高考英语大一轮复习 单元知识汇总 Book 7 Unit 20 New Frontiers 北师大版 联系客服

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Book 7 Unit 20 New Frontiers

1.mass n.质量;物质;adj.大量的 2.latter n.后者 3.handy adj.方便使用的 4.shortly adv.不久;很快 5.download vt.下载 6.update vt.更新 7.conflict n.争执;冲突 8.equality n.平等 9.stain n.污迹,污点 10.starvation n.饥饿 11.in advance预先 12.welfare n.福利 13.give away泄露(秘密) 14.take over接管,接收 重点识记词汇 15.rescue vt.&n.拯救,救援 16.original adj.起初的;最早的 17.assess vt.评价;评估 18.assist vt.帮助;协助 19.procedure n.步骤;程序 20.correspond vi.通信;符合 21.meanwhile adv.同时 22.outspoken adj.直言的,坦率的 23.cure vt.治愈 24.exploration n.探测;探险 25.phenomenon n.现象 26.press vt.按;压 27.permanent adj.长久的,永久的 28.enterprise n.企业 29.worn adj.磨损的→wear vi.磨损 1

30.instructor n.指导者;教练→instruct v.教导,指导 31.donate vt.捐赠;赠送→donation n.捐赠 32.poison n.毒药;毒物;v.毒害→poisonous adj.有毒的 33.declare vt.宣告;宣布→declaration n.宣告;宣布 34.permit vt.许可,允许;n.许可证;通行证→permission n.允许,许可 35.technical adj.技术上的→technique n.技术,技巧→technology n.工艺学;技术 1.By the year 2030,development in biochemistry and medical science will have made it theoretically possible for us to live for at least 150 years. 到2030年,生物化学和医学的发展将能够在理论上使人类生命延长到至少150岁。 2.Due to China’s rapidly developing space programme,this could be sooner rather than later. 由于中国太空计划的快速发展,这可能会提前而不会推迟完成。 必背经典句式 3.Without the breakthroughs of these pioneers in science and technology,whether lucky or planned,the world as we know it today would have been a completely different place. 要是没有先驱们在科技上的这些尖端突破,不管这些突破是侥幸的还是计划之中的,今天我们所知道的世界就会是一个完全不同的地方。 4.I think there will be an invention that will help prevent drivers from getting stuck in traffic jams. 我想将会有一种有助于防止司机困于交通阻塞的发明。 -ment payment /′peIm?nt/n.[U]支付;支付的款项/实物 构词记忆 punishment /′p?nI?m?nt/n.[U]&[C]处罚;惩罚;刑罚 statement /′steItm?nt/n.[C]声明;陈述 treatment /′tri?tm?nt/n.[U]1.对待;待遇 2.治疗;疗法

Ⅰ.词汇与派生 A.语境填词


1.Too much time was spent arguing about procedure(程序). 2.We should listen closely to the outspoken(直率的) criticisms.

3.She stopped corresponding(通信) with him after the death of her mother. 4.The fresh air and exercise cured(治愈) him of his headache. 5.How can I get this stain(污迹) out?

6.The government lays stress on welfare(福利) work.

7.Millions of people will face starvation(饥饿) next year as a result of the drought. 8.This company is one of the largest enterprises(企业) of its kind.

9.There appeared to be a war between his head and his heart,and you could almost watch this conflict(冲突) going on.

10.She won praise for rescuing(挽救) an ailing business from near bankruptcy. B.用所给词的适当形式填空

11.You will be instructed (instructor) where to go as soon as the plane is ready. 12.On the first day he went to school,the boy wore (wear) his school cap proudly. 13.It also gives advice on how and when doctors should raise the issue of organ donation (donate).

14.A lot of poisonous (poison)waste water comes from that chemical factory. 15.She has to apply for a permit if she wants to get permitted/permission to start her own business.(permit) Ⅱ.短语运用


give away,figure out,make up for,take over,come into conflict,cure...of...,rescue...from,make a great breakthrough,look into,donate...to... 16.Could you give me some tips on how to make up for the time I have lost? 17.Next you need to figure out how to get over those obstacles.

18.Mr.Bush feels that he is old,so his son will soon take over his business. 19.He often comes into conflict with his roommates,which makes them annoyed. 20.Doctors are now able to cure people of many diseases which in former times would have killed them.

21.The little boy gave away his hiding place when he coughed. 22.And I would definitely donate money to the poor people. 23.Hubbe was making a great breakthrough in exploring the space. 24.They are looking into the cause of the accident.


25.He rescued a child from drowning. B.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空

in terms of,in advance,in conclusion,shortly after,out of the ordinary,in progress,by mistake,nothing like 26.He was about to throw it away when he noticed something out of the ordinary. 27.During the Spring Festival,we’d better book tickets in advance. 28.Shortly after coming back from the hospital,Tom gave up smoking. 29.And that’s why you’re seeing so many leaps in progress. 30.I brought other people’s baggage by mistake.

31.Now,I want my family to include a little girl who looks nothing like me or my wife.

32.Computers will be more powerful than the human brain in terms of intelligence. 33.In conclusion,space exploration is still in its initial stage. Ⅲ.经典句式

34.Li Hua worked very hard,which made it possible for her to go to college. 李华学习很努力,这使她很有可能考上大学。

35.We want the matter settled sooner rather than later. 我们想尽快解决问题,不想拖到以后再办。

36.Without your help,we couldn’t have succeeded. 没有你们的帮助,我们就不会成功。

37.Be careful when you cross the busy street.If not,you may get run over by a car. 过拥挤的街道时要当心。如果不这样你会被车撞死。

1latter n.后者the second of the two


the former...,the latter...前者……,后者…… the latter part后部分 the latter point后一点 the latter year晚年

This latter part is of great importance. 后一个论点是非常重要的。

Of the two choices,I prefer the latter. 在这两个选择中,我更喜欢后者。