基于.一阶倒立摆的matlab仿真实验 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章基于.一阶倒立摆的matlab仿真实验更新完毕开始阅读8e060f0b03d276a20029bd64783e0912a2167cee

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成都理工大学工程技术学院 基于一阶倒立摆的matlab仿真实验

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This paper mainly studies the level of the inverted pendulum control problem, and its parameters are optimized.Inverted pendulum is a typical rapid, multi-variable, nonlinear, strong coupling, natural unstable system.In practice, however, because there are a lot of such a system, so the study of it in theory and methodology have profound significance.This article first introduced the inverted pendulum, and simple of the inverted pendulum control method, made a classification and the parameter optimization algorithm is introduced.And then, introduced in this paper, choose the optimization of the parameters of state space pole configuration and PID control.Then set up the level of the mathematical model of inverted pendulum, and find out the state space description.This paper focuses on the pole assignment method is the use of state space.Finally, the system are simulated using Simulink, it is concluded that in the actual control is two good control method.This paper mainly studies the level of the inverted pendulum control problem, and its parameters are optimized.Inverted pendulum is a typical rapid, multi-variable, nonlinear, strong coupling, natural unstable system.In practice, however, because there are a lot of such a system, so the study of it in theory and methodology have profound significance.This article first introduced the inverted pendulum, and simple of the inverted pendulum control method, made a classification and the parameter optimization algorithm is introduced.And then, introduced in this paper, choose the optimization of the parameters of state space pole configuration and PID control.Then set up the level of the mathematical model of inverted pendulum, and find out the state space description.This paper focuses on the pole assignment method is the use of state

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space.Finally, the system are simulated using Simulink, it is concluded that in the actual control is two good control method.

目 录

1 引言 .................................................. 4

1.1 倒立摆介绍以及应用 ......................................... 4 1.2 倒立摆的控制方法 ........................................... 5

2单级倒立摆数学模型的建立 ............................... 6

2.1传递函数 ................................................... 8 2.2状态空间方程 ............................................... 9

3系统Matlab 仿真和开环响应 ............................. 10 4 系统设计 ............................................. 15

4.1极点配置与控制器的设计 .................................... 15 4.2系统仿真: ................................................ 16 4.3仿真结果 .................................................. 17 4.4根据传递函数设计第二种控制方法-----PID串级控制 ............ 18

5结 论 ............................................... 19

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1 引言

1.1 倒立摆介绍以及应用



倒立摆不仅仅是一种优秀的教学实验仪器,同时也是进行控制理论研究的理想实验平台。由于倒立摆系统本身具有的高阶次、不稳定、多变量、非线性和强耦合特性,许多现代控制理论的研究人员一直将它视为典型的研究对象,不断从中发掘出新的控制策略和控制方法,相关的科研成果在航天科技和机器人学方面获得了广阔的应用。二十世纪九十年代以来,更加复杂多种形式的倒立摆系统成为控制理论研究领域的热点,每年在专业杂志上都有大量的优秀论文出现。因此,倒立摆系统在控制理论研究中是一种较为理想的实验装置。 倒立摆主要应用在以下几个方面:


十年的历史,机器人的关键技术--机器人的行走控制至今仍未能很好解决。 (2)在火箭等飞行器的飞行过程中,为了保持其正确的姿态,要不断进行实时控制。

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