精心整理的语法填空(题+详解!!) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章精心整理的语法填空(题+详解!!)更新完毕开始阅读8ecdf53bbed5b9f3f80f1c17

8. [解析] 同样的问题,即“为什么我不愿闯红灯”。

[答案] same

9. [解析] 指前面提到的contract。

[答案] it

10.[解析] more...than是固定句型。

[答案] than


When you treat people and things in a kind,__1__(consider) ,and polite way,you are being respectful. Respect __2__ very important __3__ home, at school, and everywhere you go. __4__ you show respect, you show that you care __5__ other people?s feelings or that you care for belongings, buildings, streets and nature.

To show how much respect you have for people and things,try __6__(write) a fun respect poem. The easiest way to do this is to make a simple list of __7__ it means to be respectful at school.

First start by making __8__ quick list of how you can show respect at school. List poems seem to work best when they are written with a parallel structure; that is,when __9__ line begins the same way and follows the same pattern.

Next, take the best lines and put them together in a poem. Remember to keep the parallel structure __10__ following the same sentence pattern. 1.[解析] considerate与kind、polite一起作定语,修饰way。 [答案] considerate 2.is 3. at 4. When 5. for

6.[解析] try doing尝试做某事。 [答案] writing

7.[解析] what引导宾语从句,在从句中作means的宾语。 [答案] what 8.a 9. each 10. by


Stress is difficult to define or measure. Some people enjoy a busy lifestyle and are able to deal well with life crises. __1__ people feel tensed or stressed by the slightest deviation from their set daily routine. Many people fall somewhere __2__ between,but may have periods when levels of stress increase.

You may have many signs if your stress builds up. For example,you won?t be __3__ to sleep properly with worries going through your mind. You can be __4__(patience)or irritable at minor problems. You may not be able to concentrate due __5__ many things going through your mind. Some may lose their __6__ and don?t feel like eating. In addition, you will be unable to relax, and always feel that something needs __7__(do).

Ongoing stress __8__(think)to be bad for health,although this is difficult to prove. Stress may also contribute to other physical illnesses in ways little __9__(understand). For example, it is thought that many physical problems and other conditions are made worse by an increased level of stress. Besides, your work performance,and relationships, may also be affected by stress. __10__, we should try our best to get rid of our stress and live more comfortably.

1.[解析] Some...other常常搭配在一起,表示“一些……一些”。根据语境这里可以选择other或者some都可以。

[答案] Other/Some

2.[解析] 考查介词短语的用法。in between表示“介于……之间”。 [答案] in

3.[解析] 考查短语be able to的用法。根据句子意思选择。 [答案] able

4.[解析] 空格前面是一个系动词,故用所给单词的形容词形式在句中作表语。另外,从句子的逻辑来看,此处用表示否定意义的形容词impatient才能在含义上与短文相符。

[答案] impatient

5.[解析] due to是一个固定的短语,意为“因为,由于”,常用来表示原因。 [答案] to

6.[解析] lose one?s appetite也是一个固定的短语,意为“没有食欲”。 [答案] appetite

7.[解析] 动词need的后面常常用不定式的被动式或动名词的主动式表示被动意义。 [答案] to be done/doing

8.[解析] 本句的主语it是所给动词think所表动作的承受者,故应用所给动词的被动式。

[答案] is thought

9.[解析] 考查过去分词做后置定语。 [答案] understood 10.[解析] 考查连接词。

[答案] Therefore/Then/Thus/Thereby


For many times in the past years I went to the hospital for some minor __1__(treat) during my travel in other cities. It was the __2__(sad) moment of my life, I think,because nobody would come to the hospital to visit me. __3__ patients had family or friends to visit them during the visiting hours. I felt really alone. __4__ is it possible that out of a whole world full of people,__5__ would come to visit me for just an hour? The answer in my case was simple. With a bit of medication (药物治疗), I was back in the stream of life again. But I__6__(leave) with a deep thought for all the people and the elderly. __7__ knows how many others that lie in the hospital with nobody __8__(visit) them or give a kind word of comfort? I had this wonderful idea of forming __9__ organization in cities around the world,getting to hospitals to visit the patients who never get a visit and someone local could drop __10__ with a smile and a kind word. Wouldn?t it be nice and relatively easy to do?

1.[解析] 本空前面的minor是一个形容词,它暗示了本空应填入一个名词。Treat(治疗)的名词形式是treatment。此外,本空前面的形容词some暗示了所填的名词应用复数形式。

[答案] treatments

2.[解析] 本空考查形容词的最高级形式的用法。而且前面有定冠词the提示,根据句子意思应该选择saddest。

[答案] saddest

3.[解析] 考查other做形容词的用法,此时,other意为“其他的,另外的”。 [答案] Other

4.[解析] 考查疑问词的用法。 [答案] How

5.[解析] 根据上下文,我们可以知道,没有任何人来探望作者本人。 [答案] nobody

6.[解析] be left with a thought是一个固定的搭配,意为“产生……的一个想法”。 [答案] was left

7.[解析] 考查疑问词的用法。这句话是个特殊疑问句,根据句子意思可知需要选who。 [答案] Who

8.[解析] 考查with的复合结构。 [答案] to visit

9.[解析] 本空填入一个不定冠词表示泛指。 [答案] an

10.[解析] 本空考查短语drop in/by/round的用法,其意思为:顺便访问,顺便进入。 [答案] in/by/round


If the population of the Earth keeps on __1__(increase) at its present rate,there will __2__(event) not be enough resources left to support life on the planet. By the middle of the 21st century,if present trends continue,we __3__(use) up all the oil that drive our cars, for example. Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race, the crowded conditions on Earth will make it __4__(necessity) for us to look for somewhere else. But __5__ of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at present. One possible solution to the problem,__6__, has recently been suggested by an American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan. Sagarn believes that __7__ the Earth?s resources are completely __8_(exhaust) ,it will be possible to change the atmosphere of Venus and __9__ create a new world almost as large as Earth itself. Something is difficult. Venus is much hotter than the Earth. __10__, there is only a tiny amount of water there.

1.[解析] 考查短语keep on doing的用法。 [答案] increasing

2.[解析] There will not be enough resources的主谓结构是完整的,所以只能用event的副词形式eventually作状语。

[答案] eventually

3.[解析] 时间状语是by+将来时间,谓语用将来完成时态。 [答案] will have used

4.[解析] 考查句型make+it+adj.+for+sb.+to do sth.。 [答案] necessary

5.[解析] 考查理解和代词。根据意思应该是“其他行星中到目前为止还没有一个适合生命的生存。”none of+复数名词/不可数名词,表示“……中没有一个。”

[答案] none

6.[解析] 考查上下文理解和行文逻辑。前文说“没办法”,这里说“可能的解决方案”所以用“however”表示转折。

[答案] however

7.[解析] 考查内容理解和从句。这里应该是“在地球的资源完全枯竭之前”,所以用before。

[答案] before

8.[解析] 是个及物动词,“耗尽,用完”,这里应该用被动语态。 [答案] exhausted

9.[解析] 考虑到行文逻辑,这里表示的是结果,因此,so/therefore是最佳措辞。 [答案] so/therefore

10.[解析] 考查行文逻辑。文章最后两句很明显是解释something is difficult这句话。