厦门双十中学2015-2016学年第二学期初三二模英语试卷 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章厦门双十中学2015-2016学年第二学期初三二模英语试卷 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读8ee086a231b765ce040814c9

37. “The big festival” in paragraph one refers to __________.

A. Christmas B. Thanksgiving C. Halloween 38. The underlined word “packed” means __________ in English.

A. warm B. crowded C. new 39. The woman found her husband by __________.

A. asking policemen for help B. making a telephone call C. putting up a notice 40. The woman started to cry because __________.

A. they had a lot to do and she worried about her husband a lot B. they were still poor and couldn’t afford the diamond necklace C. she thought her husband was buying her the diamond necklace

41. We can infer that the woman would feel ________ after she heard what his husband said.

A. happy B. confident C. disappointed


Charge(收费) by distance

Starting on May 1st, 2016, Beijing will charge for ambulance use in the city under a distance-based fare system similar to that used by taxis. The new rule will be used on ambulances called by both 120 and 999 hotlines. Patients will be charged 50 yuan for up to 3 kilometers. After that,

7 yuan will be added for each kilometer.

Shanghai Disney

The Disney in Shanghai started a trial run(试运营) last week in preparation for its official opening on June 16. According to some tourists who had been there, it’s convenient to get there by pubic transportation, the settings are fun enough, but someone complained about that they spent too much on the food. And the food itself is not as good as the advertisements

have showed. But, it still attracts many people to have fun there. For now, it’s impossible to buy a ticket at a set price.

The best country

Germany is the best country in the world, according to a survey by the US News and World Report. Canada comes in second, followed by the UK, the US, Sweden, Australia, Japan, France, the Netherlands and Denmark. China is at the 17th place. The list is made according to people in the countries, business, international influence, future development, power and quality of life.

42. These three short passages are ______.

A. news B. jokes C. stories

43. A patient who lives 4 kilometers away from the hospital calls the ambulance will pay_____.

A. 50 yuan B. 53 yuan C. 57 yuan 44. Some tourists are not satisfied with the ______ at Disney in Shanghai.

A. traffic B. food C. settings 45. According to the survey, ______ is at the third place of “The best country”.

A. Germany B. the US C. the UK 46. After reading the passages we can know that ______.

A. people who are ill can call 120, 110 and 999 for an ambulance service. B. some tourists thinks the price for the food is much too expensive for them. C. the environment was considered when they did the “best country” survey.

初三二模英语试卷 共10页,第 5 页。


At some point we all will be required to wear a tie, but how do you tie a tie? To answer that question, I’ve drawn up a step-by-step instruction to an easy tie knot(结) to help you.

Four-in-Hand knot is the easiest to learn. It is a small tie knot that suits shirts with a narrow collar(领子) opening and is suitable for most situations, but it doesn’t look like good on wide collar shirts. Since it doesn’t look like you need to spend too much time in front of the mirror seriously tying it. You can just quickly put on a tie and go out the door. Also, if you’re ever in a hurry, this is the knot to know.

● 1. Begin by crossing the wide end over the narrow end. ● 2. Fold the wide end under the narrow end. ● 3. Pass the wide end over the narrow end again.

● 4. Take the wide end up and through the circle around your neck.

● 5. Take the wide end through the knot in front. Tighten(变紧) the knot and pull it up to your collar. It’s important for men to learn this basic knot themselves. Just use this easy step-by-step instruction on tying a tie and practice it. It’s really not that hard. You just need to practice it a lot. 47. You ______ when you tie a Four-in-Hand knot.

A. may spend a lot of your time B. must stand in front of a mirror C. can wear a narrow collar shirt

48. Picture ______ is the right one for the 4th step.

A. B. C.

49. If you want to tie a Four-in-Hand knot, you must know ______ according to the instruction.

A. how long the tie is B. what the tie is made of C. what wide and narrow ends are. 50. The writer wrote this passage to ______.

A. teach us an easy way to tie a tie. B. suggest us how to buy a good tie. C. tell us when men should wear a tie. 51. This passage may come from a ______.

A. science report

B. fashion magazine

C. story book

初三二模英语试卷 共10页,第 6 页。


He Jiang, a Chinese graduate(毕业生) made history at Harvard, has become a star on Chinese social media.

On Thursday morning, Harvard commencement(毕业典礼) speech, with their centuries-old history, welcomed their first-ever Chinese speaker-He Jiang, a 2016 graduate in biochemistry, made a speech representing(代表) the graduate students at the commencement.

He graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China-One of China’s top universities-with a bachelor’s degree in 2009 and was matriculated by Harvard’s PhD program. Then his amazing school life at Harvard started the same year.

He Jiang began his speech with a childhood memory from his small village in central China’s Hunan province. He was bitten on the hand by a spider and his mother treated it in an old folk way-setting his hand on fire-rather than going to the doctor, because there were no doctors.

He Jiang was one of the speakers to speak at the commencement. By tradition, one of the speakers is believed in Latin by a graduating senior from the college; the second, in English, is also by a graduating college senior; and the third by a student representative of the graduate and professional schools.

To win the chance to speak, he went through three rounds of competition. Asked why he entered the competition, he simply said, “I want more voices from China to be heard.” But ability and hard work are what really led him to the speech.

52. He Jiang made history, because he is the first Chinese student who______.

A. comes from Hunan and studies in Harvard B. has the ability to give others a good speech C. gives a speech at Harvard commencement

53. The underlined word “matriculated” means ______ in English.

A. accepted

B. punished

C. helped

54. When he was bitten by a spider, his mother ______.

A. sent him to the hospital at once B. gave him some medicine to take C. used their own way to treat him

55. By tradition, there are always ______ speakers at the commencement.

A. two

B. three

C. four

56. According to the last paragraph, we can know that He Jiang ______.

A. loves his country very much B. always joins in competitions C. gets the chance by accident

初三二模英语试卷 共10页,第 7 页。


What are fossils?

Fossils are the remains of plants or animals. For such remains to be considered fossils, scientists have decided they have to be over 10,000 years old. The word fossil comes from the Latin word “fossilis”, which means, “dug up”. Fossils can be divided into “body fossils” and “trace(痕迹) fossils”. Body fossils are the remains

of a plant or animal’s body. Trace fossils are the remains of the activity of an animal, such as footprints, egg shells, and nests. How are fossils formed?

Some animals were quickly covered after their death by sediment(沉淀物) like earth, mud or sand. Over time, the parts of the animals that didn’t rot (usually the harder parts like bones and teeth) were covered in the newly formed sediment. Then, a lot of chemical changes happened to the animals bodies. Water with minerals(矿物质) went into the bone and took the place of the chemicals in the bone with rock-like minerals. In the end we get a heavy, rock-like copy of the original object - a fossil. There weren’t any changes in size and shape when an object changed into a fossil, but the fossil of a bone doesn’t have any bone in it! It is chemically more like a rock! According to scientists, fossils have been found on every continent(大陆) on Earth.

57. According to the passage, there are ______ kinds of fossils.

A. two

B. three

C. four

58. Picture ______ is an example of “trace fossil”.

A. B. C.

59. ______ brings the rock-like minerals into the bone.

A. Sunlight

B. Water

C. Earth

60. The fossil is ______ the original object in size and shape.

A. smaller than

B. the same as

C. bigger than

61. Which of the following statement is True according to the passage?

A. Scientists think that the fossils may have a history of 100 centuries. B. People haven’t found any fossil on the continent of Africa. C. We can find some bones in the fossils of bone.

初三二模英语试卷 共10页,第 8 页。