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Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) CASE tools are new software tools that assist with system and software development. CASE tools are typically used for either software development or the maintenance of existing systems. They can speed the development process, accomplishing such tasks as writing the computer code and drawing system development diagrams. For the maintenance of existing systems, some CSAE tools can perform reverse engineering. They can take the older software/system and update it by rewriting the program. These tools can be expensive. The IS personnel must be knowledgeable in the CASE methodology and technology aspects of the program.

Joint Application Development This technique was developed to speed the design stage. The main system is designed in an intense workshop lasting several days. All levels of the involved parties, from users to system analysts, participate in the intense meeting. This approach limits the time-consuming task of going back and forth between users and designers when designing a system. The drawback is the need for all parties to commit the time and energy to this intense process.

Three Levels of Developing Systems Vessey and Sravanapudi indentified three levels of tasks in system design and development. Level 1 tasks cannot be shared. Level 2 tasks require the sharing of work products. These are teamwork tasks where the output of one task is needed to finish the other. Level 3 tasks represent group sharing tasks.

Object-Oriented Development A technique similar to SDLC for developing computer systems is object-oriented development. The ultimate goal is to build a set of reusable objects and procedures. Objects have a set of characteristics or attributes. The object comes first, with propertiesof that object being inherited. Ideally, new systems can be developed, or old ones modified, by reusing an existing object or implementing a new module. This technique results in a set of information systems building blocks.

The increase use of information systems impacts almost everyone and everything, from individuals to society as a whole. Business must be very careful to protect their data, its integrity and privacy, and the way it is used. While technology is presumed to increase employment in general, those workers displaced by technology must be retrained. They must learn new skills to find a new position or to operate the technology that now performs their old job.

Governments have long been involved in collecting large amounts of data. Technology has


enabled them to collect and operate on this data more efficiently. Lower prices, improved capabilities, and more user-friendly features have made technology available to many more people. An important social issue is providing access to technology for everyone. Increasing dependence on technology brings new issues and risks to an organization and a society. These include data control issues from workers, consultants, and business partners. Ways to minimize data threats include training, oversight committees, audits, and the separation of duties.

Threats also come from the outside. These can be minimized by software and hardware techniques including the encryption of data, dial-back modems or access controls.

Working in today’s technological environment brings business ethics increasingly to the forefront, not only for companies as a whole, but also for individual workers. People’s lives can be impacted by technology mishaps such as inaccurate data, the abuse of information, or defective or poorly designed software or hardware.

Effect of technology on the privacy of individuals the ease with which information regarding individuals can be acquired is astonishing. Basic and statistical data can be purchased from sources such as the government, universities, clubs, mail-order firms, and the internet. Laws in the united states protecting what private organizations can do with data makes data even more available. In the federal government, strict laws regulate what can and cannot be divulged. Employee privacy is another issue. Computers can be used to monitor employees and what they do while they are working on the computer. Some employers read their employees’ electronic mail or evaluate their performance using the computer. Ways to protect yourself include asking the company not to distribute your personal to give. You can also ask the company not to distribute you personal data, why they need the data, and what data are optional to give. You can also ask the company not to distribute your personal data. You have the right to check any data that refers to you and to ask to have it changed if you feel the data is inaccurate. Some people find the increased use of technology dehumanizing, since companies can know increasing amounts of information about their employees and their work habits.

Jobs it is generally believed that technology increases jobs overall and improves the standard of living. How ever , as technology replaces more jobs of less skilled workers, those workers will have a more difficult time finding other jobs unless they are retrained. The new jobs provided by technology tend to be better paying, physically safer, and less repetitive. To remain competitive,


everyone must continuously learn new skills to stay ahead in a rapidly changing marketplace. It is important to carefully study technology trends to predict correctly in which skills to invest for the future. Technology offers people with disabilities the opportunity to work in ways never previously thought possible.

Telecommuting as the percentage of service versus manufacturing jobs increase., the opportunities to telecommute, or work from home, increase. Service jobs tend to be less dependent on a worker’s physical location. Cities with long commute times such as New York are experimenting with telecommuting. The organization gains because of decrease costs for office space and flexibility in hiring additional workers. Evaluating and managing telecommuting employees are difficult tasks, however, the worker gains the time and expense of commuting to work, but loses because of a loss of personal contact, decreased motivation, and a home environment that can be more comfortable and more distracting.

Education the effects of technology on education have not been as marked as in other areas of society. Some Internet teaching is occurring, but this phenomenon is not widespread due to the high cost of development and lack of interaction. problems with using technology to educate include its expense, the fact that developing lessons through technology is time intensive, and the limited evidence that teaching through technology is the same or better than traditional methods. Governments while governments can be slow to use new technology due to limited budgets, long procurement cycles, and smaller IS staffs, there is much to gain from applying technology. The federal government has used the Internet and bulletin board systems to provide information and responses, including the filing of tax forms. Politicians are likely to use more technology during campaigns to target voters, write letters, solicit contributions, and announce meetings.

Access to technology the gap between the haves and the have-nots can easily be widened through the abuse of technology. This occurs most readily through the control of access to technology. Many suggest that as companies get new hardware and software, the old equipment should be donated to poor schools or poor countries. although this technology might be completely outdated, the recipients might other hand, rapid advances in technology and decreasing costs of hardware sometimes cost the nonprofit organization more than the outdated equipment is worth.
