新视野大学英语2第二版听说教程听力原文+答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章新视野大学英语2第二版听说教程听力原文+答案更新完毕开始阅读8de534e00229bd64783e0912a216147917117e28


6. refresh vt. 使恢复活力,使振作精神;使感到清凉;使变得新鲜; eg:

A nap at noon always refreshes me. 中午小睡一会儿总使我精神振作。

This glass of cool lemonade will refresh you. 喝下这杯冰镇柠檬水你会感到清凉。 派生词:

refresher n. 提神物 adj. 复习进修的(refresher course 进修课程) refreshing adj. 提神的,清凉的;给人新鲜感的 refreshment n. 活力恢复;(食品、休息等)起提神作用的事物

Task 2

Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.

Audio Script:

Stress is a natural part of life. Stress is when you are worried about getting laid off 1from you job, or worried about not having enough money to pay your bills. In fact, to most of us, stress is synonymous with2 worry.

Plenty of things can cause stress in a person’s life. The trick3 is to remember that some types of stress are good and others are bad. Good or normal stress might show up4 when you’re called on in class to answer a question of to give a report. For example, you may do a better job on your book report if the anxiety inspires5 you to prepare well before you get up and read it to the class.

But bad stress can happen if the stressful feelings continue for a long time. You may not feel well if you are worried about a family member who is sick, if you’re having problems at school, or if you’re going through anything else that makes you upset every day. That kind of stress isn’t going to help you, and it can actually make you sick.


1. What does “stress” mean to most people? 2. What is the trick of dealing with stress?

3. What can stress cause you to do when giving a book report? 4. When can bad stress occur?

5. Which of the following might cause bad stress according to the passage?


1. lay off 解雇 eg:

The firm had to lay off 100 men. 公司只得解雇100名工人。 其它短语:

lay away 把……储存起来;

lay down 放下,放弃;献出;制定; lay out 展开;安排;

2. be synonymous with 与……同义的 eg:

Being a soldier is synonymous with being a brave man, in his opinion. 在他看来,当兵就是做一个勇敢的人。

3. trick n. 技巧,诀窍;诡计,花招 eg:

Patience is the trick in doing a job well. 耐心是做好工作的诀窍。

4. show up 出现,露面;暴露;(使)显而易见 eg:

I waited for an hour but she didn’t show up. 我等了一个钟头,但她没有露面。 其它短语:

show around 带领……参观(某地) show off 展览,陈列;炫耀,卖弄

5. inspire vt. 促使;引起;鼓舞;激起 eg:

Opposition inspired him to a greater effort. 别人的反对反而促使他干得更加起劲。 派生词:

inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的 inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人或事

Unit 8 Warming Up

Ladies and gentlemen, “Life Outside of Work” is our daily television program for discovering the meaning of life. Mostly, we try to get people to think of life’s purpose as being something other than related to work. We consider art, music, love and more. And we try to develop and learn more about the passions(热情) that control our lives, such as the longing for (渴望)love, the search for knowledge and compassion (同情)for the suffering of others. Yes, such interests may not bring you money or status (地位)but many people believe them to be among the essential ingredients (关键的成分)of a rich and meaningful existence(存在). A life spent only striving for (为…奋斗)money and status may not be considered meaningful in any way. Keep this in mind as you listen to our program, “Life Outside of Work”.

Understanding Short Conversations

Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.

1. M: You seem to be in the office all of the time! Don’t you have a life outside of work?

W: Sure I do! I involve(参加) myself in many different fun activities. What I don’t do much of, however, is looking after my husband and kids. Q: What doesn’t the woman make much time for?

2. W: How is your life outside of work? Are things going all right at home? M: No complaints (抱怨). My wife has just had a baby, and I’m enjoying life as a new father with all its responsibilities.

Q: What has recently happened in the man’s life?

3. M: I have a friend who earns a high salary but works all the time. I’m not like that, am I?

W: No, you don’t need to worry. You do the most important thing in life: You always have time for your family. Maybe your friend misses out (遗漏)on that? Q: What does the woman think about the man’s friend?

4. W: My father is a man who knows what’s important in life --- he has a demanding (很费力的)job, but he still makes time for his children.

M: That’s really very special. Most people with important jobs aren’t able to do that.

Q: Why is the girl’s father special?

5. M: My work has forced me to eliminate (取消)all fun activities from my life. I can’t even see my friends on the weekend.

W: That doesn’t seem so bad. You have a good job, and you seem to be really happy with it. Who needs friends?

Q: What does the woman think about having friends?

6. W: Hey! I’ve heard that you’ve built your own house in your spare time. Is that right?

M: I’m still working on it. Every day I do a little bit more. It’s a way to show I love my family.

Q: How does the man feel about his activity outside of work?

7. M: My life feels so empty. I have a good job with a good salary, but it doesn’t make me as happy as it did in the old days.

W: I think you’ve come to discover that having a good job is not enough to create (创造)happiness. There’s more to life than having a good job. Q: According to the woman, why isn’t the man happy?

8. W: What happened to that friend of yours who lived only for his job?

M: He’s had a change of heart. He’s become a very active volunteer(志愿者) in his community(社区). He says it feels great to be contributing to(为…做贡献) our society.

Q: What makes his friend feel great?

9. M: A recent poll(民意调查) said 70-80 percent of all college students are studying what they enjoy rather than what will get them work.

W: That’s surprising. When I was young, only 25 percent of college students were studying what they enjoyed.

Q: What percentage of college students studied what they enjoyed when the man was young?

10. M: For years, I’ve tried to teach you that the most important thing in life is love, not money.

W: I don’t think I’ve ever listened to you or Dad very much. I only cared about what my friends thought.

Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?

Understanding a Long Conversation

Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.

W: I had a dream that you wouldn’t believe. M: What was it about?

W: Get this --- in my dream, I was at work. M: Ok, was there anything more to it?

W: No. I was just at work, doing the things I usually do – paperwork, typing, and so on.

M: That sounds boring.

W: It was boring! But don’t you see what this means? The dream really motivated(鼓励) me to develop outside interests. M: Like what?

W: Well, like my love life. I haven’t had a date(约会) in years. And I think it’s high time I went out and found someone.

M: You aren’t thinking about asking me, are you?

W: No! Of course not! Your life is almost as boring as mine! I want to find someone really exciting, someone with whom I can learn more about love and everything that’s important in life.

1. What did the woman do in her dream? B 2. What’s wrong with the woman’s life? A

3. What interests does the woman want to develop? D 4. What does the woman want to do next? A 5. What does the woman think of the man? C