译林牛津版八年级下8B Unit7提优练习题(有答案) 联系客服

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译林牛津版八年级下8B Unit7提优练习题(有答案)

8B Unit7提高练习


( ) 1. — The students in our school has done such __________ important job in the Chinese

Character Dictation Contest.

— Yes. We are proud to get ______ chance to interview. A. an; a B. an; the C. /; the D. the; a

( ) 2. We can help people in poor areas donating clothes and money to them. A. by B. past C. as D. for ( ) 3. My father’s new cell phone can be used _____ e-mails. But he says he isn’t used ______

on such a small screen.

A. to send, to write B. for sending, to write

C. to send, to writing D. to sending, to writing

( ) 4. —Alice, you ______ on the phone. —I'm coming. Thanks.

A. want B. are wanted C. are wanting D. have wanted ( ) 5. — Why are you so excited today? — We were told ______ a picnic this weekend. A. have B. to have C. having D. had

( ) 6. David’s dream in China is to go into the west and ______ a kindergarten (幼儿园) there. A. clean up B. look up C. give up D. set up ( ) 7. — Who _____ this book ______? — By Mo Yan in 2010. A. is; written by B. does; write C. did; write D. was ;written by ( ) 8. — Have you heard about the car accident near the school?

— Yes. Luckily, no one _______.

A. hurt B. was hurt C. has hurt D. was hurting ( ) 9. — Did you go to Jack’s birthday party? — No, I __________. A. am not invited B. wasn’t invited C. haven’t invited D. didn’t invite ( ) 10. Unluckily, a car accident _____ on this road last week. A. has happened B. was happened C. was happening D. happened ( ) 11. Food and clothes to the children in poor areas by the volunteers . A. hand out B. are handed out C. are hand out D. hand in ( ) 12. He is not used _______out before breakfast. A. goes B. going C. to go D. to going ( ) 13. About ________ the students in our school ___________ girls . A. sixty per cent of; is B. sixty percent of; are

C. sixty percent; are D. sixty percents of; is

( ) 14. A talk on giant pandas __________ in the school hall last year.

A. is given B. was gave C. gave D. was given ( )15. — Mum, I’m so happy that I won first in this competition. — ________. A. It’s kind of you. B. That’s all right.

C. You’ve done a good job. D. Not at all.

( )16. — I hear the teacher has chosen five of us as volunteers. You _________, right? — Yes. Some of us are chosen, __________ Tom, Jim and me.

A. have included; including B. are included; including C. are included; include D. have included; include

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译林牛津版八年级下8B Unit7提优练习题(有答案)

( )17.This kind of iPad ______ in our computer shop. It ______very well.

A .is sold; sells B. sells ; is sold C. sells ; sells D .is sold; is sold ( )18. His mother was badly ill. The doctor said that she had to ______at once.

A. operate B. be operated C. operate on D. be operated on ( )19. --English is widely spoken in the world, isn’t it? --Yes. It’s used ________ an official language in more than 70 countries. A. for B. as C. with D. by

( )20. Smart phones can be used to __________ for information. But I am not used to ______

information on such a small screen.

A. search; reading B. searching; reading

C. search; read D. searching; read 二、完形填空

A lesson in caring

It was a cold evening. My daughter and I were walking up Broadway. I didn’t notice a guy 1 inside a cardboard box. But Nora did. She wasn’t even four, but she 2 at my coat and said, “That man’s cold. Daddy, can we take him home?”

I don’t remember my reply. 3 , I do remember a sudden heavy feeling inside me. I had always been delighted at how much my daughter noticed in her world, whether it was 4 flying or children playing. But now she was noticing 5 and beggary(贫困).

A few days later, I saw an article in the newspaper about volunteers who picked up a food package from a nearby school on a Sunday morning and 6 it to an elderly person. It was quick and easy. I signed us up. Nora was 7 about it. She could understand the importance of food, so she could easily see 8 valuable our job was. When Sunday came, she was ready, but I had to push 9 to leave the house to get the food package. On my way to the school, I fought an urge(冲动) to turn 10 . The Sunday paper and coffee were waiting for me at home. Why do this? Anyway, we phoned the elderly person we’d been appointed(约定). She 11 us right over.

The building was in a bad state. Facing us was a pale-haired woman 12 an old dress. She took the package and asked us to come in. Nora ran inside. I unwillingly followed. I saw that the flat belonged to someone poor. Our hostess showed us some photos. Nora played and when it came time to say goodbye, we three hugged(拥抱). I walked home 13 .

