2020年河北中考英语(冀教版)总复习专题突破 专题一 名词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2020年河北中考英语(冀教版)总复习专题突破 专题一 名词更新完毕开始阅读8f8c546d7e192279168884868762caaedc33ba1d

第二部分 语法专题突破篇

专题一 名词



1.可数名词及其单复数 2.不可数名词 3.专有名词 4.名词所有格 年份 singers/dancers/painters/writers parent/teacher/inventor/engineer lights/projects/suggestions/inventions habit/story/interest/plan advice/news/praise/choice salt/air/gold/sugar forms/secrets/uses/skills money/medicine/earth/food park/garden/forest/field smile/sign/fear/mark Monday secret/advice/promise/purpose 1

考纲要求 考查点 名词词义辨析 2019 27 37 题号 1分 1分 选项设置 分值 39 1分 45 2018 27 36 38 45 2017 38 39 72 2016 29

1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 41 experience/success/friendship/teamwork rest/sleep/excuse/result printer/radio/player/camera glass/weight/water/height minute/night/day/week mother/teacher/doctor/friend notes(note) classmates(classmate) classes(class) place child→children river(s) wishes(wish) interesting activity→interesting__activities 85 1分 47 2015 29 43 44 45 名词单复数 2019 78 2018 79 2017 76 2016 77 83 2015 79 80 84 名词转换 2016 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 1分 sing→singer 1分 分析河北近5年中考试题可以看出,名词为单项选择的必考点。单项选择设题形式均为简单句,以两个单句为主,一个句子提供语境,另一个句子设题,词数在9—12个,以名词词义辨析为主。另外,完形填空和词语运用中也会涉及对名词的考查,完形填空侧重考查名词的词义辨析,而词语运用则侧重对名词单复数的考查。 预测2020年河北中考的单项选择仍会考查名词词义辨析,且与语境紧密结合。完形填空也会涉及2—3道名词词义辨析题,且与上下文语境相结合。词语运用中考查名词单数变复数的可能性较大。





( A )1.(2019曲靖中考)As the number of students wearing glasses is growing bigger, we should protect our________.

A.eyes B.ears C.nose D.mouth

( D )2.(2019东营中考)—Could you tell me how to start a conversation with people from England? —I think talking about the________is the first choice. A.age B.family C.money D.weather

( C )3.(2019盐城中考)The number of the people using Huawei________is getting larger and larger. A.cultures B.customers C.products D.histories

( A )4.(2019自贡中考改编)—What________will you win after winning the competition in the program Stay to the End(《一站到底》)?

—A free trip to Bali Island.

A.prize B.attention C.advice D.team

( A )5.(2019镇江中考)When I think of the worried________of foreign students who are learning Chinese, I can go to study English calmly.

A.looks B.designs C.efforts D.needs

( D )6.(2019襄阳中考)—She is leaving to take part in the final poem competition. —I'm proud of her. I wish her a great ________. A.speed B.method C.pressure D.success














1.The students of Grade 7 visited Mike's farm and saw many __sheep__ there. 2.All the__women__ teachers in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holiday. 3.I'm going to the supermarket to buy some milk and __apples__ this afternoon. 4.Is that pair of __glasses__ a little cheaper? 5.These shoes are too big for my __feet__. 二、单项选择。

( C )1.(2019自贡中考改编)—What else do we need to make cold beef? —________.

A.Two spoons salt B.Two spoons of salts C.Two spoons of salt D.Two spoon of salts

( D )2.There are more than one hundred teachers in our school,and most of them are________. A.men's teachers B.man teachers C.men teacher

D.men teachers

( C )3.—Alice,which season do you like best?

—Autumn.The fallen ________ are like a thick blanket on the ground.What beautiful scenery it is! A.leaf B.leafs C.leaves D.leafes

( A )4.(2019本溪中考改编)The article gives students some________about how to stay safe online.