新标准大学英语综合教程4一到十课答案6-10 联系客服

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Thanks to school holidays playing in Blenheim Palace, he had always wanted to be a general.

He lost his job as First Lord of the Admiralty thanks to the disaster at Gallipoli. Thanks to his wife Clementine, he managed to control his depression.

Thanks to his prediction about Germany, King George VI invited him to form a government.


The main verb is is.

To praise a historian for his accuracy.

Good, efficient historians and responsible and skilful architects are compared.

The main verb is is (the first one).

Archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, chronology and so on. Because they are scientific fields with reliable results.

The main verb is knows.

The most effective way to influence opinion.

By the selection and arrangement of the appropriate facts.

No, C. P. Scott, a famous newspaper editor, said \sacred.\

The first fact is you arrived in this building half an hour ago on foot. There are two alternatives: You arrived on a bicycle or in a car. The main verb is is.

You arrived in this building half an hour ago.

The main verb is may be.

In the course of next few years.

It will first appear in footnotes of articles and books about 19th-century England. In the text of articles and books about 19th-century England. It may be regarded as a well-established historical fact. In 20 or 30 years' time.


The Chinese student goes to America and the American student comes to China. Family A goes to live in Family B's house and vice versa.

You hand back the first one and the shop gives you another one of a different size or colour without any further payment.

One who always uses the products or services of a particular business, eg the customer only buys drinks / coffee in Starbucks.

To encourage customers to keep on coming back. Both.

The facts no one argues against. People disagree about it.

People disagree about it—it is a matter of opinion.

They make an interesting comment about it which attracts the listener. The doctors are watching you to see how your problem develops. To keep watch on what is happening nearby.

Such crimes as shoplifting sweets, not paying your bus fare etc.

Petty cash is a small amount of money, eg cash kept in an office for paying any small charges such as postage.

A petty officer in the navy is likely to be of low rank.


隐晦的铭文的含义、或是为确定一个准确的日期而进行繁复的天文计算。这些所谓的基本事实对所有的历史学家来说都是一样的,它们是历史学家可用的原始素材,而非历史本身。我要说的第二点是,是否需要确定这些基本的事实并不取决于这些事实本身,而是取决于历史学家事先做出的判断。尽管 . 斯科特的那句箴言深入人心(译者注:斯科特的箴言 Comment is free, but facts are sacred.\事实不可歪曲,评述大可自由\),但是现在每一名新闻记者都知道要影响大众舆论,最有效的方式就是对特定的事实进行选择和剪接。人们以前常说事实不言自明。这种说法显然是错误的,历史事实只是在历史学家用到时才会不言自明。哪些事实可以现身说法,以及这些事实以什么样的顺序或是在什么样的情景中出现,都是由历史学家来决定的。我记得皮兰德娄笔下的一个人物曾经说过:事实就像一个麻袋——不塞点东西进去就立不起来。我们之所以对1066年发生在黑斯廷斯的战役感兴趣,其唯一的原因就是历史学家把这一战役看作是一个重大的历史事件。历史学家依照自己的推断,认为凯撒穿越那条小河——卢比孔河——是一个史实,但没有人对在他之前或是之后几百万其他人穿过这条河的举动感兴趣。你半个小时之前或徒步、或骑车或开车来到这座大楼,这件事和当年凯撒渡过卢比孔河一样都是一个关于过去的客观事实。

5To make the campus safer, the university authorities recently released a new

regulation that forbids any vendors from entering the campus, and the president called on the students to cooperate with the university on this matter. But the students' opposition was strong, and hundreds of them expressed their anger on the

university BBS. They said that to keep vendors off campus was like deserting students on an isolated island, as the university was far away from the downtown and the shops on the campus did not provide enough commodities. Some claimed that it was precisely for matters of this kind that the university should listen to students' opinions and needs. Some students thought the university had got it wrong in believing that this regulation will ensure safety on campus.

Shocked by students' reaction, the president tried to make amends for this mistake by announcing that the university will look into this new regulation again. He told students that they were entitled to live a convenient and comfortable life, but safety was just as much an important concern as that. He proposed to build a big supermarket within the campus and some convenience stores near dormitory buildings, which would certainly make students' life much easier.

Unit text

1. Our office building luckily had a(n) power supply to use when the electricity went


Your answer auxiliary

Correct answer auxiliary

2. There's not much of a(n) for the year's best movie, but there are a few good ones.

Your answer selection

Correct answer selection

3. Unfortunately, she's had a(n) and her cancer has reappeared.

Your answer relapse

Correct answer relapse

4. Soldiers in the military quickly learn that their superior officers are often not very

of differing opinions.

Your answer

Correct answer tolerant

5. During wartime, there's usually a surge in as people rally together to support a common


Your answer nationalism

Correct answer nationalism

6. I've never had a friend quite so as my dog Rex.

Your answer loyal

Correct answer loyal

7. Mr. Sanford, I love your daughter and I'd like to ask for your permission to to her.

Your answer

Correct answer propose

8. We hired a company to come in and the mice from our basement.

Your answer

Correct answer eradicate

9. The teacher slowly lost control of her students and let the class into a chaos of voices.

Your answer

Correct answer degenerate

10. If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately to one of the police


Your answer

Correct answer uniformed

11. I tend to live by the \

Your answer motto

Correct answer motto

12. The law states that people younger than 21 cannot drink beer, wine, or.

Your answer

Correct answer