Professionals(专家) call such a visit “a volunteer chance”. They are chances and I’ve come to see. Where else but as volunteers do you have the chance to do something enjoyable that’s good for others as well as for yourself? Nora and I 14 serve meals to needy people and collect clothes for the homeless. Yet, as I’ve 15 her grow over these past four years, I still wonder—which of us has benefited(受益) more? ( )1. A. to sit B. sitting C. to be sat D. being sat ( )2. A. pushed B. pulled C. waved D. shook ( )3. A. Otherwise B. However C. Therefore D. Then ( )4. A. insects B. animals C. plants D. birds ( )5. A. coldness B. illness C. suffering D. appearance ( )6. A. sent B. returned C. devoted D. posted ( )7. A. interested B. sorry C. worried D. excited ( )8. A. what B. how C. why D. when

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译林牛津版八年级下8B Unit7提优练习题(有答案)

( )9. A. me ( )10. A. back ( )11. A. required ( )12. A. in ( )13. A. in tears ( )14. A. seldom ( )15. A. let 三、阅读理解:

B. myself B. away B. promised B. on B. in surprise B. hardly B. made C. her D. herself C. up D. out C. invited D. helped C. with D. for C. with joy D. with kindness C. never D. regularly C. watched D. affected


A long time ago, there was a seed(种子) and because he was only a seed, nobody noticed him. Thus, feeling inferior(低等的), the seed gave no importance to his existence(存在).

Then one day, a wind picked him up and threw him on an open field under the sun. Later, he was given rain.

Years later he saw a traveler sitting by his side. “Thank God for this. I really need some rest,” he heard the traveler say.

“What are you talking about?” the seed quickly asked. He thought the man was making fun of him. No one ever spoke to him like that.

“Who just spoke?” the shocked man asked. “It is me. A seed.”

“A seed?” The man looked at the big tree. “Are you joking? You are not a seed. You are a big


“Really?” “Yes! Why else do you think people come here?” “What do they come here for?”

“To feel your shade(树荫)! Don’t tell me you didn’t know you had grown over time.” A moment passed before the traveler’s words brought him pride.

The seed thought and smiled for the first time in his life. The years of torture(折磨) by the sun and the rain finally helped him grow up.

“Oh! That means I ’m not a little seed anymore! I was actually born to make people feel comfortable. Wow! That’s great.

( )1. From the first paragraph, we can learn that the seed______________ .

A. needed someone that could look after himself B. paid great attention to himself [来源:Zxxk.Com] C. dreamt that he would grow up into a big tree.

D. felt ignored(被忽略的) and didn’t believe in himself ( )2.The traveller sat by the seed’s side to _____________.

A. keep off the rain B. take care of it C. have a rest and enjoy the shade. D. talk with the big tree ( )3 .How did the seed feel after hearing the traveller’s words? A. Sad B. Proud C. Guilty(有罪的) D. Sorry ( )4.With the passage , the writer wants to tell us .

A. we should never laugh a t others

B. the seed should be praised(表扬) for his strength C. we should never lose hope .

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译林牛津版八年级下8B Unit7提优练习题(有答案)

D. we need funny stories to make our life interesting

( )5. Where is the passage probably taken from ? A. A history book B. A science book C. A story book D. A novel B

①Long long ago, there were two clever boys. Their wonderful talents were obvious from an early age, and they easily outdid everyone around.

②Each of them developed in a different way. The first used all his talent and wisdom to have a successful career and show everyone his superiority(优越). He took part in all kinds of competitions, visited all the most important people and places, and was great at making friends in high places.

③The second boy, equally aware of(知道)his own great abilities, never stopped feeling a heavy duty. He would do almost any task better than those around him, and he would feel obliged(有义务的) to help them. As a result, he was a much-loved and well-known person, but only in his own small circle.

④Destiny(命运)was such that a great disaster hit that land, spreading problems and misery (痛苦) far and wide. The first young men had never come across anything like this, but his bright ideas worked successfully throughout the land, and they managed to slightly improve the situation. But the second young man was so used to solving all kinds of problems that the disaster hardly affected the people in his area at all. His admirable ways were then accepted across the land, and the fame(名望) of this good and wise man spread even more than that of the first young man had. Indeed, he was soon chosen to be the governor (管理者)of the whole nation.

⑤The first young man then understood the reasons. He never again took part in competitions or charity work and shows, and from then on, whenever he travelled, he took his books along with him, so he would be ready always to offer a helping hand to all. ( )6.The underlined word “outdid” in the first paragraph means .

A. to do things outside B. to do things different from others C. to do things better than others D. to do things people won’t do ( )7.What can we learn from the first boy ?

A. He was ready to help others

B. He was very sociable(好交际的) and had a large circle of “friends”. C. He always paid no attention to small things. D. He loved to solve problems on his own .

( )8.What is stressed(强调) in the fourth paragraph?

A. There was a terrible disaster that made people suffer a lot .

B. There were different ways to deal with a situation.[来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K] C. The second young man performed better at emergencies. D. The fame of the two young man spread in that land ( )9. What did the first young man learn at last ? A. He was a better governor than the other

B. He should have traveled to more places.

C. He should show his abilities more to others . D. Always be ready to learn and help others ( )10. What is the best title for the passage ? A. Two Clever Boys B. Two Different Careers

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