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9. _ Corporation _____ is the most important type of business organization in the world.

10. A_ Principal _____ is the person for whom an agent acts and from whom the agent derives authority.

第7章 票据法


1.票据的雏型是 ( D) A.飞钱 B.帖子

C.交子 D.自笔证书

2.从历史上看,票据最早发萌于 (D)

A.我国唐代 B.我国南宋时代

C.公元12世纪的意大利 D.古希腊罗马时代

3.由发票人签发的,委托银行于见票时无条件向受款人支付一定金额的票据是 ( C )

A.汇票 B.本票

C.支票 D.允诺式的票据

4.在国际货物买卖中,买方可以向卖方开出6个月后付款的本票,这是因为票据具有( B )

A.汇兑的作用 B.信用工具的作用 C.支付工具的作用 D.流通证券的作用

5.目前,大多数国家的票据法都认为,票据的资金关系应与票据关系 (A ) A.相分离 B.相牵连

C.既联系又分离 D.上述均不正确

6.在汇票被付款人承兑以前,汇票的债务人是 ( A) A.出票人 B.付款人 C.承兑人 D.执票人

7.按照英国的票据法,汇票上载明“付给甲公司或其指定的人”,此时汇票上的受款人的写法为 (B )

A.限制性抬头 B.指示式抬头 C.来人式抬头 D.无记名抬头

10.执票人为行使和保全其票据权利所必须做的一种行为是 ( D ) A.汇票的出票 B.汇票的承兑 C.汇票的背书 D.汇票的提示

12.一旦付款人在票据上签名,他就成为该汇票的 (A) A.主债务人 B.从债务人 C.债务人 D.债权人

13.如背书人注明“只许付给某甲”,这种背书属 ( A) A.限制转让的背书 B.限制背书人责任的背书 C.附有条件的背书 D.委托取款背书

16.横线支票制度最早起源于 (A)crossed cheques A.英国 B.美国 C.法国 D.德国

17.付款银行在支票上签字盖章予以确认之后,该支票的唯一债务人就是( D) A.该支票的出票人 B.该支票的背书人 C.该支票的受款人 D.付款银行


1. A Bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or the order of a specified person or to bearer.

2. A promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another, signed by the maker, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or

determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer.

3. A check is an unconditional order in writing, signed by the person giving it,

requiring the bank to whom it is addressed to pay on demand a sum certain in money to, or to the order of , a specified person or to bearer.


an endorser is the party signing on the reverse of the bill as confirmation of purchase and title to the bill. ( T )

( T ) 1. The term “international” in International Commercial Law means “Transnational”.

( F )2. Chinese characterized socialist legal system has been completely formed.

( F )3.According the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, an acceptance can not be withdrawn.

( F ) 4.Only an legal entity can be the promoter of a corporation.

( F )5. A sight draft shall be presented to the payer for acceptance at first, and then it is presented for payment.

( F ) 6. An bill itself is money, and it can be circulated like cash.

( T ) 7. Blank endorsement can be transferred to special endorsement, and special endorsement can also be transferred to blank endorsement.

( T ) 8. An agent is a person authorized by another to act in place of her

1.票据本身就是货币,可以代替现金流通。 ( x ) 2.背书的次数越多,对票据负责的人数也越多,该票据的可靠性也越高。 (X ) 3.空白背书可以转变为记名背书,记名背书也可以转变为空白背书。 (√ )

4.票据仅凭交付或经适当背书后交付给受让人即可合法完成转让手续,而毋须通知票据上的债务人。 (√ )

5.英国法以在票据上载明对价文句作为票据有效的必要条件。 (x ) 6.执票人可以一面允许参加承兑,一面行使追索权。 (x )

7.“在出售某批纺织所得的收人中支付某甲5万英镑”,按英国票据法的规定,它是一种有效汇票。 (x ) 8.英美法各国认为,汇票应当记载出票日期及地点,否则不得认为有效。 (x ) 9.按照日内瓦统一法公约的规定,承兑应当是无条件的。 ( √ )

10.德国法系各国要求在汇票上必须标明汇票字样,但英美法系各国不要求。 (√ )

11.即期汇票须先向付款人作承兑提示,然后作付款提示。 (x ) 12. 按照英国票据法的规定,“于某甲结婚后三个月内付款”不能作为汇票。 (√ )

13.按英美法,如果银行出于善意在正常的业务中对有伪造背书的支票付了款,不可解除责任。 ( x )

14. 经过付款银行确认的支票,其效力较之汇票的承兑更为有力。 (√ ) 15.英国票据法规定,对远期付款的汇票,可以有2天的优惠日。x 16.参加付款人付款后,票据上的债权债务关系因之而消灭。 ( x )

17.英国票据法规定,国内汇票在遇到拒付时,一定要作成拒绝证书。 (x ) 18.汇票的执票人可以直接向汇票的保证人提出付款请求或追索。 (√ )


1. What are the differences between the continental law system and the common law system?



2. What are the main content of a contract?

3. According the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, what are the obligations of the seller?


4. What are the differences between a bill of exchange and a promissory note? Bills of exchange: An order to pay./ A three-party instrument./ Where payable after date, a bill is generally accepted.

Promissory notes: A promise to pay/ A two-party instrument./ Never accepted./

5. IV. Duties of Agent and Principal 1.Duties of Agent to Principal (1)Duty of Loyalty

(2)Duty of Care, or Duty to Act with Skill (3)Duty to Obey Instructions (4)Duty to Account (5) Duty of notify

2. Duties of Principal to Agent

(1) Duty to Commission and Compensate