基于单片机的粮仓温湿度控制系统设计 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章基于单片机的粮仓温湿度控制系统设计 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读8fb23d02941ea76e59fa0440

题 目 基于单片机的粮仓温湿度控制系统设计 学生姓名 张大陆 学号 1213014089 所在学院 物理与电信工程学院 专业班级 电子信息工程专业12级3班 指导教师 帅春江 完成地点 陕西理工学院





(陕西理工学院 物理与电信工程学院 电子信息工程专业12级3班,陕西 汉中 723001)


[摘要] 影响粮食安全储存的主要参数是粮仓的温度和湿度,粮仓温湿度测量方法以及相应的智能控制一直是粮食储存的一个重要问题。本设计采用STC89C52单片机最小系统对检测、报警、显示、调控等模块进行多点控制,


[关键词] 粮仓;温湿度;多点检测控制;单片机


Design of temperature and humidity control system for granany based

on single chip microcomputer

Author:Dalu Zhang

(Grade 12, Class 3, Major electronic1s and information engineering, School of Physics and Electronic

Information Engineering, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723001, Shaanxi)

Tutor: Chunjiang Shuai

Abstract: Grain is a necessity for human , the grain storage is very essential to the maintenance of social stability

and keep the economy sustainable developmented. And the main parameters to the grain safe storage is the temperature and humidity . This design uses the STC89C52 system of single chip microcomputer to cotrol the modules about the detection , alarm , control and the key . And it could automatic measurement and control without people , and improve effciency and quality of work very well . DHT11 temperature and humidity sensors and OLED display shows real time data and pass to the staff with instant and accurate . While the traditional temperature and humidity control is use of Thermometer , humidity table , humidity dipstick test equipment . Through the artificial testing . Not in conformity with the requirements of the temperature and humidity supply cooling , ventilation , to wet operation . This artificial testing time-consuming , the efficiency is low . This design is by automatic detection , instant alarm , automatic regulation of functions such as a good solution to these problems . At last , this design not only against the granary , but also for most such as vegetable greenhouses , flowers garden , laboratories , hospitals could also be applicabled .

Keywords: Granary; automatic detection and control ;temperature and humidity ;Singlechip



1引言 ..................................................... 1

1.1 背景及意义 .............................................. 1 1.2现状及发展趋势 .......................................... 1 1.3研究内容 ................................................ 1 2系统总体方案设计 ......................................... 2 2.1设计要求 ................................................ 2 2.2系统基本方案 ............................................ 2 2.2.1传感器方案 ........................................ 2 2.2.2显示器方案 ........................................ 2 2.2.3单片机主芯片方案 .................................. 2 2.3总体设计框图 ............................................ 3 3系统硬件设计 ............................................. 4 3.1主控模块 ................................................ 4 3.1.1 STC89C52芯片 ..................................... 4 3.1.2 STC89C52芯片的管脚、引线与功能 ................... 4 3.1.3 主控模块电路原理图 ................................ 5 3.2温湿度检测模块 .......................................... 6 3.2.1 DHT11传感器简介 .................................. 6 3.2.2 DHT11传感器模块电路 .............................. 7 3.3显示模块 ................................................ 8 3.3.1 OLED显示屏简介 ................................... 8 3.4报警模块 ................................................ 9 3.4.1蜂鸣器介绍 ........................................ 9 3.4.2蜂鸣器工作原理 .................................... 9 3.5温湿度调控模块 .......................................... 9 3.5.1继电器 ............................................ 9 3.5.2 温湿度调控模块 ................................... 10 4系统软件设计 ............................................ 11 4.1主程序设计 ............................................. 11 4.2传感器模块设计 ......................................... 12 4.3 软件调试 ............................................... 12 5系统的安装与调试 ........................................ 14 6结论与展望 .............................................. 17 致谢 ..................................................... 18 参考文献 ................................................. 19 附录A英文文献 ........................................... 20 附录B中文译文 ........................................... 25 附录C系统原理图 ......................................... 28 附录D实物图 ............................................. 29 附录E元器件清单 ......................................... 30 附录F C语言程序 ......................................... 31