TEM4词汇语法疯狂恶补 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章TEM4词汇语法疯狂恶补更新完毕开始阅读8ca39d0891c69ec3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5dad77a

A. discover B. detect C. find D. spot 23. A(n) ____ annoyance of bus terminals is the abundance of exhaust fumes. A. instantaneous B. regular  C. inherent D. extensive 24. They have no idea of the ____ rich in mineral springs. A. locality B. location C. situation D. site

25. When Tasuma first came to the U.S. from Japan, he wasn’t sure he could ____ into American culture, but after a few months, he felt at home here. A. absorb B. transform C. digest D. assimilate

试题答案与解析 

1. B) 我乘坐的火车明天7点到沈阳,到那时,我想乘坐的航班可能已经从那里起了。【难点】 时间状语by then意为“到那时”,常和将来完成时连用。 2. C) 只在进入大楼后,他才意识到危机四伏。【难点】从句子结构上看,本句为一倒装句,而四个选项中只有C)才能引起倒装。

3. C) 除了不借给我们牛用之外,他愿为我们做任何事情。【难点】 have nothing but ,do nothing /anything but /except 这种结构,只要位于but /except 前面的成分中包含动词do ,则 but/except后必定跟动词原形。

4. A) 犯罪嫌疑人最终承认收到了被盗的货物,但却否认销赃。【难点】 admit 和deny 通常后跟动名词,名词,或that引导的从句作宾语,所以本句中只有选项A)正确。 5. B) 父母和孩子的亲近程度对孩子性格的影响非常大。【难点】 本句的主语为一主语从句,所以谓语动词采用单数形式。[ZK)]

6. D) 如果一个人在晴朗的天气里到远离尘嚣的地方散步,群山会给他一种无限宁静的感觉。【难点】 单独的现在分词或过去分词作状语时,说明主句谓语动词所表达的动作和分词所表达的动作应由同一个人或物(或同一些人或物)发出,如果分词的动作发出者与主句的动作发出者不同,则应将状语换成状语从句或改为独立主格的形式。

7. D) 史密斯教授献身教育的精神,赢得了同事和学生们的尊敬。【难点】 词组dedicated to 意为“献身于,全身心地做某事”,to 为介词,后边只能跟名词,代词或动名词。因此B)和C)不正确,并且史密斯教授是从事教学而非被授,所以A)也不正确,只有选项D)正确。 8. C) 假如我早知道你要什么该多好。【难点】 If only 意为“假如…该多好”,往往用于引导虚拟条件句,如果表示与将来或现在事实相反的假设,则句中谓语应采用过去时;如果表示与过去事实相反 的假设,则句中谓语应采用过去完成时。

9. B) 他在看一本科幻小说,对周围的一切毫不在意。【难点】 “be lost to sth ”为一固定短语,意为“未注意,漠视”。

10. B) 我倒希望他们别在坏天气赶路,但他们坚持今天必须回家。【难点】 由would /had rather+宾语从句构成的虚拟语气句,宾语从句的谓语动词形式一般有两种表示方式,用动词的过去式表示现在和将来的含义,用过去完成时表示过去的含义。 11. C) 经理保证她的申诉将得到调查。【难点】 assurance意为“保证”,后接that 从句,作同位语。consent 意为“同意;准许,赞同”;conception意为“思想,观念;想法,概念”;insurance意为“保险”。[ZK)] 12. B) 给在职职工升职一直是该公司的政策。【难点】 policy 意为“政策”;procedure意为“程序”;process 意为“过程”;prime是形容词,意为“最主要的”,在本句中不合适。 13. B) 高中毕业时,他得到了毕业证。【难点】 certificate 意为“证书;执照;结业证书”;diplomat是“外交官”,diploma是“文凭”;degree意为“学位,学衔”,是高校用语;identity意为“身份,本身”。[ZK)] 14. A) 这些不同的种族群体已学会和平共处地生活在一起,树立了值得学习的榜样。【难点】 harmony

