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understand other people's ups and downs, and the others are willing to share. But to the westerners, violation of personalprivacy does not allow, For example, we tend to ask one’s age, marital status, children, occupation, or income when first met each other, which is a polite in Chinese, but in the West it will be considered as a violation of their privacy.

Second, westerners deeply believe that time is money, so they are much cherished time in life, and they often do a careful planning at a fixed time, they have a good habit of Keep the appointment on time. But Chinese people are not very focused on time.

Third, Chinese people are willing to be modest mostly. When communication with others, we often praises others and belittle ourselves, we think that modesty is a virtue. For example, when we were praised, we often say” No, I am not. I just did what I should do.” But in the same case the West will always say” Think you” to accept. So we always think that westerners are too-confident and pride, and when hear the Chinese people that deny other own praise, westerns would be very surprised and think that the Chinese peopleare dishonest.

Finally, the Chinese nation's fine tradition of hospitality is known. In social situations, Chinese people often toast each other and offering each other cigarettes, even if filled with delicious food, the owner has always used to say a few words such as” bear with me”. Sometimes the owner

will use chopsticks to take their food the guest's bowl, using a variety of ways to persuade the guests more than a bite, drink more. But in Western countries, people have respect for individual rights and personal privacy. So they will not use various means to persuade guests to drink, you will not need to drunk so far.




