(word完整版)初中英语易错题精选(附答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章(word完整版)初中英语易错题精选(附答案)更新完毕开始阅读8deb08d00a4e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52acec79c3d

6. ---- Has Li Jun finished his report?

----- I have no idea. He was writing (write) the report last night. 7. The charity show will be the hottest event (活动) next week. 8. Her star sign shows that she is probably (或许) a careless person.

9. The film star hopes to be left (leave) alone when she is on holiday in Hawaii. 10. The internet is good for us and can bring us the up-to-date news. 11. Can you tell me who was presented (授予) with the MVP in last year’s NBA. 12. We drove round the town in search (搜寻) of a cheap hotel. 13. How many salesmen (售货员) are working in that shopping mall? 14. Our food is running (run) out. Let’s buy some before there’s none left. 15. Stress is a normal part of life and usually comes from everyday study and work. 16. The sights (名胜) made every visitors excited and they didn’t want to leave. 17. The old man is sitting among the children and telling a story. 18. The flowers and applause are always around the winners. 19. There’s nothing but a table in the room. 20. She has sent for a doctor. 21. I am pleased that he gladly accepted (接受) our invitation. 22. They are aware (意识到的) of the dangers.

23. Why do you think you did so badly (糟糕地) in your test? 24. If the sky is clear, there’s no rain or clouds and you can see very far. 25. The mall is open (open) from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. 26. Spring is the best season for growing trees and flowers. 27. Do you often go climbing the mountain with your parents? 28. Look at the TV. President Hu Jintao meeting with president Obama. 29. Taking a plane is like a bird flying in the sky. 30. When he gets home, he always goes straight (径直) to the dining room for food. 31. My mother always tells me not to be (not be) late for class. 32. How happy we are to meet (meet) you here! 33. Amy lives nearby in the centre of the city. 34. He took off his clothes and lay (lie) down to sleep.

1. 即使雨下得很大,他们仍然在田里干活。

They still worked in the field, even though it rained heavily.

2. 在聚会上,孩子们又唱又跳,玩得很开心。

At the party, the children had a good time singing and dancing.

3. 由于大雨,我们没有别的选择,只能在家看电视。

We had no choice but to watch TV at home because of the heavy rain.

4. 我相信你会梦想成真的。

I believe that you will make your dream come true.

5. 对于我们每一个人来说,学好英语都很重要。 It’s very important for each of us to learn English well.

6. 老师的作业必须准时上交。

The teachers’ homework must be handed in on time.

7. 她已经出国深造去了。

She has gone abroad for further study.

8. 她试图引起导演的注意,这样她能主演这部电影。

She tried to attract the director’s attention, so that she could play the lead role in the film.

9. 你的建议肯定有极大的价值并很值得采纳。

Your suggestions must be of great value and well worth taking. 10. 很多学生宁愿独自承担烦恼也不愿与他人一起分担。

Many students would rather keep their worries to themselves than share them with others. 11. 他们轮流照看那个小孩。

They take turns to look after the little child. 12. 你喜欢什么类型的电视节目?

What type of TV programmes do you like? 13. 睡觉前务必把灯关掉。

Make sure the lights are off before you go to bed. 14. 小树必须要经常浇水。

Young trees must be watered often. 15. 你怎么会错过这则新闻呢? How can you miss the news? 16. 什么使他与其他的学生不一样呢?

What makes him different from the rest of the students? 17. 请注意我下面要说的话。

Please pay attention to what I am going to say. 18. 你能想象没有电脑我们的生活将会是什么样子吗?

Can you imagine what our life will be like without computers?


----- How often do you go back home? ----- Once a week.


I can play the guitar, but I can’t play it very well.