意为“和谐,一致”,in harmony 构成介词词组;grace 意为“(姿态动作的)优美,优雅,文雅”;rhythm 意

为“韵律,节奏;节拍”; relief意为“安慰,安心,宽慰”。 15. A) 约翰·杜威认为,教育是对生活的准备,人要通过做事学知识,教学必须要激发儿童的好奇心和创造力。【难点】 stimulate 意为“刺激,激发,促进”; spare意为“分让…给(人);seek意为“寻求;追求;探求”;secure 意为“使…安全;保护…免于危险”。 16. D) 1914年,东欧一个偏僻的地区发生的一件明显微不足道的小事使欧洲陷入了一场大战。【难点】 plunge 意为“使…陷入(某种状态);把…抛进”,常和介词into 构成习惯搭配;impose 意为“(把想法等)强加(于某人),强迫(某人)接受…,后面一般接on ;pitch意为“抛,扔,投”;insert意为“将…插入;将(词句)写入”,后接in ,into, between等。

17. D) 你判断一瓶葡萄酒的标准是什么?【难点】 criteria 意为“(评判之)标准,准则”; regulation意为“规则;规定”;rule和regulation类似,意为“规定,规则,章程,条例”;premise意为“假定,假设,前提”。 18. B) 为帮助学生理解我们是如何看见事物的,教师常常用眼睛和照相机作类比。【难点】 analogy意为“类比,类推”;contrast意为“对比,对照”;image 意为“形象,比喻,意象”;substitute 意为“代替人,代替物,代用品”。 19. A) 突然发生的灾难往往是瞬间的,而像干旱这样的灾难则是日积月累的。【难点】 cumulative 意为“累积的,渐增的”;formidable 意为“可怕的;难以应付的”;eternal 意为“永恒的,无休止的,不断的”;prospective 意为“预期的,盼望中的,即将发生的”。

20. A) 我们应随时准备好捍卫我们的祖国,使之免受外国入侵。【难点】defend 意为“防御,保卫”;protect 意为“保护,防护”;guard 意为“守卫,警卫”;shield 意为“保护,掩护”。defend在四个词里最符合句意。 21. A) 由于出事故,火车晚点了?【难点】 delay 意为“耽搁;延误”,指事失没有计划的延误;postpone 意为“延缓,使延期”,指事先作延期安排; put off 与postpone相同;relay 意为“接力传送,传递”。 22. B) 你能不能闻到泄漏的煤气味?【难点】 detect 意为“察觉,发觉,发现”;discover 意为“发现”,指偶然发现了已经存在那里很长时间的事物;find意为“(通过努力)发现;发现…处于某种状态”;spot 意为“(尤用眼睛)察觉,认出,挑出,发现”。 23. C) 公共汽车候车室固有的一种令人讨厌的东西就是它弥漫着的废气味。【难点】 inherent 意为“内在的;固有的,生来就有的”;regular 意为“有规则的;定期的;正规的”;instantaneous 意为“立即的;瞬间发生的”;extensive意为“广大的,广泛的”。 24. A) 他们不知道那个地方有丰富的矿泉水。【难点】locality 意为“地区,地点”,指客观上的位置;location 意为“方位,定位”,指主观上的位置;situation指相对的位置;site 意为“场所,地点”。

25. D) 当族麻第一次从日本来到美国时,他不相信自己能溶入美国文化。可是过了几个月,他就感觉像在自己家似的。【难点】 assimilate 意为“同化,溶进”,常与to ,into 连用。 absorb 意为“吸收”,为及物动词;transform 意为“使…改变性质”;digest 意为“消化;领悟,理解”。

Test Twenty Five 近义词辨析

source, origin, root, resource这组词均含有“打破”或“挤碎”的意思。

source和origin 都表示某事的“起源,开端”。source原指河流的源头,其引申义可用来指某事物的最初来源或出处,在指非物质或无形的事物时尤其如此。source还常指消息等的“来源,出处”。

origin 常译为“起源,发源,起因”,指导致某事物最后出现或形成的因素,或某事物在遥远的空间以外或久远的年代以前的最初形态,常表示某种历史文化现象、风俗习惯的“起源”,有时可译为“起因”。

root 的意义是“根源,起因”,它强调导致某事物最终出现的最初的、最根本的、最重要的原因,由此所产生的现象或事物常成为一种外观的产物。

resource 主要指一个国家或地区可以取用的“资源,财力,资产”,一般以复数形式出现。resource也可指人在处理问题时所表现出的“才智,机敏”,此时resource为不可数名词。

Literature is a source of endless pleasure to many thousands.文学是很多人快乐的无尽源泉。

Do you know the origin of the custom of giving presents at Christmas?你知道在圣诞节互赠礼品这一风俗的来源吗?

