treating both the primary and 本和标本兼治。 the secondary aspects.

2. Strengthening Vital Qi and Eliminating Pathogens.


Strengthening vital qi is to increase body


resistance. Since victory or failure in the


struggle between vital qi and pathogens


determines the aggravation or alleviation of a


disease, one of the important principles in


clinical treatment is to change the relative


strength of vital qi and pathogens. In so doing,


the disease will take a turn for the better.

Eliminating pathogens means getting rid of


pathogenic factors to facilitate and recover the


strength of vial qi. Therefore, eliminating


pathogens, like strengthening vital qi, is also


one of the important principles clinically.

They have the following methods: driving out pathogens first and then strengthening vital qi, 它们有以下方法:先驱strengthening vital qi first and then eliminating 邪后扶正、先扶正后驱邪pathogens and strengthening vital qi and 和扶正兼驱邪。 eliminating pathogens simultaneously.

Strengthening vital qi and eliminating pathogens


supplement each other: the former helps the


elimination of pathogenic factors and the latter


helps strengthening vital qi. So, clinically,


they should be applied in the light of the


variations of the cases. 3. Readjusting Yin and Yang.


The imbalance of yin and yang is the basic pathogenesis of many a disease, therefore, 阴阳失调是许多疾病的regulating relative excess or insufficiency of 疾病病理改变,因此,调yin and yang, remedying defects to rectify abuses 整阴阳的偏盛偏虚,补虚and restoring relative balance of yin and yang are 泻实,重建阴阳的相对平one of the basic principles in clinical treatment. 衡是临床治疗疾病的原则To restore their balance yin and yang are usually 之一。重建阴阳的平衡通regulated by means of removing the relative excess 常由泻实和补虚的调理而or invigorating the relative deficiency. Since 实现。因此,阴阳变化可Yin and Yang are the changes may be summarized as 归纳为阴阳失衡。 the imbalance of yin and yang.

Besides, regulating zang-fu's functions and qi-blood relationship are also two important therapeutic principles. Space lacks for a detailed description of it.


4. Treatment in Accordance with Three Factors 4.三因制宜(因时,因地,(climate, locality and individual). 因人) This is the therapeutic principle that TCM
