2018骞存箻灏戠増灏忓鑻辫鍏勾绾т笅鍐屽叏鍐屾暀妗?鍚暀瀛﹀弽鎬? - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2018骞存箻灏戠増灏忓鑻辫鍏勾绾т笅鍐屽叏鍐屾暀妗?鍚暀瀛﹀弽鎬? - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读8f66d7226fdb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c64dd4

2. New words (1) eat healthy food, should→to be healthy ①Listen to the sound.课件中播放Mark的录音:I want to be healthy. So I eat healthy food every day. 教师出示图片,问:Look, what does he eat? 学生说出食物名称:fish, vegetables, bread, milk, rice, apple, pear, orange,这时引导学生说出fruit。 ②教学should eat healthy food。将单词教学融于情理之中来进行, 才能使学生真正理解其意。 T: Mark eats fish, vegetables, fruit. They are the healthy food, so he is healthy. Do you want to be healthy? S: Yes, we want to be healthy. T: So what should we do? 进而教学“We should eat healthy food.”,板书在黑板上。 (2) keep our body clean→to be clean 播放Mark和妹妹的录音。 Sister: How delicious! Let?s eat together! Mark: No, we should wash our hands before eating. 出示图片教学。 T: Wash our hands, face and body. Keep our body clean.(板书keep our body clean) (3) do exercise every day, jog, take long walks→to be strong 教学方法同上,板书do exercise every day。 3. 操练词句 (1) “挑战记忆”小游戏 操作方法:先齐读板书“We should keep our body clean. We should eat healthy food. We should do exercise every day.”,两分钟强化记忆,教 师计时,时间一到教师擦除画线部分的单词,比比谁能又快又准地 写出来。 (2) “连词成句”小游戏 操作方法:教师可将重点句中的单词写在小卡片上,打乱顺序发给 学生,让拿到卡片的学生上讲台重新排序,连成一个句子。(如下 图) 4. The dialogue 第一步:Listen, look and answer 整体感知课文大意。课件逐幅出示课文插图,与录音同步;学生一跟读至少两边静静倾听录音,一边观看图片,融入课文的情境之中。再回答:遍,遇到长What did you hear? 第二步:Listen, point and find 句时引导学生学会按意抓住关键信息。翻开书,一边听,一边指,画出含有should的句子。 群断句。教第三步:Listen and repeat 师可适当加听音,跟读,注意模仿原声带地道的语音、语调。尤其注意语气要以示范。 让听者认同。 第四步:Read and answer 阅读课文,梳理信息,完成表格。 We should... keep our body clean wash our hands, face and body eat healthy food do exercise every day 第五步:Read and act eat vegetables, fish, fruit run, jog, swim, walk sing, dance and draw healthy strong happy We can/ want to be... clean 出示没有句子的课文插图,让学生与同桌之间进行分角色朗读或表 演,引导学生记忆对话内容。 Step 3 趣味练习(Practice) Task: How to take good care of ourselves? 1. 学生4?6人为一组,选择一个话题。如:How to be healthy? How to be strong? How to be happy? 2. 组内合作,出谋划策,讨论记录。 3. Act it out分工合作,由部分学生表演情境,组内其他成员用“We should/can...”提出建议。 S1: How to be healthy? S2 and S3: Let?s go to the KFC, and the chicken is very nice. Ss: We should eat healthy food and eat more fruit. It?s good for us. S4: I?m very hungry. I eat 2 hamburgers, 3 eggs, a bowl of rice and... Ss: Stop, you shouldn?t eat too much. You should take care of yourself. 1. 听录音,并模仿朗读课文,尝试根据课堂上完成的表格复述课文。 作 业 2. 为家人设计“温馨提示语”,如:We should keep our body clean. We should do exercise every day. healthy, strong, happy We should eat healthy food. keep our body clean do exercise every day 板 书 设 计 教 学 后 记 对高年级学生应该逐步培养其收集信息、处理信息的能力,答案可根据自身的理解进行表达。 教师 课题 授课时间 月 日 星期 课时 课型 第 8 课时 新授 Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves. (一) 语言目标 1. 词汇: (1) 能听懂、会说、认读keep our body clean, eat healthy food, feel happy, do exercise every day等,进一步熟悉以上词组。 (2) 能听懂hour, does tai chi, sometimes等。 2. 句型: 教学(1) 能熟练运用“We should ...”和“We can ...”谈论养成良好生活习惯应该做的事。 目的 (2) 能看懂、会说“He sometimes ... for one or two hours.”。 (二) 应用目标 1. 能在情境中熟练运用should进行会话,运用六年级上册第八单元已经掌握的“ We should/shouldn?t …”句型表达应该做某事和不该做某事。 2. 能借助插图阅读和理解课文D部分的短文。 3. 能在对D部分短文理解的基础上,完成相应的练习。 重点 能熟练运用should表达应该做某事。 难点 能理解D部分的短文。 教学准备 教 学 过 程 教学配套的动画、多媒体课件。 Step 1 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1. Greetings 2. Revision (1) 出示大量配有图片的词组,让学生一边做动作一边读。例如: (2) 头脑风暴:伴随动感音乐,滚动播放上述图片及词组,若音乐停止,幻灯片停留在某张图片上,学生即用“We should/shouldn?t ...”进行表达。又快又准确的获胜。 Step 2 趣味操练(Let’s act) 这是一个交际活动,让学生在小组交流活动中逐步养成用英语熟练