The root of the question lay in the seizure of the land of Ireland by the Englis h ruling class.这个问题的根源在于英国统治阶级对爱尔兰土地的攫取。

The mortgage is a drain on our financial resources.偿还抵押贷款是我们财务上的一大负担。 ordinary, mediocre, commonplace


Ordinary 意为“普通的,通常的”,使用范围较广,也有“平淡”之意,但不含贬义。

Mediocre 意思是“平常,平庸的”,表示事物既不很好,也不很坏,但比所期望的差,隐含“二流”之意。如放在副词only或just后,则加重其贬义。

Commonplace 意为“平常的,平凡的”,强调期望与事实差距悬殊,常用作贬义。 It is an ordinary summer day.这是个平常的夏日。 He is a person of mediocre abilities.他是平庸之才。

He’s not at all exciting. In fact, he’s really rather commonplace.他毫不出奇,实际上平庸得很。


1. ____, he is always modest.

A. With all his profound knowledge  B. Because of all his profound knowledge C. With his all profound knowledge  D. For his profound knowledge 2. His honesty is ____ ; nobody can doubt it. A. in question B. out of question  C. beside the question D. without question 3. When cooking a delicious dish, this kind of spice ____into account. A. must be taken B. was taken  C. had been taken D. would have been taken 4. It was not until he took up fishing that he ____ to relax. A. had been beginning B. began  C. had begun D. beginning 5. Not only you but also I ____ mistaken on this point. A. are B. were C. have D. am 6. Twenty pounds ____ enough for such a poor family spend for a month. A. were B. being C. have been D. was

7. The president of the college, together with the deans, ____ planning a conference for the purpose of laying down a series of regulations. A. were B. are C. is D. will 8. Many a person ____at the gate of the department store. A. is standing B. are standing C. have been standing D. have stood 9. “I got to my office on time.” “What if your car____”? A. would broken down B. broke down C. breaks down D. had broken down 10. If the weather had been more favorable, the crops ____still better.

A. will be growing B. are growing C. would have been growing D. would be growing

11. Before the invention of refrigeration, the ____ of fish and meat was a thorny problem. A. keeping B. maintaining  C. protection D. preservation 12. A sudden movement caught the pony’s attention and he instantly became____ and alert. A. doubtful B. suspicious C. suspecting D. hesitating

13. During their first teachertraining year, the students often visitedlocal schools for the ____ of lessons. A. investigation B. observation C. inspection D. observance 14. I’ll be very glad that you agree to ____ this matter. A. look up B. look for  C. look over D. look into 15. As there was a power cut in the hospital, the surgeon had to ____ the operation. A. call for B. call off  C. call on D. call out 16. From ancient times, the valley of the Nile has been made ____ by the river floods. A. famous B. deserted C. attractive D. fertile 17. The manager made a farseeing decision ____ what she had said. A. in the light of B. in the course of  C. in favor of D. in the face of 18. Each household ____ five pounds of meat every month. A. availed B. allocated  C. was endowed with D. was entitled to 19. All the information we have collected in relation to that case _____ very little. A. comes up to B. makes up for  C. stands up for D. adds up to 20. The manager was pleased with increased ____from the factory. A. outcome B. output C. outset D. outlet 21. The curtains were put up only months ago, but they have ____badly. A. shaded B. faded  C. fainted D. withered 22. If you find that chair too hard, I’ll bring you a ____ . A. pillow B. mat C. comforter D. cushion

23. Only the headwaiter has some professional hotel ____ so the service is rather slow and inefficient. A. learning B. training C. teaching D. instructing

24. Fred doesn’t like white coffee, nor does he like to put cream on his strawberries, because he prefers them ____. A. plain B. simple C. natural D. ordinary 25. The economists are not quite optimistic about the economic ____for Europe. A. outlook B. insight C. opinion D. attitude

试题答案与解析 

1. A) 他尽管学识渊博,但始终很谦逊。【难点】 句型“for all +one’s+名词或从句”以及“with all (one’s+名词或从句)”为习惯性用语,常用来表示让步状语, for all或with all 相当于in spite of all,意为“尽管,虽然”。

2. D) 他的诚实是无可怀疑的,没有人能怀疑这一点。【难点】without question 意为“无可怀疑的”。in question 意为“在考虑中的,在议论中的”。out of question 意为“不成问题”。beside the question 无此搭配。 3. A) 烹饪一道好菜时,必须考虑使用这种调料。【难点】 由时间状语中的a delicious dish 可以看出,此句意在说明一个普遍的事实,而不是特指烹饪某一道菜,所以无须使用过去时,而只需使用表示普遍情况的一般时。

