ICD-O-3解剖学编码 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章ICD-O-3解剖学编码更新完毕开始阅读8e4ab06ca26925c52dc5bf02

解剖学 – 数码 (续)

C44.2 外耳


耳廓 盯聍腺 耳甲 耳,NOS 耳垂

耳垂 外耳道

耳道,NOS 耳道,NOS 外耳道 耳道 外耳道口 耳轮 耳廓皮肤

耳的皮肤,NOS 耳屏

C44.3 面部其他和未特指部位的皮肤 皮肤:

·颊 ·颏 ·面 ·额 ·颌 ·鼻 ·颞 鼻翼 颏,NOS 鼻柱 眉毛

眉毛 外颊 外鼻 额,NOS 颞,NOS

C44.4 头颅和颈部皮肤 头部皮肤,NOS 颈部皮肤 头颅皮肤

头皮,NOS 颈区皮肤



External ear Auricle, NOS


Ceruminal gland Concha Ear, NOS Ear lobule


External auditory canal

Auditory canal, NOS Auricular canal, NOS External auricular canal Ear canal

External auditory meatus Helix

Skin of auricle

Skin of ear, NOS Tragus

C44.3 Skin of other and unspecified parts of face Skin of:

·cheek ·chin ·face ·forehead ·jaw ·nose

·temple Ala nasi Chin, NOS Columnella Eyebrow

Brow External cheek External nose Forehead, NOS Temple, NOS


Skin of scalp and neck Skin of head, NOS Skin of neck Skin of scalp

Scalp, NOS

Skin of cervical region

Skin of supraclavicular region

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解剖学 – 数码 (续) C44.5 躯干皮肤 皮肤:

·腹部 ·腹壁 ·肛门 ·腋 ·背 ·乳房 ·臀 ·胸 ·胸壁 ·胁腹 ·腹股沟 ·会阴 ·胸壁 ·胸 ·躯干 ·脐 ·臀区 ·锁骨下区 ·腹股沟区 ·骶尾区 ·肩胛区 肛周皮肤

脐,NOS C44.6 上肢和肩的皮肤 皮肤:

·肘窝 ·臂 ·肘 ·手指 ·前臂 ·手 ·手掌 ·肩 ·拇指 ·上肢 ·腕 指甲


C44.7 下肢和臀部的皮肤 皮肤:

·踝 ·小腿 ·足 ·足跟 ·臀部 ·膝 ·腿 ·下肢 ·腘窝 ·大腿 ·趾 足底皮肤 足底 趾甲

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C44.5 Skin of trunk Skin of:


·abdominal wall ·anus ·axilla ·back ·breast ·buttock ·chest ·chest wall ·flank ·groin ·perineum ·thoracic wall ·thorax ·trunk ·umbilicus ·gluteal region

·infraclavicular region ·inguinal region

·sacrococcygeal region ·scapular region Perianal skin Umbilicus, NOS

C44.6 Skin of upper limb and shoulder Skin of:

·antecubital space ·arm ·elbow ·finger ·forearm ·hand ·palm ·shoulder ·thumb ·upper limb ·wrist Finger nail Palmar skin

C44.7 Skin of lower limb and hip Skin of:

·ankle ·calf ·foot ·heel ·hip ·knee ·leg

·lower limb ·popliteal space ·thigh ·toe Plantar skin Sole of foot

Toe nail

解剖学 – 数码 (续)

C44.8 皮肤交搭跨越的损害 C44.8


C44.9 皮肤,NOS (不包括大阴唇C51.0, C44.9 外阴皮肤C51.9,阴茎皮肤C60.9,


C47 周围神经和自主神经系统


副交感神经系统、周围神经、 脊神经、交感神经系统)

C47.0 头、面和颈部的周围神经和自主神经 C47.0 系统



周围神经和自主神经系统(见列于 C47下面的内容): ·颊 ·颏 ·面 ·额 ·头 ·颈 ·头皮 ·颞 ·颈区 ·翼状窝 ·锁骨上区


C47.1 上肢和肩的周围神经和自主神经系统 C47.1

周围神经和自主神经系统(见列于 C47下面的内容): ·肘窝 ·臂 ·肘 ·手指 ·前臂 ·手 ·肩 ·拇指 ·腕 臂神经 臂丛 正中神经 桡神经


Overlapping lesion of skin (See note page 45)

Skin, NOS (exclueds skin of labia majora C51.0, skin of vulva C51.9, skin of penis C60.9, skin of scrotum C63.2)


(Includes autonomic nervous system, ganglia, nerve, parasympathetic nerves system, peripheral nerve, spinal nerve, sympathetic nervous system) Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of head, face and neck

(excludes peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of orbit C69.6)

Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system (See list under C47): ·cheek ·chin ·face ·forehead ·head ·neck ·scalp ·temple

·cervical region ·pterygoid fossa

·supraclavicular region Cervical plexus

Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of upper limband shoulder

Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system (See list under C47): ·antecubital space ·arm ·elbow ·finger ·forearm ·hand ·shoulder ·thumb ·wrist Brachial nerve Brachial plexus Median nerve Radial nerve Ulnar nerve

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解剖学 – 数码 (续) C47.2 下肢和臀部的周围神经和自主神经 系统

周围神经和自主神经系统(见列于 C47下面的内容): ·踝 ·小腿 ·足 ·足跟 ·臀部 ·膝 ·腿 ·腘窝 ·大腿 ·趾 股神经 闭孔神经 坐骨神经

C47.3 胸部的周围神经和自主神经系统

周围神经和自主神经系统(见列于 C47下面的内容): ·腋 ·胸 ·胸壁 ·胸壁 ·锁骨下区 ·肩胛区 肋间神经

C47.4 腹部的周围神经和自主神经系统

周围神经和自主神经系统(见列于 C47下面的内容): ·腹壁 ·脐

C47.5 骨盆的周围神经和自主神经系统

周围神经和自主神经系统(见列于 C47下面的内容): ·臀 ·腹股沟 ·会阴 ·臀区 ·腹股沟区 ·骶尾区 腰骶丛 骶神经 骶丛

C47.6 躯干的周围神经和自主神经系统, NOS

周围神经和自主神经系统(见列于 C47下面的内容): ·背 ·胁腹 ·躯干 腰神经

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C47.2 Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system

of lower limb and hip

Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system (See list under C47): ·ankle ·calf ·foot ·heel ·hip ·knee ·leg

·popliteal space ·thigh ·toe Femoral nerve Obturator nerve Sciatic nerve


Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of thorax

Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system (See list under C47): ·axilla ·chest ·chest wall ·thoracic wall

·infraclavicular region ·scapular region Intercostal nerve


Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of abdomen

Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system (See list under C47): ·abdominal wall ·umbilicus C47.5

Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of pelvis

Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system (See list under C47): ·buttock ·groin ·perineum ·gluteal region ·inguinal region

·sacrococcygeal region Lumbosacral plexus Sacral nerve Sacral plexus


Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system of trunk, NOS

Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system (See list under C47): ·back ·flank ·trunk

Lumbar nerve