4. B) 直到他开始以钓鱼为乐,他才开始得到了轻松的休息。【难点】 此句为强调句,所强调的时间状语从句部分的动作几乎和主句的动作同时发生,时间状语从句的谓语动词为过去时,因而主句的谓语动词采用过去时便可。

5. D) 不仅你,我也在这点上犯了错误。【难点】 按照英语语法,由not only…but also构成的主语,其谓语动词应按照就近关系,因此此句只能选择D)。 6. D) 二十镑足够这样一个贫困的家庭花一个月了。【难点】表示时间度量等复数名词作主语时,常常作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数。

7. C) 校长与系主任正打算召开一次会议,以制定一系列规章制度。【难点】 由“together with (as well as, but, including) +名词”构成的介词短语来修饰主语的句子,其谓语动词必须与主语保持一致,而无须考虑以上介词的宾语的单复数形式。 8.A) 许多人站在百货大楼的门前。【难点】many a +可数名词的单数形式意为“许多…”,后面的谓语动词必须使用单数形式。

9. D) “我按时到了办公室。”“假如你的车坏了会怎么样?”【难点】 what if 意为“倘使…将会怎样”,由其构成 的虚拟条件句通常用过去时表示将来,用过去完成时表示过去时,本句意在表达与过去事实相反 ,所以条件句子中谓语动词必须采用D)。

10. D) 如果那时天气更好一点的话,现在庄稼长得会更好。【难点】 此句为一错综时间条件句。本句中的从句表达与过去事实相反的一个假设,按照常规虚拟语气句的要求,主句中的谓语动词应为would have grown,表达与过去事实相反;但主句实际要表达的是与现在事实相反,所以谓语动词应为would be growing。

11. D) 在冷冻法发明前,鱼和肉的保存是个棘手的问题。【难点】 preservation 意为“保存,防腐”;keeping 意为“保存;保留”,maintaining 意为“维持;保持;使继续;”protection意为“保护,防护”。 12. B) 有东西突然一动,引起了小马的注意,他立刻警觉起来,变得多疑。【难点】 suspicious 意为“猜疑的,多疑的”,后接of, about ;doubtful 意为“不确知的;怀疑的”,常与about 和of连用; suspecting和hesitating是现在分词,不合本句句意。

13. B) 学生实习当老师的第一年,常常参观当地学校,观察课是怎么上的。【难点】 observation意为“观察;监视”;investigation 意为“调查,调查研究”;inspection 意为“检阅,检查”;observance 意为“观察,注意”,不常用。

14. D) 我很高兴你同意调查这件事。【难点】 look into 意为“调查”;look up 意为“(在词典,参考书中)查找”; look for 意为“寻找”;look over 意为“查看,参观”。 15. B) 由于医院停电,那位外科医生不得不取消手术。【难点】 call off 意为“取消”;call for 意为“需要,需求”;call on 意为“号召,呼吁”;call out 意为“召唤…行动”。 16. D) 从古代起,尼罗河谷就被泛滥的河水变成一片沃土。【难点】 fertile 意为“肥沃的,富饶的”;famous 意为“出名的”;deserted 意为“无人居住的,荒废的”;attractive意为“有吸引力的”。 17. A) 经理根据她说的话作了个有远见的决定。【难点】 in the light of 意为“根据”;in the course of 意为“在…期间,在…过程中”;in favor of 意为“赞同,支持”;in the face of 意为“在…面前,面对…”。 18. D) 每户每月只有权买五磅肉。【难点】 entitle 意为“把权利给某人”,常用被动语态,后接动词不定式或to+动名词;avail意为“有助于,有用于”;allocate 意为“分配,分派”;endow 意为“赋予;资助,向…捐钱”,后接with。

19. D) 我们搜集到的有关那个案件的所有信息几乎不起任何作用。【难点】 add up to 意为“总计,共达”,add up to very little 意为“几乎不起作用”;come up to 意为“等于,比得上;达到(标准等)”;make up for 意为“补偿;弥补”;stand up for 意为“支持”。 20. B) 经理对增产感到很满意。【难点】 output 意为“产量”;outcome意为“结果;成果”;outset 意为“开始,起初”;outlet 意为“发泄(情感),销路,出口”。

21. B) 窗帘才挂上几个月,可现在已严重褪色。【难点】 fade 意为“褪色,衰退,变弱”;shade 意为

“遮蔽,覆盖”;faint意为“晕倒,昏厥”; wither 意为“(草木)枯萎;凋谢”。 22. D) 你要是感觉那把椅子太硬,我就给你拿一个坐垫。【难点】cushion 意为“垫子,坐垫”;pillow 意为“枕头;mat意为“席子”;comforter意为“被褥”。

23. B) 只有领班受过一些专业酒店培训,所以服务质量特差,工作效率特低。【难点】 training 意为“训练,教育,培训”; learning意为“学习”;teaching意为“教学,讲授”;instructing 意为“指导,指令”。 24. A) 弗莱得不喜欢加牛奶的咖啡,也不喜欢在草莓上加奶油,因为他喜欢清淡的食物。【难点】 plain 意为“(食物等)素净的,清淡的”; simple 意为“简朴的,朴素的”;natural 意为“自然的,天然的”;ordinary 意为“普遍的,惯常的”。

25. A) 经济学家对欧洲的经济前景不抱乐观态度。【难点】outlook 意为“展望,前景”;insight意为“远见;洞察力”;opinion 意为“意见,看法,主张”;attitude 意为“态度,看法”。

Test Twenty Six 近义词辨析

range, reach, scope, compass, scale 这是一组表示“范围”的名词,其侧重点各有不同。

range 代表的是一个可以测量的范围,在这个范围内包括一系列可变化的数量。range还特指视力、听力所能达到的距离和枪炮的射程。

reach 特指伸手可达到的距离或非常近的距离,其比喻含义指能力、权力、影响等可达到的范围。 scope 指人们所处理、研究的事物的“范围”以及所掌握、控制的“面积”。scope的比喻含义指的是所掌握的知识的宽度,即“眼界,见识”。

compass 在意义上与scope相同,是正式用语,表示活动、兴趣、能力的“界限,范围”。 scale 特指刻度、标度的范围,也指品级、级别的规模和大小的范围: The bird now came within my range of vision.那只小鸟飞入了我的视野。 Keep the pills out of the reach of the children!把药放到孩子们够不到的地方! Is Romanticism in the scope of your book?你的书涉及到浪漫主义吗?

Construction is not within the compass of the department.工程建设不属这个部门管辖。

This thermometer has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit and the other in Centigrade.温度计上有两种刻度,一种是华氏,另一种是摄氏。

scarce, rare这组词均含有“稀少的,少有的”的意思。

rare强调某种东西是很少见到的,或某种现象是很少发生的,具有珍贵、贵重的意味。它的反义词是 common。Scarce 形容的事物不一定有珍贵之意,而是指有些东西(通常为日用品)因匮乏或难以得到而变得稀少或缺少。它的反义词是plentiful或abundant。此外,修饰时间表示频率时,则只能用rare,而不能用scarce,此时rare的含义是“不经常发生的”

The panda is one of the rare animals in the world.熊猫是世界上稀有动物之一。 Water is scarce in Sahara.撒哈拉沙漠上缺水。


1. ____ plastics, the machine is light in weight. A. To make of B. To be made of  C. Having made of D. Made of 2. “____ all three people in the car injured in the accident?” “No, ____ only the two passengers who got hurt.”

A. Were/it was B. Are/there is  C. Were/it were D. Was/there was 3. ____ is to be in the flowing “river” of bears. A. Stand on the tip of the cape B. To stand on the tip of the cape C. Standing on the tip of the cape D. Being standing on the tip of the cape 4. The speech which he made ____ the football match bored a lot of fans to death. A. being concerned B.be concerned  C. concerned D. concerning 5. ____ in an atmosphere of simple living was what his parents wished for. A. He was educated B. He educated C. His being educated D. He to be educated 6. No sooner ____ than he realized that he should have remained silent. A. the words had spoken B. had the words spoken C. the words had been spoken D. had the words been spoken 7. He went out of the General Manager’s office, looking as if he ____. A. has been severely punished B. were severely punished C. was severely punished  D. had been severely punished 8. The factory manager and secretary ____our party. A. is to attend B. are to attend C. were to attend D. is attended 9. This project is known to ____for three months. A. having been going on B. go on C. have been going on D. be going on 10. ____ the car accident, they would have arrived earlier. A. Except for B. But for C. Besides D. Save for 11. Jane is slow but her brother, on the contrary, is quick at ____ the point of an argument. A. grabbing B. grasping C. capturing D. snatching

12. In an attempt to get to the ____ of the problem, the reporter interviewed every eyewitness. A. root B. stem C. center D. base

13. The tourists ____ through the fog, trying to read what was engraved on the gravestone Shakespeare had chosen for himself. A. peered B. peeped C. glanced D. glimpsed 14. The noise was so faint that you had to ____ your ears to hear it. A. stir B. strengthen C. strain D. stride

15. Because of the severe drought, the government has urged people to be ____ with water. A. economic B. thrifty C. cautious D. economical 16. They came to inspect the house ____ buying it. A. in the event of B. with a view to  C. with reference to D. on account of  17. If a child is brought up in isolation away from human beings, he does not ____ language. A. inquire B. require C. acquire D. request 18. The use of sound is widespread as ____ of animal communication. A. a means B. ways C. a tool D. signals

19. There is no ____ evidence to date that people in the Western world can control their dreams, at least in experimental situations in a lab. A. solid B. hard C. good D. fine

20. Many of the inventions that made people ____ and have determined the direction of American industry were

related to agriculture and food production. A. affluent B. abundant C. sufficient D. bankrupt 21. They ____ a coin to decide who would go first. A. ticked B. tiled C. towed D. tossed 22. You should ____ to one or more weekly magazines such as Time,or People. A. subscribe B. order C. prescribe D. reclaim 23. No one knew the man’s age until he ____ it by accident. A. display B. revealed C. exhibit D. exposed 24. Rising from the table he ____ his hat and went out. A. put on B. dressed C. had on D. wore 25. His hard work ____ him a good reputation. A. obtained B. acquired C. gained D. earned

试题答案与解析 

1. D) 这台机器是塑料制成的,所以很轻。【难点】分词结构置于句首,往往表示主句动作或行为的原因。动词不定式置于句首,往往作目的状语。本句中主句的主语和原因状语部分的动词的逻辑主语一致,故后者的动词部分应该使用被动语态,所以只有D)正确。

2. A) “在这次事故中三个人全都受伤了吗?”“没有,只有两名乘客受了伤”。【难点】 问句中的three people要求用复数谓语动词,由于动作发生在过去,所以选were。答句中用了强调结构,即It was +sb.+who(that)从句。

3. B) 站在海岬的顶端实际上就是站在流动的熊河里。【难点】 动词不定式和动名词都可以作主语,但在主系表结构的句子中,如果表语为动词不定式,则主语也应为动词不定式;如果表语为动名词,则主语也应为动名词,二者必须统一。

4. D) 他就本次足球赛所做的讲话令许多球迷烦得要死。【难点】 本句中缺少一个介词,四个选项中只有D)可以用作介词,意为“有关,关于”,相当于about。 5. C) 他在一种简朴生活的氛围中受教育正是他父母所希望的。【难点】 本句的主语是一个带有逻辑主语的动名词短语,即C)。全句总体结构为主系表。 6. D) 话一出口,他就意识到他应该保持沉默。【难点】 no sooner …than常译为“一…就”,为一固定的搭配。如果no sooner 置于句首,则从句的主语和谓语必须倒装,在以上结构中,主句一般用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时,所以选项D)正确。

7. D) 他走出总经理办公室,看起来好像受到了严厉的惩罚。【难点】 look as if +从句这种结构,从句中的谓语一般用虚拟式,如谓语的形式为过去时,则表示与现在的事实相反,如谓语的形式为过去完成时,则表示与过去的事实相反。

8. A) 厂长兼书记来参加我们的聚会。【难点】 英语中,如果两个以上的名词前面只有一个定冠词the,则可认定指的是一个人或物;如果这种结构作主语,谓语动词必须用单数形式。 9. C) 据悉这项工程已进行了三个月了。【难点】 因为for three months是个与完成时连用的状语,且to为不定式符号,所以选C),即不定式的完成进行时。 10. B) 要不是那场车祸,他们可能早就到了。【难点】 But for 常与后边的名词或代词连用,用于表达虚拟的条件。其他选项无此功能。

11. B) 简反应慢,可她哥哥却相反,在理解论点方面反应非常快。【难点】 grasp 意为“理解,领会”;grab 意为“抓取,攫取”;capture 意为“引起(注意);逮住”;snatch 意为“夺走,夺得”。 12. A) 为了查清问题的根源,记者采访了每个目击者。【难点】 root 意为“根源;根由”;stem 意